Differentiated by challenge worksheet. Begins with drawing hands onto clock faces, then writing in 24 hour format. This progresses on to solving problems with time, working time elapses and difference in time.
Paired work task to assess their knowledge of drawing plans and elevations from a 3D shape and also drawing a 3D shape from its plans and elevations.
Could be used in the main part of the lesson or shortened for a plenary.
Fold each set into a tent and allow pupils to sit facing each other. They can then peer review and hepl set each other targets.
Power point, starter and plenary resource on rearranging formulae.<br />
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Thanks to pixi_17, Alex1607 and Kimberley Jane Anderson as pinched and tweaked their power points/resources to create my lesson.
Grade C to A* questions using QR codes to access them. Once scanned they answer the question and find it around the room. They then look at the symbol on the answer card and match it to a letter. They then scan the next QR code and continue. Eventually a 22 letter maths joke is formed.
It might be a good idea for them to write their answers down as they go so they can go backwards if needed.
Once again comments welcomed. Thanks
Lesson on measuring, different measuring equipment and reading scales.
Some resources adapted from other TES users to create booklet (thank you very much).
Pupils can begin at any card and they scan the QR code to reveal the name of a 3D shape plus in brackets a number and letter; this refers to the position of the letter in a 9 letter word. They then find the picture of the named shape and scan the next shape, when completed it will spell ISOMETRIC.
Comments/improvements welcomed as it is my first QR treasure hunt and not sure how well it will work. I used this website to create QR codes; http://www.qrstuff.com.
Questions of frequency polygons, averages and cumulative frequency. I enlarged to A3 and modelled the questions on one side and then allowed pupils to complete the other side. Will also involve scales being added to two graphs.
Using the dimensions and an angle from the triangle students are required to write out the correct sin, cos and tan working. As an extension they are then required to use the given sin and cos set up to write in the missing dimensions and angles.