Our design principles reflect how we think about design. A set of values to help inform our work and help us with decision–making during the design process. With these in mind, our team can make faster, more consistent decisions that work for Tes.

Schools and Teachers come first

Get insights to understand Schools and Teachers. Empathise with their challenges. Talk to them. Test with them. Visit them. Makes our products super relevant to schools and teachers. Delight Schools and Teachers.

Don't just make a website, make teachers & schools lives better

Our mission is ambitious. Create value by making a difference to individuals in schools. Understand the context. Develop a deep understanding of the problem. Be creative in solutions. Create a 10x impact, not 10%.

Collaborate for success

Cross-functional working sets us up for success. Customer experience is everyone's responsibility. All opinions deserve consideration. Respect domain experts. Communicate regularly. Understand the problem together and identify constraints. Be accountable and deliver your individual commitments to your peers.

Experiment, learn and iterate

Document your assumption. Validate your hypothesis with experiments with teachers or schools. Learn fast and be flexible. Everything we do is subject to change. Release early and iterate fast. Don’t be afraid to kill ideas that don’t work and don't stop iterating.

Be proud of our products

Aim to create the highest quality products and to be a benchmark in the education field. Accessible design is good design. Everything we build should be as inclusive, legible and readable as possible. Do the right thing.

Do less to create more

If it’s in the TDS (Tes Design System), use it. Strive for consistency and create familiarity by applying the same solution to the same problem. If a new problem requires a new solution add it to the TDS.