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docx, 350.34 KB

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback!

I created this resource for A Level OCR Theology (Philosophy), but it can be used for any exam board. The resource itself is a revision guide containing notes and simple revision activities, on the concept of the defense of God. Focusing on two different theodicies - Augustine’s Theodicy and Irenaeus’ Theodicy, as well as the Free-Will defense.

It contains:
* Definitions for Natural and Moral Evil,
* The Problem of Evil,
* The Inconsistent Triad
* Key Scholars views on the problem of evil - Hume, Flew and Aquinas,
* Augustine’s Theodicy, Irenaeus’ Theodicy, Hick’s Reformation Theodicy,
* Free-Will Defense,
* It also includes lots of little tasks to help students retain the information for revision, building up to writing and essay based on the problem of evil etc.
If you have any queries, questions or concerns, or would like an editable version of this document then please email allroundresources@gmail or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!

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Creative Commons "Sharealike"



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4 years ago

Amazing resource. Thanks so much, exactly what I was looking for


5 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing. I found these really useful and motivated me to develop my esson plans.


5 years ago

Excellent resource - packed with information. Thank you so much


6 years ago

This is an excellent and comprehensive resource. Thank you!


6 years ago

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