Sophiebee34's Shop
Sophiebee34's Shop
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Hi! Have a look at my resources for a range of different subjects, these can be bought as a one off lesson plan including resources or whole unit/term plans including resources and teaching aids. All lessons and resources are aimed at primary age, mainly Year 3 and 4 however can be adapted accordingly. Any questions, please ask :) thanks x

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A 8 lesson plan based on the Ancient Greeks and their influence on the western world. This plan was initially planned and delivered to Year 4 however could be adapted for other year groups. As well as teaching children about the Ancient Greeks, some lessons link to how they influenced the western world as well as including ‘going deeper’ questions for all abilities. Included is: plan and all resources, differentiated as required.

Session 1 - Prior knowledge lesson and generating future questions
Session 2 - Who were the Ancient Greeks?
Session 3 - Time line of Ancient Greece
Session 4 - Olympics (Greater Depth Research Project included)
Session 5 - Architecture
Session 6 - Democracy
Session 7 - Myths and Legends
Session 8 - Ancient Greek Religion



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a year ago

Great planning and very useful. Just one there something missing from the ppt for lesson 2? There only appears to be a title question. Also, do you have the questions that you posed for each photo in that lesson?


2 years ago

Great resource! Definitely will be useful :)

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