L1 - Detailed and differentiated student-led lesson that explores childhood​, social constructionism, industrialisation (briefly), the globalisation of western childhood , western notion of childhood as a way to introduce students to the idea of the social construction of childhood. Mostly focusses on cross-cultural differences in childhood but briefly covers historical differences of childhood in Britain. Explores the views of sociologists such as Pilcher​, Benedict​, Wagg​, Punch, Holmes, Firth and Malinowski. AQA A-level Families Topic 2 Childhood- Lesson 1

L2 - Detailed and differentiated student-led lesson that explores Pre-industrial society​, Industrialisation​, Modern western notion of childhood, ‘cult of childhood’, Child-centredness/centred society , Infant mortality, as a way to examine Aries views and explanations of the historical differences in western childhood.

L3 - Detailed and differentiated student-led lesson that explores Information hierarchy , Postmodernity/ postmodern society/ contemporary society​, Modernity/ modern society/ industrial society​, Accordion family​, Boomerang children as a way to examine the changes to the modern western notion of childhood in contemporary society. Covers the views of Postman and Jenks.

L4 - Detailed and differentiated student-led lesson that explores march of progress theory​, Toxic childhood​, Conflict theory​, Age patriarchy​, Child liberationism as a way to examine the different views (march of progress and conflict views) of whether childhood has improved over time. Includes views of Gittins, Palmer, Firestone and Holt, Aries etc.

Alphabetical key term sheet for AQA A-level Sociology Family Topic 2 Childhood that requires students to fill out the definitions themselves. Includes some sentence starters for more difficult key terms.
**Good form of revision for students and can be used as a revision resource to develop AO1 once filled out. **
**BASED ON CONTENT in textbook - AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that supports students in recapping the main theories, views and explanations of the position of childhood; examines how march of progress, conflict, child liberationists and postmodernist theories’ view society and how this might influence their approach or view of childhood and its changes over time. Also highlights the key sociologists (Katz, Postman, Aries, Palmer, Jenks, Gittens) in this topic.
The lesson then requires students to apply this knowledge to plan (using a success criteria) a 20 marker and write at least one paragraph for it.



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2 months ago

Excellent resource and time saver for if you use the Rob Webb book

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