docx, 32.4 KB
docx, 32.4 KB
A cover sheet for the setting of assignments.

Page 1 - title and date for hand in (I give this sheet out when setting the assignment).
- teacher feedback and student response

Page 2 - a mark scheme adapted using the AQA A Level (2015 onwards) specimen mark scheme.
- I usually highlight/underline the areas students have achieved. In the narrow column I just tick this so that the student is aware of which level they are achieving for each assessment object.
- the top empty boxes on this page I use in two ways:
1. Group feedback - students to write in what evidence they could have included and then they use this to help up-level
2. If I'm limited for time, I complete this table and then students stick it over the top of the existing table.

If you have any thoughts on how this resource could be improved any feedback would be much appreciated!
Please let me know what you think.
Creative Commons "Sharealike"



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6 years ago

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