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pdf, 1.05 MB

BTEC LEVEL 2 TECH AWARD ENTERPRISE Component 2 Assignment 1 Pitching and Planning for an Enterprise
**Complete student workbook for component 2 assignment 1
all you need to teach this assignment


  • All theory for this assignment covered
  • higher level questioning
  • case studies
  • guided coursework tasks to easily guide students to achieve distinction grades
  • model answers included

Learning aims
A Explore ideas and plan for a micro-enterprise activity
B Pitch a micro-enterprise activity
C Review own pitch for a micro-enterprise activity.
Assignment title - Planning a Micro-Enterprise Activity



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3 years ago

Excellent but may I have a word version


4 years ago

Tried to edit my earlier review but couldn't.<br /> Author is very helpful - this is an excellent resource.<br />


4 years ago

This is working really well with my group. A word doc format would be great so that I can edit or add things as appropriate eg modelling answers on the whiteboard


5 years ago

great resources but would it be possible to get in a word format so I can adapt to the needs of my students please?


5 years ago

good resource, but please can you send me in doc format so I can adapt for the needs in my classes. this would make it an excellent document.

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