Sonríe in Spanish
Sonríe in Spanish
4.861605 reviews

A variety of original MFL resources for all ages and levels You can find full lessons, single activities, games, plenaries, etc. Find us on Instagram!

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pdf, 661.08 KB

Three different formats to ensure that your students don’t repeat the same words again and again. No more ‘porque es divertido y no es aburrido’.! Presented in a visual way, this resource consist of the 9 most repeated words in writing and speaking in our experience. Each word comes along with a series of synonyms/ similar words. This material includes:

  • A display for your classroom.
  • A learning mat.
  • A pocket-sized foldable that your students can take with them all the time and revise from.

Tres formatos diferentes para garantizar que tus estudiantes no repiten las mismas palabras una y otra vez. ¡Se acabó eso de ‘porque es divertido y no es aburrido’. Presentado de una forma visual, este recurso incluye 9 de las palabras que, en nuestra experiencia, los estudiantes más suelen repetir por escrito y de forma oral. Cada palabra incluye una serie de sinónimos/palabras similares. El material incluye:

  • Un póster para tu clase.
  • Un organizador de ideas.
  • Una tira desplegable de tamaño bolsillo para que tus alumnos la lleven consigo y pueden repasarla/utilizarla en todo momento.
Creative Commons "NoDerivatives"



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a year ago

Beautiful resource!


a year ago

Lovely and eye-catching!


2 years ago

Lovely!!! Printed and laminated ready to go on my display board so I can stop reading "aburrido/divertido". Thank you again!! You two are amazing!


3 years ago

¡Fantástico recurso! Very helpful to help students to extend their vocabulary and avoid repetition. Thank you!


3 years ago

Very helpful - thanks!

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