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PRIMARY SPANISH KS3 SPANISH CHRISTMAS WORD SEARCH FREEBIE Word searches are a fabulous way of encouraging students to engage with the written word in Spanish, refreshing and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This freebie Spanish Christmas word search features fourteen common Spanish Christmas words, which helps to develop students’ awareness of some Spanish Christmas vocabulary and customs, such as la Nochebuena and el turrón. I use this as a prompt to stimulate discussion about Spanish Christmas practices and traditions, and we talk about what students know about other Christmas traditions around the world. The nouns feature masculine and feminine, singular and plural and both definite and indefinite articles, which is a great way of working on and consolidating those grammatical concepts too.

There is an answer key for each word search, so that students can check their answers - or use for a little extra help if they need it. Answer keys are absolutely essential for me, as they provide students with an additional opportunity to engage with language, help them develop more independence in their learning, and they genuinely enjoy ‘correcting’ each others’ work - additionally, they’re a great teacher time-saver, which is always a bonus! The word searches are in landscape format, as this mirrors the common direction of reading from left to right for speakers of English as a first or home language, facilitating their engagement with the activity.

Have a browse in my store for more Spanish Christmas activities, and a wide range of other Spanish teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles, resources boxes, and lots of freebies too!

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**PRIMARY SPANISH KS2 SPANISH ESPAÑOL PARA NIÑOS SPANISH FOR CHILDREN TWO SETS OF TEN WORD SEARCHES WITH ANSWER KEYS @ £2.50 EACH** ***Files are non-editable in a zipped format. Please read the Terms of Use carefully: this resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only.*** ***The focus is on key beginner Spanish vocabulary:*** = los días de la semana en español : days of the week in Spanish = los meses y las estaciones del año en español : months & seasons of the year in Spanish ***Sopas de letras*** are a fabulous way of encouraging learners to ***engage with the written word in Spanish***, refreshing and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This mini-bundle features two sets of 10 differentiated word searches & answer keys, with each consecutive grid increasing in challenge. In each set, there are ***5 Spanish to Spanish grids***, where students are prompted with ***Spanish*** words, and look for them in ***Spanish*** in the grid. For additional consolidation, each grid also features an ***English*** word list that they have to complete, really putting their knowledge to the test. There are also ***5 English to Spanish grids***, where the prompt words are given in ***English***, and students have to find the ***Spanish*** equivalent in the grid. For additional consolidation and practice in writing in ***Spanish***, they also complete the ***Spanish*** word list on each page. Students can tell in which direction the words are written by looking at the arrow key on each grid. There is an ***answer grid*** for each word search, so that learners can check their answers - or use for a little extra help if they need it. Answer keys are really essential - they offer learners an ***additional opportunity to engage with language***, and they genuinely enjoy 'correcting' their own, and particularly each others' work. They're a great teacher time-saver too, which is always a good thing! This kind of activity is really versatile too - I use as for cover lessons, as starters, refreshers, plenaries or fun-time fillers at any time during the school year, as well as when I'm focusing on ***days, months and seasons in Spanish***. ***Try this Spanish fruits word search freebie*** **SPANISH FRUITS WORD SEARCH FREEBIE** [](http://) ***Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.*** **¡MUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN APRENDIZAJE!**



**PRIMARY SPANISH FRUITS VEGETABLES KS2 SPANISH FRUITS VEGETABLES KS3 SPANISH FRUITS VEGETABLES I HAVE, WHO HAS? 3 GAMES @ £2.50 EACH** ***This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.*** = Game 1: focus on fruits = Game 2: focus on vegetables = Game 3: focus on blend of fruits and vegetables Whole-group lively & communicative language learning games, perfect for ***practising, reinforcing & refreshing a range of fruits in Spanish***. The games have a ***multi-skill focus***: listening, speaking & reading, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for ***pronunciation practice*** too - I point out particular ***phonemes, accents and sounds*** too - such as the ***tilde on the letter ñ***, and how important that is in creating the correct sound of the word. The aim of the game is to create a ***Spanish sentence chain*** as quickly as possible, starting with ***Tengo la primera tarjeta***, and ending with the final card, ***Tengo la última tarjeta***. ***There are 29 fruits featured across the games***: green apple; red apple; banana; cherry; date; fig; gooseberries; grapefruit; green grapes; red grapes; honeydew melon; kiwi; lemon; lime; mango; nectarine; olive; orange; papaya; peach; pear; pineapple; pumpkin; raspberry; redcurrants; rhubarb; starfruit; strawberry; watermelon. ***with 29 vegetables***: artichoke; asparagus; aubergine; green beans; beetroot; broccoli; Brussels sprout; cabbage; carrot; cauliflower; celery; cucumber; garlic; leek; lettuce; mushroom; onion; peas; green pepper; red pepper; yellow pepper; potato; sweet potato; radish; spinach; sweetcorn; tomato; zucchini. All the fruits and vegetables may not be in my longer-term learning plan, but the ***learning objective*** moves beyond simply learning individual units of vocabulary - the images help students ***infer meaning from context***, supported by the ***visual prompts and clues*** - this in turn supports them in developing their ***Spanish language skills*** in the longer and more complex sentences. There is ***implicit input on grammatical concepts*** such as ***adjectival agreement, gender, definite, indefinite and partitive articles and position of adjectives***, either preceding or proceeding the particular noun. This is a very successful way of really getting the most of what looks like a straightforward game for consolidating the target vocabulary - it is actually so much more! The ***question card template*** provides an additional learning activity, with students ***applying their developing Spanish language knowledge creatively and practically***, as they make game cards for the class. This is an ***integral element to successful language learning***, and is a really popular activity with my students. ***Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.*** **íMUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN PROVECHO!**




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2 years ago

great Christmas freebie


2 years ago

really love this thanks for sharing it


3 years ago

Great word search, thanks for sharing!


3 years ago

Thanks for sharing great word search for Christmas


3 years ago

Great Christmas word search gracias

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