A pack of 4 powerpoint lessons and 10 printable activities to teach the guidelines for spelling these types of words.
1 Explains that ent is used after soft c g and qu, giving examples of each of these type of words. It ends with an activity that shows a word, then it can be hidden so the children can write it, then shown so the children can check the spelling.
2 Explains how you can think of related words to gauge whether to use an e for these types of endings, for example confidential:confident. It ends with the same spelling activity. Includes words other than those preceded by soft c g or qu
Look Write Cover Check ent words (soft c g and qu): For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ent words: For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ence ency words: For spelling practice
Word search
Worksheet: Adding the endings ent ence and ency to different words then writing them in a sentence
3 Explains how you can think of related words to gauge whether to use an a for these types of endings, for example consultation: consultant. It ends with a spelling activity.
4 Looks at words that need to be memorised to learn which spelling to use: Ends with a spelling activity.
Look Write Cover Check ant words (related ation words): For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ance and ancy endings: For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ant words: For spelling practice
Word search
Worksheet: Adding the endings ant ance and ancy to different words then writing them in a sentence
Plus a word list for both spellings
1 Explains that ent is used after soft c g and qu, giving examples of each of these type of words. It ends with an activity that shows a word, then it can be hidden so the children can write it, then shown so the children can check the spelling.
2 Explains how you can think of related words to gauge whether to use an e for these types of endings, for example confidential:confident. It ends with the same spelling activity. Includes words other than those preceded by soft c g or qu
Look Write Cover Check ent words (soft c g and qu): For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ent words: For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ence ency words: For spelling practice
Word search
Worksheet: Adding the endings ent ence and ency to different words then writing them in a sentence
3 Explains how you can think of related words to gauge whether to use an a for these types of endings, for example consultation: consultant. It ends with a spelling activity.
4 Looks at words that need to be memorised to learn which spelling to use: Ends with a spelling activity.
Look Write Cover Check ant words (related ation words): For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ance and ancy endings: For spelling practice
Look Write Cover Check ant words: For spelling practice
Word search
Worksheet: Adding the endings ant ance and ancy to different words then writing them in a sentence
Plus a word list for both spellings
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