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The Sixties lessons and worksheets KS2 1960s history topic resources

The Sixties lessons and worksheets KS2 1960s history topic resources

A set of PowerPoint lessons to teach different aspects of life in the sixties, plus headings and worksheets. It is suitable for teaching children aged 8-11. It includes: INTRODUCTION TO THE 1960S - A short introduction explaining what a decade is and how many decades ago the Sixties were. Poses some questions for the children to think about, with a follow up activity. SIXTIES DAILY LIFE - How people in the 1960s had ‘never had it so good’; Money - Explanation of pounds, shillings and pence with illustrations of the coins and notes; Shopping - how supermarkets started expanding, Green shield stamps, and food eaten in the Sixties; Transport - Expansion of motorways, popular cars, and air transport; Technology - Police call boxes, public telephones, telephones in the home, computers, computer games, the forerunner to the Internet, lasers, calculators. (25 slides) SIXTIES SCHOOL LIFE - What it was like going to school in the 1960s. (10 slides) SIXTIES KEY EVENTS - A timeline of events from around the world from 1960 to 1969, with three highlighted events in each year. (11 slides) SIXTIES HOMES - New housing developments, tower blocks and older houses that needed modernising; How the washing and cleaning was done; Home fashions - kitchens, lounges, ornaments, and furniture; Television, and how it progressed over the decade. (14 slides) SIXTIES FAMOUS PEOPLE - Neil Armstrong, Yuri Gagarin, Alfred Hitchcock, John F Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy, Muhammad Ali/ Cassius Clay, Mary Quant, Francis Chichester, Andy Warhol, and Twiggy. There is a page for each person, with a short description of what they are famous for. (12 slides) SIXTIES FASHION - How fashioned changed from the beginning to the end of the decade and how it was influenced by music. (17 slides) SIXTIES MUSIC - How people listened to music in the Sixties - records and record players; radios and Pirate radio stations, introduction of tape players, jukeboxes; Sixties music fans - Mods and Rockers, Skinheads and Hippies; Sixties bands and singers - The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Chubby Checker, Cliff Richard, The Beach Boys, The Rolling Stones, The Kinks, The Monkees, Jimi Hendrix, and the Woodstock Festival. There is a picture and description of each band / singer, and a their most popular hit of the Sixties. (21 slides) SIXTIES TOYS - Pictures of popular Sixties toys, with short descriptions. (9 slides) Plus a set of 11 worksheets with follow-up activities. Some of the PowerPoints contain links to relevant videos though SafeShare T.v., which filters unwanted adverts from the clip. You may need to check that you can access this in school. The links were checked before uploading, but if they stop working please feel free to contact me or email me: primaryteachingtools@gmail.com and I will update them. This pack is an updated version of my previous Sixties pack.
History of Trains powerpoint

History of Trains powerpoint

The PowerPoint is 55 pages long. It covers the history of trains from the first vehicle to be pulled on rails over 200 years ago; steam trains; the locomotive; the Rocket; diesel trains, through to the modern electric trains of today. It is written in the style of a non-fiction book, with a contents page, index and glossary. It would be suitable for upper KS1 or lower KS2 and can be used in a history topic or as a non-fiction book in English.
The Tudors display pack

The Tudors display pack

A set of Tudor display resources to print - posters, titles, banners, and borders. Headings Henry VIII Banner: Prints onto 2 A4 sheets, bordered with pictures of his wives. The Tudors title: 3 versions - black lettering, red lettering, and embedded Tudor Rose lettering The Tudors A-Z lettering: 2 versions, one with embedded with the Tudor Rose, the other with red lettering. The Tudors Banner: 2 versions, one with text embedded with the Tudor Rose, the other with red lettering 'The Tudors' lettering to cut out: large lettering, fills 3 A4 pages. Borders - for display boards Henry VIII's wives border Tudor rose border Posters The Tudors posters: 12 A4 posters:- Tudor punishment Tudor clothes for women Tudor clothes for men Tudor world map Tudor British Isles map Tudor surgery Tudor medicine Tudor houses Tudor theatre Tudor explorers (x2) Tudor artefacts Tudor woodcuts: 17 Tudor images made for illustrations in printed materials:- Tudor house building Tudor fish market Tudor geographer Tudor coin makers Tudor warfare Tudor fun and games Tudor shepherds Tudor hunting lessons Tudor village life Tudor beggar Tudor fool Tudor printers Tudor water carrier Tudor shoe makers Tudor school punishment Tudor scribe Tudor engravers The Tudor Monarchs: Six posters, each containing a Tudor monarch, with a picture and the dates they reigned, plus an A4 title 'The Tudor dynasty 1485 - 1603'. The six wives of Henry VIII: Six posters each containing a wife, with the dates they were married, how many children they had, and when and how Henry got rid of them. Also contains a title. The Tudors timeline: 24 pages of the main events that occurred between 1485 and 1603. The dates are displayed along the top so they can be placed along the wall in a timeline. Each event contains pictures and descriptions. Tudor coat of arms: The coat of arms of Henry VII, Henry VIII, Mary I, and Elizabeth I. The Tudor Rose: a large Tudor Rose to print Activities The Tudors A4 writing border Tudor rose - black and white
The Viking & Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England:powerpoints, worksheets, activities

The Viking & Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England:powerpoints, worksheets, activities

A series of PowerPoint lessons, worksheets and activities to teach how the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons fought for the Kingdom of England up to the time of Edward the Confessor. POWERPOINTS: 1) ANGLO-SAXON ENGLAND AD 780 Life in in England before the main arrival of the Vikings towards the end of the 8th century / How the Anglo-Saxons lived / How the towns were structured / The importance of the monks. 2) VIKING RAIDS AND INVASIONS AD 797 - 783 Timeline / Introduces the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as evidence / The first known attack on Britain by the Vikings / The second attack on Lindisfarne/Holy Island / Viking longships / Viking warriors and equipment / Beginning of Viking settlement in England 3) THE VIKINGS SETTLE & ALFRED FIGHTS BACK AD 866 - 927 Viking invasions and settlement / The Heathen Army / York / King Alfred / Guthrum / Danelaw / Alfred the Great and his fight against the Vikings / Edward the Elder / Athelstan / The Battle of Brunanburh 4) VIKING DAILY LIFE Family life / Clothing / Homes / Daily life / Viking law / Music / Food / Sport / Arts and crafts / Viking beliefs, Asgard and gods, days of the week named after Viking gods / Viking burials 5) ATHELSTAN, ETHELRED AND ANGLO-SAXON LAWS AD 927 - AD 991 Athelstan and government of England / The Witan / Hundreds / Moots / Reeves / Laws / / Punishments / Wergild / Ethelread the Unready 6) THE RETURN AND END OF THE VIKINGS AD 991 - 1066 Further Viking raids / St. Brice's Day massacre / Sweyn Forkbeard / King Canute / Edward the Confessor / Harold Godwinson / William the Conqueror / The Battle of Hastings / The end of the Viking era 7) LOOKING AT EVIDENCE Place names / Viking sagas / Anglo-Saxon Chronicles / Surnames and DNA / The Bayeux Tapestry / Archaeology / Treasure discoveries / Runestones RESOURCES TO PRINT (pdf): Most sheets are open-ended worksheets, with an image and lines for research, reports etc. What I already know about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings What I would like to find out about the Vikings The arrival of the Vikings The Vikings attack the monasteries Danelaw King Alfred the Great The Heathen Army The Treaty of Wedmore Viking daily life Anglo-Saxon laws Athelstan Ethelred the Unready Battle of Hastings Battle of Stanford Bridge Death of King Harold Edward the Confessor King Harold The Vikings return Bayeux Tapestry Viking place names Viking runes Topic covers x 3 Viking ships Viking warriors Writing border - Edward the Confessor Writing border - Viking ship Plus a copy of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (in Word) Vikings & Anglo-Saxons medium term adaptable plan, with web links.
British Values Powerpoint lessons and activity sheets for KS1 and KS2

British Values Powerpoint lessons and activity sheets for KS1 and KS2

The set contains the following powerpoints: Democracy introduction: Explains what democracy is, where it began, and a short history of how Democracy began in Britain. It explains that not all countries are democracies and gives examples of other types of government. Democracy in Britain: Explains how democracy works in Britain; how votes are made, elections, political parties, Parliament and Government Respect and Tolerance: Explains the ‘Out of Africa’ theory of where humans originated and how the migration of humans has affected race and culture. Explains the six major religions in Britain; their beliefs and their origins; asking the children to look at similarities and differences between them. Respecting Differences: Something to make the children think - looks at different features in humans and how we might all be different but we are all human. The Rule of Law: Explains what the Rule of Law is and how the legal system developed in England/Britain from medieval times to the present. Looks at civil law and criminal law, explaining the differences, and how the courts and the police are there to protect us. The set also includes flags/ bunting to colour, writing and activity sheets and a topic cover.
SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack:  Adding the endings ing ed and er to verbs

SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Adding the endings ing ed and er to verbs

A set of resources to teach the guideline/rule in the Spelling Appendix: Adding the endings ing ed and er to verbs where no change is needed to the root word POWERPOINTS: Adding ing: Explains what a verb is and how ing can be added to verbs where no change in spelling is needed. Ends with an activity Adding ed: Explains what a verb is and how adding ed changes the tense of the verb to the past tense. It ends with an activity Adding er: Explains the effect of adding er to a verb and gives examples. Ends with an activity for the children to add er to verbs. PDF: Adding suffixes er ing ed: A list of words in a grid to add suffixes to. Word wheel - Adding ed and ing: Verbs and suffixes for word building activities. Word wheel - Adding ed, ing and er: Verbs and suffixes for word building activities. WORD: Outline adaptable plan
SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Adding er and est to adjectives

SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Adding er and est to adjectives

A set of resources to teach the guideline/rule in the Spelling Appendix: if the adjective ends in two consonant letters (the same or different), the ending is simply added on. POWERPOINTS: Adding er and est for comparisons: Explains that er and est can be added to words for comparison and shows examples in a single word and in sentences. It ends with an activity for children to add er and est to words, then form sentences using the suffixes er and est.PDF: PDF: er and est sentences worksheet: A list of words to add er and est to, and space for the children to write sentences with them in. er and est word cards: For games and activities. WORD: Outline adaptable plan
SPaG Year 1 : Plural noun suffixes powerpoint and worksheet

SPaG Year 1 : Plural noun suffixes powerpoint and worksheet

A powerpoint lesson, worksheet and plan on plural noun suffixes: Plural noun suffixes: A powerpoint explaining the meaning of singular, plural and what a suffix is. It explains what effect the addition of s or es has on nouns.It ends with an interactive game. Plural noun suffix worksheet
Dinosaurs, fossils and palaeontologists: powerpoint lessons for EYFS KS1 KS2

Dinosaurs, fossils and palaeontologists: powerpoint lessons for EYFS KS1 KS2

Powerpoint files: Dinosaur AfL - 7 different questions to pose to the children before the topic begins. Where and when did the dinosaurs live - Looks at Pangaea, and the timescale involved and how long ago it was. Dinosaur discoveries - Looks at how fossils were found and ideas emerged about dinosaurs. Talks about early ‘palaeontologists’ including Robert Plot, Robert Buckland, Mary Anning, Mary Ann and Gideon Mantell, Richard Owen and their discoveries. How fossils are formed - A step by step guide Dinosaur diets - herbivores, carnivores and omnivores What happened to the dinosaurs - looks at different theories of why dinosaurs became extinct.
Year 1 Maths: Multiplication and division lessons and activity  pack

Year 1 Maths: Multiplication and division lessons and activity pack

MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION LO: solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the support of the teacher. POWERPOINT ACTIVITIES: Introduction to doubles: An explanation of doubles with visuals Doubles: To 10 with visual cues Sets of 2 rap: introduction to remembering multiplication facts Grouping and sharing - twos: introduction to sharing objects between children so that they have 2 each. PDF PRINTABLE RESOURCES Array: In twos to 10 Array: In twos to 20 Array: In fives to 50 Array: In tens to 50 Flip flap twos Flip flap fives (2 versions) Flip flap tens
KS2 history topic The Tudors, Henry VIII and his wives - Powerpoint lessons and activities

KS2 history topic The Tudors, Henry VIII and his wives - Powerpoint lessons and activities

A set of lessons and activities looking at the Tudors and Henry VIII POWERPOINTS Who were the Tudors? Explains who the Tudors were, and when they lived. It shows a timeline of British history and where this period fits in. It looks at the Plantaganet dynasty who ruled before the Tudors. the Tudor Rose, how Henry Tudor defeated Richard III at Bosworth, and how the remains of Richard III have recently been discovered. Who was Henry VIII? Looks at his parents, his siblings, how he became king and a brief overview of his life. What was Henry VIII like? A look at different portraits of Henry showing how he changed over the years with contemporary descriptions of him at different times of his life. Henry VIII's pastimes Descriptions of all the pastimes Henry VIII did in his spare time The wives of Henry VIII The story of his marriages and wives over time in chronological order and explanations of why he married six times What did Henry VIII do for his country? A look at what life was like in Tudor times and how Henry made changes to: religion; the monasteries; the Navy & Mary Rose; coastal defences; Government and the union of Wales and England. The poor in Tudor times How the poor lived in Tudor times; it explains the hierarchy of Tudor society, unemployment, workhouses, almshouses and the Poor Laws. It describes poor Tudor homes, punishments and disease amongst the poor. The lives of rich Tudors Explains how we know much more about the lives of rich Tudors compared to the poor. It looks at what the rich ate; what they did in their leisure time; schools; clothing; punishments; homes (including styles and rooms). It shows images of two inventories from Tudor homes with a transcription. How different were the lives of rich and poor Tudors? Compares different aspects of the two groups: jobs; clothes; homes; food; education and entertainment. Edward VI His life story Mary Tudor Her life story Elizabeth I Her life story Tudor fun activities and facts Tudor recipes, facts and origins of words and phrases. WORKSHEETS/ PRINTABLE RESOURCES IN PDF Description of Henry VIII: Description written by the Venetian Ambassador in 1519 Difference between rich and poor Tudors: For recording Farringdon inventory Inventory of Clement Swallow Portraits of Henry VIII: 10 different portraits to compare how he looked over the years Rich and Poor Tudor pictures The House of Tudor: Pictorial family tree Tudor family portraits: Henry VII, Elizabeth of York, Henry VIII, Mary I, Elizabeth I and Edward VI on one A4 sheet Wadley inventory Wives of Henry VIII: Small portraits
Year 6 Science KS2 Evolution and Inheritance  topic pack : powerpoint lessons

Year 6 Science KS2 Evolution and Inheritance topic pack : powerpoint lessons

A set of powerpoint lessons looking at evolution and inheritance. POWERPOINTS: FOSSILS AND CHANGE: What fossils are and how we get information from them HUMAN VARIATION: Similarities and differences in humans INHERITANCE AND VARIATION: Variation in offspring - how children are not identical to their parents. EVOLUTION: simple explanations of how plants and animals adapt to their environment and how this may lead to evolution. NATURAL SELECTION: survival of the fittest and how the neck of giraffes became longer. HABITATS AND ADAPTATION: Different types of habitat and the types of life they host. ACTIVITY: Families and offspring pictures Plus an outline adaptable medium term plan with activities and web links
Britain's settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots: PowerPoint lessons, worksheets & topic plan

Britain's settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots: PowerPoint lessons, worksheets & topic plan

A series of lessons to cover the objectives in the history curriculum 2014: POWERPOINTS Romans and Scots: A look at the Roman withdrawal from Britain in around AD 410, the fall of the western Roman Empire due to barbarian attacks and the Scots invasions from Ireland to north Britain. The Anglo Saxons (invasions, settlements and kingdoms: place names and village life): A 38 page powerpoint with a contents page so it can be taught as an overview or an in-depth study. Introduces the topic with a timeline and a map showing where the Angles, Saxons and Jutes came from and where they settled in Britain. Looks at the seven main Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of Essex, Kent, Sussex, Wessex, East Anglia, Mercia and Northumbria, showing maps of each region and giving information on important kings. Mentions the current debate about whether Britain was invaded or peacefully settled by the Anglo-Saxons. Gives examples of place names and a list of Anglo-Saxon words and their meanings that many place names have originated from. Ends with a look at Anglo-Saxon village life. Anglo-Saxon art and culture: Includes the Anglo-Saxon runic alphabet, literature such as Beowulf and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, the Bayeux Tapestry, and looks closely at Anglo-Saxon art Christian conversion: Explains the pagan religion of the Anglo-Saxons then the rise of Christianity in Britain from monasteries in Iona, Lindisfarne and Canterbury. Explains the difference between the Celtic Christianity and the Roman Christianity, and how problems were solved at the Synod of Whitby. Sutton Hoo discovery: An in-depth look at the ship burial at Sutton Hoo and the artefacts found. WORKSHEETS AND ACTIVITIES Topic booklet covers What I know about the Romans & Anglo-Saxons Dal Riata writing templates Romans writing template Anglo-Saxon arrival in Britain Anglo-Saxon kingdoms map Anglo-Saxon place names The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles (in English) The story of Beowulf (English translation) Writing with runes Calligraphic writing x 2 versions Illuminated letters: Large letters to colour like the monks Iona, Canterbury and Lindisfarne worksheet Writing border - saints Writing sheet - monks Blank map Writing border - Anglo-Saxons Writing border - monks
Mountains display pack

Mountains display pack

This resource contains headings, vocabulary and posters, all in pdf format on CD to print out for a Mountains display MOUNTAINS LETTERING - This lettering is to cut out for display. 'MOUNTAINS' / 'THE MOUNTAIN ENVIRONMENT' is written out, which can either be printed as a banner, or cut out for display. There are also all upper and lower case letters and numbers included so that you can print out whatever you need to personalise your display. THE MOUNTAIN ENVIRONMENT A4 HEADER - to print. MOUNTAINS VOCABULARY DISPLAY - With headings and photographs (2 per A4 sheet - Includes blizzard, avalanche, snowdrift, snow, hail stones, snow flake, alpine glow, flood, peak, mountain range, base station, mountain tourism, ski run, litter, mountain, hill, flora and fauna.) MOUNTAINS POSTERS - 15 A4 sheets, with explanations and descriptions: What is a mountain? Plate tectonics (x2) Fold mountains Fault-block mountains Volcanic mountains Dome mountains Plateau mountains Mountain climates Mountain temperatures Mountain weather Mountain rainfall Mountain ranges - map Seven Summits - map UK mountains - map
The Titanic - powerpoint lessons, worksheets and activities suitable for KS1 KS2

The Titanic - powerpoint lessons, worksheets and activities suitable for KS1 KS2

This is a set of 6 PowerPoint lessons and printable worksheets; suitable for teaching children aged 7-11 PowerPoint lessons: TITANIC INTRODUCTION A page for recording what the children already know, and a brief outline of the 1900’s, the Titanic, and her maiden journey. BUILDING THE TITANIC Who built and designed the Titanic and where it was built. ON BOARD THE TITANIC A 28 page PowerPoint, looking at who was on board - the crew, the different classes of passengers, and what each class was like, and what the Titanic was like inside. TITANIC’S MAIDEN VOYAGE A 30 page PowerPoint, telling the story of the Titanic’s fateful maiden voyage. It includes an explanation of how icebergs travel to the Atlantic Ocean, and looks at some survivors and what happened to the victims of the disaster. TIMELINE OF THE VOYAGE A detailed step by step report of the events of the Titanic’s maiden voyage. FINDING THE TITANIC Looks at how the Titanic was rediscovered in 1985, and what has happened to her since. Includes pictures and artefacts from the wreck. PDF FILES : BLANK MAP: For the children to map out the route the Titanic took WHAT I ALREADY KNOW ABOUT THE TITANIC: sheet for the children to record what they already know and what they would like to learn WRITING SHEET: For creative writing NEWSPAPER REPORT: For report writing SEQUENCING: Images for sequencing the story
Year 5 science Properties and changes of materials - powerpoints, worksheets and planning

Year 5 science Properties and changes of materials - powerpoints, worksheets and planning

A set of resources for the new science curriculum. It contains: 1a. INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC - LO: To find out what the children already know about materials. WORKSHEET: A sheet for the children to record what they already know and what they would like to find out about materials. 1b. MATERIAL PROPERTIES - LO: To compare and group everyday materials together POWERPOINT: A look at 12 different properties of materials, with examples of the materials with those properties. It can also be printed out for display. WORKSHEET 1: Material properties worksheet 2. DISSOLVING - LO: To know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution POWERPOINT: Explains the meaning of dissolve and gives examples of different materials that can be dissolved. 3. SEPARATING A MIXTURE - LO: To use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated. POWERPOINT: Looks at different mixtures and how they can be separated, including sieving, filtering and evaporating. 4. USES OF EVERYDAY MATERIALS - LO: give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials POWERPOINT: Asks the children to study objects to see what properties different materials have. Asks questions about which properties and materials would be best for making certain objects. 5 & 6. REVERSIBLE AND IRREVERSIBLE OBJECTS - LO: look at dissolving, mixing and changes of state, and reversible and irreversible changes. POWERPOINT: Explains the meaning of reversible and irreversible changes, giving examples of each. Ends with a quiz where the children have to decide what changes have taken place to certain materials. 7. MATERIALS QUIZ: Recap of all the learning objectives. POWERPOINT : A quiz WORKSHEET : Sheet for recording quiz answers WORKSHEET : Sheet for recording what they have learnt OTHER RESOURCES A-Z lettering, with a picture background A4 Properties and changes of materials title Materials banner/lettering to cut out Materials topic booklet front cover - with space for children to draw their own design. Vocabulary PowerPoint - can be used as a show and printed out for display. Photo cards - 12 objects made from different materials Investigation and recording sheets - A folder of blank tables, graphs and planning and recording sheets Year 5 Materials medium term planning: An outline of the activities and learning objectives with websites and ideas. It can be added to and amended for your own use.