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SPANISH Blank School Timetable


• Resource instructions – A4, 1 page (PDF)
• Blank timetable in Spanish – A4, 1 page (PDF)
• Blank timetable in Spanish + Notes – A4, 1 page (PDF)
• Blank timetable in Spanish + Teacher’s Notes – A4, 1 page (PDF)

This is a blank timetable for students to fill in their subjects in Spanish, under each day of the week.


. You can pre-fill the timetable with the first letter(s) of the subject or several letters
(e.g. for Ciencias -> C_ en_ _ _ s).

. Some SEN students can draw an image representing the subject in the blank space instead.

More ideas:

. Dictation Teacher to Students:
You can create a dictation in Spanish with an imaginary student, and read to your pupils what subjects does this student have each day of the week. They need to fill in the blank timetable, in Spanish.

. Dictation Student to Whole Class:
A student creates a dictation in Spanish with a made up timetable and reads it to the whole class. The class has to fill in the timetable with the subjects they hear, in Spanish.

. In pairs:
Students write down a made up timetable, in Spanish, individually. Then, in pairs, the first student read it out loud to their partner (in Spanish), who has to fill in the timetable in Spanish. Then, it is the second student’s turn to do the same.

. Updating the timetable:
After they have filled in their timetable (via dictation), the school has made some changes and they have to update their timetables. They need to listen to the changes (in Spanish) and update their timetables accordingly, in Spanish.

. Alternate Languages:
You can alternate languages (En/Sp - Sp/En) for them to fill in the timetable in the opposite language they hear as well.

A very versatile resource to have fun with!

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Creative Commons "NoDerivatives"



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2 years ago

Love this, and the suggested ideas! :-) Many thanks!

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