Teach_tectonic's Shop
Teach_tectonic's Shop
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Hello. My methodology for lesson planning consists of three key concepts; Simplicity for the teacher - I aim to plan lessons that are paper-resource light. Clarity of understanding for the student - I aim to plan lessons that are clear in their sequencing. Professional appearance - I aim to plan lessons that are designed for students rather than the board room. I teach my lessons successfully and with enjoyment, but not every teacher is the same. I always appreciate constructive feedback :-)

pptx, 76.62 KB
pptx, 76.62 KB
pptx, 655.89 KB
pptx, 655.89 KB
pptx, 5.58 MB
pptx, 5.58 MB

Exploring what a super volcano is, how they are formed and how they are different to other volcanoes, and the potential extent of the effects of a super eruption (local vs. global)

Exploring the definition of a super volcano, using a video to introduce the concept and look at how they are formed. Developing map skills and data skills through comparing eruption size to regular eruptions. This task has a support graph for students to use. Using a video to introduce the idea of local and global effects, using notes taken from these videos to add information to maps of the world or North America - depending on ability.

Support graph template is available to complete or simply use as a guide for students to create their own. The two types of maps are in the same file on different slides - print as required.

The link the video is embedded, put the slides into slide show mode and then click on the video screen grab.

Please review with any feedback or if you spot any weevils in the lesson :-)



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4 years ago


5 years ago

Excellent resource, ready to teach straight from download!

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