Secondary maths collection

Welcome secondary maths teachers! Are you looking for quality assured resources, designed to make lesson planning easier? Spanning across multiple topics and key stages, this extensive collection, hand-picked by members of the Tes maths panel, is the perfect starting point...

Hand-picked by:

colm1405Jo MorganDaveGaleInteractive MathsCraig Barton

    Isometric drawings

    Lesson presentations and activities

    • A lesson on isometric drawing. Hopefully you like it. I use the isometric dotted paper but the lesson could easily be adapted to use the isometric grid. There is a need to have multi link blocks for this lesson or something similar as the lesson is highly interactive with the blocks. Isometric paper included to print off. Make sure you rotate this to landscape to use Please let me know what you think

      • Isometric Drawings (Grade E).pptx
      • isometric-dot-paper-blue.pdf


      aoverington215 years ago4


      phishfoodfan7 years ago3

      nykessel807 years ago5

    • A selection of 3 activities, in order of difficulty, for those 3D views topics.
      Isometric drawing practice, plans and elevations practice (with a crib sheet) and a challenge/extension activity where pupils have to construct the solid given the 3 views. Also a nice extra extension puzzle at the end using 7 irregular solids to make a cube. Notes for this included but not the solution, sorry!

      • Plans-and-elevations-questions.docx


      baller4lifea year ago5


      Beccasaj2 years ago4

      This is really useful, thank you so much for sharing!

      BPS51114 years ago5

    • Pupils learn about plan, front and side elevations and how to draw objects on isometric paper. The worksheet has an investigation into making objects with 5 cubes, as well as some challenging questions on building objects based on their elevations, with as few cubes as possible. Please note that the questions in Section B and the 'impossible shapes to make' are not my own and have been taken from other sheets found online. I have also included a word document of isometric paper for 'emergency' use :) If you liked this resource then please check out my other resources on TES!

      • 8)-Isometric-Drawings.pptx
      • 8)-Isometric-Drawings.docx
      • 8)-Isometric-Grids.docx


      dawn433 years ago5

      Thank You

      jamhar14 years ago5

      I used your examples as an exercise to complete. Nice ppt. Thanks.

      BPS51114 years ago5

    Practice questions, homeworks and assessments

    • This worksheet scaffolds the thinking processes behind plans and elevations and isometric drawing. So the red section has the same difficulty questions but the thinking skills have been simplified.

      It is differentiated like this:
      Red - Lots of support, fewer questions
      Amber - Less support, more questions
      Green - No support, lots of questions.
      Extension - Worded/Problem Solving questions with support to help begin.

      Also included are sheets with 2 reds and 2 ambers so they can be printed back to back, with the green and extension projected on the board.

      The extension activity comes straight from Don Steward’s absolutely amazing MEDIAN blog, do visit it! views

      • Isometric-drawing-RAGE.pdf


      jamhar14 years ago5

      Nice worksheets! Thanks

      BPS51114 years ago5

      damia695 years ago5

    • KS3 Worksheets and activities. The topic of Nets and Surface Area from the Year 8 (12-13 year olds) book of the Mathematics Enhancement Program. For information about these resources and an index for the whole collection please visit Keywords: 2D, 3D, Nets, Surface Area, Isometric Drawing, Plan, Elevation, Cube, Cuboid, Prism, Pyramid, Construct, Architect, Sketch.

      • 1. Practice Book.pdf
      • 2. Activities.pdf
      • 3. Extra Exercises.pdf
      • 4. Lesson Plans.pdf
      • 5. Detailed Lesson Plans.pdf
      • 6. Mental Tests.pdf
      • 7. Overhead Slides.pdf
      • 8. Practice Book Answers.pdf
      • 9. Revision Test.pdf
      • 10. Teaching Notes.pdf


      esahul3264 years ago1

      it was terrible just like you XD

      yoonyi6 years ago5

      ros_struthers6 years ago4

    • This activity can be used with or without the volume calculations. Primarily, it is an exercise in isometric drawing of cuboids and prisms (Level 5). If you incorporate the volume calculations, this shifts the work up to Level 6 (vol. of cuboids) & Level 7 (vol of prisms). Tip: Print off all the question sheets on A4, and then place two on photocopier and reduce (A3 to A4). After guillotining, the A5 sheets stick nicely into exercise books. If you found this resource useful, please rate/comment/favourite. Thanks Dave

      • Isometric Drawing & Volume of Cuboids, Prisms Worksheets.ppt


      BPS51114 years ago5

      activescience20176 years ago5

      beaumont606 years ago4

      That's clever and the students really liked it, even better