Secondary maths collection
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Simplifying fractions
Lesson presentations and activities
Differentiated lesson on simplifying fractions with answers. Worksheet on shaded fractions that can be simplified and Catchphrase plenary.
bhavi044 years ago
Amazing, thank you!!
jalaram4 years ago
Thanks for sharing . Really good for mixed ability
shmiggle4 years ago
Thank you for sharing, planning to use with a mixed ability year 7 class
Powerpoint activity demonstrating the simplification of fractions with opportunities to work through problems as a class and as an individual.
cosmicsquirrel4 years ago
great animations and a very simple way of explaining the equivalent fractions Thank you
fairlyquasi4 years ago
Lovely presentation. Thank you !
Alseobang4 years ago
Excellent, very clear!
An idea I had. Students have to identify the equivalent fraction or simplified fraction which then gives them a clue to the identity of one of the Guess Who characters. Easily adaptable for any topic. As an additional idea, why not use the answers and clues and let the students come up with their own questions that lead a classmate to a character of their choosing?!
friendlee4 years ago
This would be a really fun resource but three of the fractions simplify to two thirds '(1) I have a beard', '(2) I don't have a beard', '(3) I have grey hair'. This can leave pupils rather frustrated!
meacherteacher5 years ago
Fun! Thank you for sharing
debiba5 years ago
Thanks for sharing this, it is great!
PPT with explanation and practice questions. Bingo game - great for a plenary.
twolanea year ago
A lovely intro. Saved me a lot of time. Thank you so much!
elizabeths2 years ago
Thank you
aonifade3 years ago
Thank you
Practice questions, homeworks and assessments
Suitable for KS2 and KS3 quick test. Nine cancelling fractions activities, all running on a three minute timer. All are ideal as a starter activity, mental Maths test or plenary.
TES Resource Team7 years ago
Thank you for publishing your resource. It has been selected to be featured in a new secondary maths collection.
lockett88812 years ago
Kids love these and lead to other things with older students
jog_on13 years ago
Thanks for sharing! :)
Complete lesson with worksheets about simplifying fractions. Worksheets also have answers. Also check out my other lessons and let me know what you think?
bettya6543 years ago
Thank you
robiroe4 years ago
great worksheet. Good number of practice problems.
apoh825 years ago
Useful, thank you very much
A powerpoint which covers most fraction topics. Includes simplifying, equivalent fractions, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, conversion to decimals and percentages, ordering fractions, finding fractions of amounts. There are questions to practise with. I intend to give it to students so they can take it home to revise from, these aren't intended to be full lessons. Hope you find it useful. Little error with adding fractions slides sorted out
victoriadenton2 years ago
Brilliant powerpoint, used it this week and it worked like a dream. Thank you for sharing.
mr_m_saqib3 years ago
Amazing. Got everything i need from a powerpoint. Thank you for sharing. :)
mh74743 years ago
Fantastic! - even better if more division and multiplication multiple choice.
worksheets, activities and lesson plans. The topic of Fractions from the Year 7 book of the Mathematics Enhancement Program. For information about these resources and an index for the whole collection please visit Keywords: Fraction, Numerator, Denominator, Simplify, Mixed, Improper, Vulgar, Top Heavy, Add, Subtract, Quantity, Amount, Multiply, Divide.
hankboot2ua year ago
thank you
isamorais4 years ago
RunnerNZ4 years ago