I am a science teacher, with a specialism in A Level Physics. Since qualifying in Ireland, I have worked in the UK and internationally in the UAE.
I now work at a British International School in Hong Kong
I am a science teacher, with a specialism in A Level Physics. Since qualifying in Ireland, I have worked in the UK and internationally in the UAE.
I now work at a British International School in Hong Kong
This pack contains 335 marks of questions primarily based around extended writing (some include calculations/definitions)
It is a collation of exam paper questions from
EDEXCEL Linear A Level 2015
Edexcel International A Level
EDEXCEL International A Level (2017)
The front cover shows which topic the questions are from (predominantly Astro, Fields and Particles)
I have provided the question paper and MS as a pdf, and the combined file as a word doc should you wish to edit.
I will give this out at the start of Year 13; I will only assign some q’s as HW but will encourage independence in aiming to complete the rest.
This is a 24 page document which contains 19 extended writing questions for EDEXCEL Physics.
There are
4 Mechanics Questions
3 Electricity Questions
3 Materials Questions
5 Questions on Wave Behaviour (Refraction, Diffraction and Superposition)
4 Questions on Quantum.
Ideally printed as a booklet.
There is
pdf of just questions
pdf of Mark Scheme
Word Doc for further editing.
I will set this as Summer review work before starting Year 13. In future, I will likely give this at the start of Year 12 so the students then complete the year with a booklet of exemplar answers. If used in the same manner I intend, it will also have clear strengths and areas for development which can then inform how they answer questions in Year 13.
Excel File of the Learning Outcomes for EDEXCEL A Level Physics.
Can be uploaded to Google and easily converted to sheets to be shared on Google Classroom as an ongoing assessment.
Can be embedded into Google Sites to support structuring revision.
I have also copied the tables from each sheet and uploaded them to individual OneNote pages t be distributed through class notebook so the students can track their completion and review as they progress through the course.
Some common extended writing questions that appear on EDEXCEL IAL Unit 5 Papers in a tick sheet that students can check off as they progress through their study.
I have also included a PDF of the handwritten ideal answers. I have used these in various ways
Assign to students and they have to find the marks.
Students use he available space to write down or make note of key phrases used
Students have their own answers written, and use these to then self assess against a model answer
They can use the space around the ideal answer to write down their own misconceptions from their answers and then use this in their revision.
Ideally, the check list would be given at the start of the unit and each ideal answer given out as each topic is completed. This works really well in their books and the green/pink/purple (if you use this) looks really good!
Enjoy and I hope it saves some of you tonnes of work!
(These are all from the IAL Spec, so actual MS answers are available online, but this is good for students to see exactly how a QWC question can be written)
I have made up these checklists of common questions that appear on the IAL Papers.
Students are using these at the start of their folders and have an ‘initial attempt’ and an ‘ideal answer’ tick box. They have found these beneficial in structuring revision.
Edit: Contains ideal answers for the QWC questiona (handwritten) for students to use in their peer/self assessment, or just as a revision guide.
Lesson plan based on Periodic Table structure.
Includes basic properties for Transition metals, alkali metals and non-metals.
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This is a basic powerpoint I used with my Year 8's as a method of revision.
With the last slide, I asked the pupils to draw the symptoms associated with deficiencies and then asked them to swap books and prescribe medication for the person they got.
Powerpoint resource based on the topic of Delivering Supplies.
This includes info on the heart and circulatory system.
Blood vessels are also covered.
I also used an anatomy model in the lesson for pupils to use as a basis for Q&A.
Powerpoint based on the topic of Digestion from Science works 2.
Starter is to create a table for the pupils to fill in as the lesson progresses.
I also used an anatomy model at the end of the lesson to recap on the first 3 topics from Science Works 2.
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Based on the first topic of the Science Works 2 Textbook.
Includes material on Heart Attack, Stroke & Respiration in your body.
Includes a HW assignment at the end of the ppt.
Suitable for higher ability students.
A powerpoint based around the basic key concepts of Core AQA physics.
Answers are generally 1 worded, a statement, or a definition.
Very useful for initial revision lessons, and for determining specific recap areas for later lessons.
Contains information on what TIR is, and the conditions needed for it to occur.
Requires pupils to research the medical application of TIR.
Gives brief overview of the relationship between refractive index and critical angle.
Mentions lasers, general uses and medical uses.