
Analysis: William Blake's poem 'The Chimney-Sweeper' from Songs of Experience
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students and teachers
Aspects of Political and Social Protest
Analysis and revision on the poem 'The Chimney-Sweeper’ from Songs of Experience

Analysis: William Blake's poem 'The Chimney-Sweeper' from Songs of Innocence
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students and teachers
Aspects of Political and Social Protest
Analysis and revision on the poem 'The Chimney-Sweeper’ from Songs of Innocence

Analysis: William Blake's poem 'Infant Joy'
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students and teachers
Aspects of Political and Social Protest
Analysis and revision on the poem 'Infant Joy’

Analysis: William Blake's poem 'Echoing Green'
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students and teachers
Aspects of Political and Social Protest
Analysis and revision on the poem 'Echoing Green’
Analysis and comparison between ‘Echoing Green’ and ‘London’

Othello- Shakespeare's Othello
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students and Teachers
Aspects of Tragedy
This document includes:
Analysis of Othello’s hamartia and hubris
Analysis of Othello with key quotes in Act 1, Scene 2
key quotes in Act 5, Scene 2
Points on Othello’s tragic trajectory towards death

Desdemona- Shakespeare's Othello
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students and Teachers
Aspects of Tragedy
This document includes:
Analysis of Desdemona and key quotes in Act 1, Scene 3
Analysis of Desdemona and key quotes in Act 4, Scene 1
Analysis of Desdemona and key quotes in Act 4, Scene 2
key quote in Act 5, Scene 2
Analysis of the willow song

Emilia- Shakespeare's Othello
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students and Teachers
Aspects of Tragedy
As a revision sheet, this document includes:
Analysis on Emilia’s characterisation
Analysis of Emilia with key quotes in Act 3, Scene 3 + Act 4, Scene 3
Context of women in Elizabethan society
Emilia’s relationship with Iago
Emilia’s language across the text
Note: This is one side of A4

Roderigo- Shakespeare's Othello
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students and Teachers
Aspects of Tragedy
This document includes:
Key quotes and analysis of Roderigo in Act 1, Scene 1, Act 2, Scene 3 and in Act 5, Scene 1.

Cassio- Shakespeare's Othello
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students and Teachers
Aspects of Tragedy
This document includes:
Key quotes and analysis of Cassio in Act 2, Scene 1
Key quotes and analysis of Cassio in Act 2, Scene 3
Key quotes and analysis of Cassio in Act 5, Scene 2
Analysis of Cassio in Act 3, Scene 4

Iago- Shakespeare's Othello
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students and Teachers
Aspects of Tragedy
This pack includes:
Analysis of Iago’s language
Critics on Iago
Links from Iago to other characters and plays created by Shakespeare
Notes on the question- Can we feel sympathy for Iago?
This pack also includes:
In depth analysis of Iago in Act 1, Scene 1
In depth analysis of Iago in Act 2, Scene 1
In depth analysis of Iago in Act 3, Scene 3

Exam Prep- What you need to know for the English Literature Tragedy Paper
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students
Aspects of Tragedy
Helpful to look at on approach to the exam
Useful tips on what to focus on and how to use your time wisely

Important Ideas and Themes to talk about in an Othello exam
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students and Teachers
Aspects of Tragedy
Time Scales
Secrecy as a theme
Brabantio (Act 1, Scene 3)
Important Context

Death of a Salesman Revision Pack
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students and Teachers
Aspects of Tragedy
This pack includes analysis of the key themes, characters and quotes:
Willy and Biff’s relationship
Mistreatment of Linda
The Affair
Family/Domestic Sphere
Capitalist Society/The American Dream
Setting/The Home
The Woman
This pack also includes:
Information about the play
How Hubris applies to the novel
How Hamartia applies to the novel
How Catharsis apples to the novel
How Peripeteia applies to the novel
How Anagnorisis applies to the novel
A paragraph structure for an exam question on Willy Loman as a tragic hero

The Kite Runner Revision Pack
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students and Teachers
Aspects of Political and Social Protest
This Pack includes:
A list of the characters
Settings and their significance to the novel with key quotes
The idea of The Kite Runner being set in a patriarchal society
Rebellion in The Kite Runner
An in-depth analysis on how the personal and the political can be linked in The Kite Runner
Definitions for Microcosm and Macrocosm
Religion in Afghanistan
Quotes on ethnic groups throughout the novel
Quotes on Amir and Hassan’s relationship
Brief notes on chapters: 11, 12, 25
**This pack also includes: Points for potential exam questions: **
Characters as political ideas
‘Opposition to anything that oppresses human freedom is the element that dominates The Kite Runner’
‘How is the personal linked with the political in The Kite Runner?’

Tess of the D'Urbervilles Revision Summary Sheets
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students and Teachers
Aspects of Tragedy
This pack includes brief notes of:
Theorists that apply to the novel
Feminist readings
Elements of tragedy that affect Tess
Hardy’s methods
The opening
Death of Prince
The Confession
This pack includes an overview of:
How Hubris, Hamartia, Catharsis, Peripeteia and Anagnorisis are applied to the novel
Key scenes, such as ‘sorrow’s birth’ and ‘after Tess’ encounter with Alec’
Tess’ death
Analysis of the settings: Talbothays Dairy, Flintcomb-Ash farm, Sandbourne, The Chase, Stonehenge, The Slopes, Wintoncester vs The slopes
This pack addresses key points on the questions:
Is Tess’ tragic life Alec’s fault?
Is Tess’ tragic life Angel’s fault?
Is Tess’ tragic life her own fault?
Is Tess’ tragic life the fault of her parents?
Is Tess’ tragedy the fault of her setting?

William Blake Revision Pack
Suitable for A Level English Literature Students and teachers
Aspects of Political and Social Protest
Includes revision on:
Blake’s life
Blake’s beliefs
Blake’s concerns
Blake’s illustrations
Rousseau’s influence on Blake
Topic sentence starters and terminology that would be useful for the exam
The significance of poetry to political and social protest
Blake’s tools
Includes what poems suit what theme/topic of political and social protest writing:
Protesting against government power
Human life is at its best when it has a healthy relationship with nature
Protesting against the abuse of children
Protesting against the education system
Anticlericalism- criticising the Church as a powerful organisation that is complicit in the oppression of the people
Sympathy for the oppressed, controlled and subjugated
The Green World and Eco-politics
With analysis on the poems:
The tiger
Nurse’s song- innocence and experience
The Schoolboy
A Poison Tree
Infant Joy
Infant Sorrow