
AQA History. Medicine Through Time. Crib Sheets.
GCSE AQA History. Medicine Through Time. Crib Sheets.
Split into the themes:
Public Health
Surgery & anatomy
Disease & infection
Factors through time in brackets:
Ch = chance
R = religious beliefs
A&B = attitudes & beliefs
S&T = science & technology
T = transport
P&W = poverty & wealth
KI = key individuals
Urb = urbanisation
W = war
Gov = government
C = communication
Bold = short term impact
Underlined = long term impact
Achieved A* in 2017 exam.

AQA A Level History Tudor Handouts
AQA A Level History Tudor Handouts & Presentations
Handout with co-ordinating presentation exploring how influential Christopher Hatton was within Elizabeth I’s court as a suitor and key figure in the Golden Age.
Handout exploring Cranmer’s influence and rise to power, along with a Powerpoint presentation.
On my shop, see also:
AQA A Level Tudors Essays
AQA A Level Tudors Guide Henry VII Revision Guide
AQA A Level Tudors Guide Henry VIII Revision Guide
AQA A Level Tudors Guide Mid-Tudors Revision Guide
AQA A Level Tudors Guide Elizabeth I Revision Guide

AQA History Nazi Germany. Timelines.
GCSE AQA History Nazi Germany. Timeline for each section.
On my shop, see also AQA History. Nazi Germany Revision Guide and AQA History. Hitler’s Henchmen Quizcard.

AQA A Level History Civil Rights
AQA A Level History Civil Rights Movement
Includes handouts and presentations to inspire lessons.
Ella Fitzgerald handout exploring impact on the Civil Rights Movement
Ella Fitzgerald presentation
Harriet Beecher Stowe handout exploring her role in the Civil Rights Movement
Harriet Beecher Stowe presentation
Civil Rights Act 1964 PPT, exploring its legislative and symbolic significance
List of influential female figures in the Civil Rights Movement to research
Sheet discussing how to explore and measure the influence of historical figures

AQA A Level History Socialist Realism
AQA A Level History Socialist Realism Handouts
Component 2N Revolution and dictatorship: Russia, 1917–1953
Includes handouts to reuse in lesson or inspire presentations from:
Handout on Gladkov’s ‘Cement’
Handout on the formation of the Stalinist cult of personality
Presentation on the Stalinist cult
On my shop, see also:
AQA A Level Russia Factor plans
AQA A Level History Russia NOPTEA
AQA A Level History Russia Lenin Revision Guide
AQA A Level History Russia Stalin Revision Guide

AQA History. Hitler's Henchmen Quizcard
GCSE AQA History. Hitler’s Henchmen Quizcard
On my shop, see also AQA History. Nazi Germany Revision Guide and AQA History Nazi Germany Timelines.

AQA A Level Tudors Essays
A Level AQA Component 1C The Tudors: England, 1485–1603
-To what extent did court life and arts help to increase E1’s power and prestige? (A*)
-‘Elizabeth’s foreign policy was mostly a series of disasters.’ Assess the validity of this view. (A) This one is sampled.
-‘Anti-clericalism was responsible for the development of the English Reformation in the years 1529-1547.’ Assess the validity of this view. (A)
-To what extent was the Tudor Age characterised by advances in humanism and the arts? (B)
-How far were problems of poverty in England successfully addressed during Elizabeth’s reign? (B)
-‘Society in early Tudor England was strong and stable’. Assess the validity of this view. (B)
-‘Henry VII had successfully established monarchical authority by 1509’. Assess the validity of this view. (B)
-‘Elizabethan government had more weaknesses than strengths in the years 1558 to 1603’ Assess the validity of this view. ©
Includes WWW and EBI comments, and extra research.
On my shop, see also:
AQA A Level History Tudor Handouts & PPTs
AQA A Level Tudors Guide Henry VII Revision Guide
AQA A Level Tudors Guide Henry VIII Revision Guide
AQA A Level Tudors Guide Mid-Tudors Revision Guide
AQA A Level Tudors Guide Elizabeth I Revision Guide

AQA A Level Russia Factor plans
AQA A Level Russia Factor Paragraph plans,
Component 2N Revolution and dictatorship: Russia, 1917–1953.
Where possible I have tried to split topics into three to four key paragraphs because this is likely to be the number of paragraphs you will write for Section B. Aims to provide a framework for each topic and fit the majority of essay questions. Alongside many of the paragraphs I have also highlighted key points that could be included within that paragraph.
On my shop, see also:
AQA A Level History Socialist Realism
AQA A Level History Russia NOPTEA
AQA A Level History Russia Lenin Guide
AQA A Level History Russia Stalin Guide

AQA History. Nazi Germany Revision Guide
GCSE AQA History. Nazi Germany Revision Guide
-the successes and failures of Weimar government
-the rise of the Nazi Party
-the Nazi revolution
-How did the Nazis keep control?
On my shop, see also AQA History Hitler’s Henchmen Quizcard and AQA History Nazi Germany Timelines.

AQA A Level History Russia NOPTEA
AQA A Level History Russia NOPTEA
Component 2N Revolution and dictatorship: Russia, 1917–1953, covering Section A of the exam.
NOPTEA stands for Nature, Origin, Purpose, Tone, Emphasis and Audience, used to analyse the sources.
-a list of sources from all AQA Paper 2s to familiarise students with the sorts of sources they could face, how this would affect NOPTEA and provides possible questions they could consider
-separating the sources into different levels of secrecy
-pros, cons and questions to consider with posthumous sources
-how post-1953 sources could influence validity
-a detailed list of adjectives to describe the type of tone
-words to describe how the source ‘argues’
-detailed advice on how to tackle Section B
-an example paragraph
On my shop, see also:
AQA A Level Russia Factor plans
AQA A Level History Socialist Realism
AQA A Level History Russia Lenin Revision Guide
AQA A Level History Russia Stalin Revision Guide

AQA A Level History Russia Stalin Guide
AQA A Level History Stalin Revision Guide
Component 2N Revolution and dictatorship: Russia, 1917–1953
Power Struggle. This is sampled.
Culture & society
The Terror
Stalin’s Foreign Policy 1919-1939
Great Patriotic War 1941-1945
High Stalinism & renewed terror
Superpower + Cold War
Includes extra research. *updated 29.07.2020 with refined format
On my shop, see also:
AQA A Level Russia Factor plans
AQA A Level History Russia NOPTEA
AQA A Level History Socialist Realism
AQA A Level History Russia Lenin Revision Guide

AQA A Level History Russia Lenin Guide
AQA A Level History Russia Lenin Revision Guide
Component 2N Revolution and dictatorship: Russia, 1917–1953
The causes to 1917 (the start of this chapter is sampled).
February 1917 / causes to October 1917
Bolshevik consolidation
Includes extra research.
*revised and updated August 2020 with new formatting
On my shop, see also:
AQA A Level Russia Factor plans
AQA A Level History Socialist Realism
AQA A Level History Russia NOPTEA
AQA A Level History Russia Stalin Revision Guide