
Greek Art: Trojan War hydria - Kleophrades Painter
Full resources for teaching the Trojan War hydria by the Kleophrades Painter in the A-level OCR Classical Civilisation course.
Includes: key info, annotated images of each of the scenes, analysis of the painter’s style, compositional links between scenes, relation to historical/political context, example exam questions on this vase.
All my resources are dyslexic friendly with aqua/purple backgrounds and comic sans font :)

Vestal Virgins in Rome quiz (Vesta, duties, service, privileges)
Big summary quiz on Vestal Virgins in Ancient Rome:
Vesta: Key word gap fill with additional words (flame, rituals, priestess)
Duties / service: Find the errors and correct them (unchaste, purity)
Privileges: Rank the 3 privileges. After each privilege explain why it was such a benefit.
Challenge section: questions on ritual purity, House of the Vestal Virgins
All my resources use comic sans as a dyslexic friendly font.

Young women in Rome quiz (Birth, education, marriage)
Scaffolded big quiz summarising the life of young women in the Roman Empire:
Birth: Key word gap (paterfamilias, exposure, dowry)
Education: Larger key word gap fill with additional words (domestic duties, literacy, numeracy, weaving, spinning wool)
Marriage: Choose 3 correct answers regarding common motives behind a marriage arrangement
Challenge section: Deeper thinking questions and analysis of the Sappho fresco
All my content uses comic sans as dyslexic friendly font.

Foundation stories: Romulus and Remus
Powerpoint lesson taught for the Suburani Latin course, but could easily be taught as part of a Classics or Ancient History curriculum.
The lesson activities are:
Establishing the family tree of Romulus and Remus, with information on their relationship to Aeneas, Venus, Mars, and their contemporary family members.
Create a storyboard on what happened to Romulus and Remus. Instructions are based on pupils having devices in class, or teachers can click on the link in the presentation and work research this together with the class . The activity is scaffolded by giving pupils keywords to based each scene of the storyboard on. There is a storyboard template in the powerpoint.
Extend and challenge task introducing Livy as a historical source on Romulus and Remus with questions centred around source analysis.
All my lessons are dyslexic friendly with aqua and purple backgrounds and comic sans font.