
Math Signs - Angle Posters
21 colored Signs to show the different angles used in maths. 2 colored angle heading signs, horizontal or vertical.
Each sign includes angle name, example picture of the angle, description of angle, smaller rotated example angles.
- 2 x Angle heading pages (landscape and portrait)
- Acute and Obtuse
- Right (with perpindicular lines labelled and without)
- Reflex
- Revolution or Full rotation
- Straight or Half Revolution
- Parallel Lines
- Perpindicular Lines
- Vertical Lines and Horizontal Lines
- Transversal Lines
- Vertical Angles
- Corresponding Angles
- Alternate Interior and Alternate Exterior Angles
- Consecutive Interior Angles
- Supplementary
- Ray

Geometry Angle and Line Clip Art - 24 PNGs
This clipart set contains 24 different clip art images under the theme of Angles and Lines. They are all saved as 300 dpi PNGs. Included is also lines so that you can create your own angles or add onto the
ones here.
- Acute Angle x 3
- Arrowed Line
- Horizontal Line
- Line Segment
- Obtuse Angle x 3
- Parallel Line x 3
- Perpendicular Lines x 2
- Ray
- Revolution or Full Rotation
- Right Angle
- Standard line (no arrow)
- Straight Angle or Half Revolution
- Transversal x 3
- Vertical Line
- Vertical Angles
These can be used commercially in products with a link back our store.
They can be used in free products as long as they are secured.
They cannot be sold separately as clip art.

2D Shape Crossword and Word Search
Two worksheets included both in colour and black and white versions. (Answers are included)
One has a Word Search or Word Find with 20 words to do with 2D shapes and transformations including reflect, rotate, translate and symmetry.
The other has a crossword with the same words and clues for each word.
- Contains
- 1 2D Shape Word Find or Word Search in colour and black and white
- 1 2D Shape Crossword in colour and black and white
- Words included:
- Circle - Scalene - Symmetry
- Equilateral - Square - Rotate
- Hexagon - Trapezium - Reflect
- Isolsceles - Triangle - Translate
- Octagon - Reflective - Rotational
- Parallelogram - Pentagon - Rectangle
- Pentagon - Rhombus - Right Angle

Written Subtraction Method interactive notebook math foldable
This product makes up a Interactive Math Notebook entry on the written subtraction method.
These 2 interactive math notebook foldables describe how to complete a written subtraction problem with whole numbers and decimals. The first foldable describes the basic steps for
completing a written subtraction problem. The second foldable goes through explicitly the steps with examples for completing a written subtraction problem.
1 information page for students and teachers with images of completed foldable
2 foldables of 1 page each with complete instructions for students as well

Written Addition Method interactive notebook math foldable
This product makes up a Interactive Math Notebook entry on the written addition method.
These 2 interactive math notebook foldables describe how to complete a written addition problem with whole numbers and decimals. The first foldable describes the basic steps for completing a written addition problem. The second foldable goes through explicitly the steps with examples for completing a written addition problem.
1 information page for students and teachers with images of completed foldable
2 foldables of 1 page each with complete instructions for students as well

Rounding Interactive Notebook Math Foldable
This interactive notebook page looks at rounding whole numbers. Can be used for rounding decimals but no examples of that were included here however the process is the same.
Vocabulary foldables are included for “rounding”.
Example are included for rounding up and rounding down to be glued inside the foldable, however you can always have students show their own examples.
- Contains
1 information page for students and teachers with images of completed foldables
2 page rounding foldable with complete instructions for students as well
1 vocabulary foldable

Line Symmetry and Rotational Symmetry interactive notebook math foldable
This interactive math notebook page looks at different types of symmetry including line symmetry and rotational symmetry.
It leads students through the creation of an interactive shape showing line symmetry.
The information page provides photos and description for students to add to their math notebook page.
A rotational symmetry foldable is provided, enabling the creation of an interactive shape showing rotational symmetry. Again a description is provided for students to add to their page.

Math Game - 2D Shape Real Life Example Dominoes
Domino game to practice matching real life examples of shapes to their name. This game contains the instructions and 70 different dominoes with a picture of a real life shape and different shape names on them. There are multiple combinations of cards to play the game making it different each time.

25 Christmas Math Word Problems
25 Christmas themed word problems. A lot of these are multi-step problems, involving all 4 of the operations. They have money, decimals and fractions included too.
There are 5 different themed pages so they can be used separately as 5 different activities.
Also found in the huge Christmas activity pack here:
- 5 pages of math word problem worksheets
- 5 pages with the solutions

Operations with whole numbers and decimals interactive notebook math foldable
These 2 foldables describe how to complete the different operations with either whole numbers or decimals.
Operations included are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
The foldable folds up into a square, to fold out twice with headings and then finally the description included of each operation.
There is also space on the flap to complete an example for each operation as can be seen in the sample pictures.
Pictures and information page also included.

Percentage interactive notebook math foldable
This interactive math notebook page includes a vocabulary foldable to work through the definition of percentage and percent. Information is included for the students to draw from.
It also includes a 100 square activity to explore the idea of percentage. Information about percentage is included for the students to add to their page.
Photos and information page included as well.

Clock Template Clip Art - Blank ones included, PNG for worksheets
24 different clock faces as PDF’s or PNGs which can be used on worksheets or as a teaching resource.
A variety of clock faces to use as a resource in a lesson. If the hands are attached with split pins they are able to be moved and adjusted to show the time that is being talked about.
All faces are in PNGs which enables size modification meaning that different clock faces can be combined to show different aspects or used in worksheets. 2 blended clocks are already
included showing 12 hour and 24 hour time, and one with hours and minutes marked.
- 11 clocks marked as 12 hour clocks at 5 minute increments
- Blank and Blank with 12 marked on
- All hour numbers marked on (with and without minute lines; with minute numbers)
- 5 minute marked clock no hours
- 12, 3, 6, 9 marked clock
- Word clocks with just 15 minute intervals and then all 5 minute intervals
- 11 clocks marked with 12 points and minute markers
- Blank and Blank with 12 marked on
- All hour numbers marked on (with and without minute numbers)
- 12, 3, 6, 9 marked clock
- Word clocks with just 15 minute intervals and then all 5 minute intervals
- 2 Blended clocks with 24 hour/12 hour or 12 hours/all minutes marked

Hickory Tickory Tock - Math Time Game - Self Correcting, Analog and Digital Time (12 hour, 24 hour)
- Hickory Tickory Tock -
A self checking game that involves students changing between clock formats and demonstrating their understanding of time on a clock face while playing a version of tic tac toe or connect 4.
There are multiple cards and combinations that have been provided. This enables scaffolding of students and specific practice of certain conversions and times by just changing the color of cards used.
Time cards include analog, digital, written, 24 hour and 12 hour time.
- 1 Game board - Consisting of:
1 A4 page game board,
1 A4 page clock face,
1 A4 page instructions
- 24 Analog/Digital Cards (O’Clock and Half Past)
- 48 Analog/Digital Cards (O’Clock, Half Past, Quater Past and Quarter To)
- 48 Analog/Digital Cards (5 Minute Increments)
- 48 Analog/Words Cards (5 Minute Increments)
- 48 Analog/Digital 24 Hour Cards (5 Minute Increments)
- 48 24 Hours/12 Hour Cards (5 Minute Increments)
- 4 sets of seven mouse themed counters
- Clock Hands for game board clock

Math Angle Memory Game - match angles with their name
This game involves matching cards in memory style game. The students match pictured angles with the word names of angles.
Students shuffle the cards and place them out in memory format. They then turn over cards to match the angle with the name. They take the pair when they have matched them.
Gamecards include:
perpendicular lines, parallel lines, vertical line, horizontal line, ray, acute angle, obtuse angle, right angle, reflex angle, revolution, straight angle
- 1 Colour set of gamecards (4 pages)

Fraction Math Game Pack
This game pack contains 5 popular fraction games combined into one pack. By purchasing this you get one of the games for free (if you were to purchase each seperately).
Space Fractions
Leap Frog Fractions
Fraction Bees
Sing a Song of Fractions
Operation Fraction

Math Game - Fraction Snap
This game involves playing snap with cards that show equivalent fractions.
Alternatively the cards can also be used to play go fish with equivalent fractions.
Instructions for both games are included.
- 1 Colour set of 48 gamecards (4 pages)
- Instructions (1 page)

Math Game - Operation Fraction - practicing all operations with fractions
This game practices completing the four operations with fractions. It also can practice comparing fractions. Students randomly choose number cards to make fractions, then complete the action on the action card. They generally have a specified time e.g. 1 minute to complete the problem on their working out paper. They get points based on their answer (bonus points for simplified answers).
NOTE: This game can be found in our Fraction Math Game Pack - Buy it and you get a game for free!
- 1 teacher information page
- 2 colour instruction pages - 1 with written instructions, 1 with more of a diagram approach
- 1 colour game board
- 4 sets of numeral cards
- 1 page of action cards (-, +, x, , =)

Matching Equivalent Fractions Game - "Sing a song of fractions"
This game involves matching equivalent fractions in number form or pictorial form. The fractions involve denominators of 3, 6 and 12.
Students shuffle the cards and place them out in memory format. They then turn over cards to
match equivalent fractions. They take the pair when they have matched them.
- 1 description page of game for teacher (1 page)
- 1 Colour set of gamecards and instructions (4 pages)
- 1 Black and white set of gamecards and instructions (4 pages)
NOTE: This game can be found in our Fraction Math Game Pack - Buy it and recieve a game free!

Fraction Bees: Greater Than or Less Than Game
A 2-4 played game in which students work with improper and mixed number fractions to work out if the fraction is greater than or less than a specified number. Contains five different game boards to target different ability levels from greater than or less than 1 all the way up to 5.
Students roll a die to move forward and will need to work out which space is greater than the target number so they can remain on that square. If it is less than, students will than need to roll the die again to see if they need to move backwards a number of spaces.
This is then based on chance.
NOTE: This game can be found in our Fraction Game Math Pack - buy it and you get a game for free!!!
- 1 page of game instructions
- 1 colour game board (greater than or less than 1)
- 1 colour game board (greater than or less than 2)
- 1 colour game board (greater than or less than 3)
- 1 colour game board (greater than or less than 4)
- 1 colour game board (greater than or less than 5)

Math Game - Leap Frog Equal Fractions
This is a matching game. Students match equivalent fractions on the game cards with fractions on the game board. They multiply the numerator and denominator by the number on the dice and then find that fraction on the game board. For an extension activity you could remove the dice component and have students find equivalent
fractions without that support.
NOTE: This game can be found in our Fraction Math Game Pack (buy it and you get a game free!)
- 1 teacher description page (1 page)
- 1 Black and white game set with game board, 12 game cards and instructions (3 pages)
- 1 Colour game set with game board, 12 game cards and instructions (3 pages)