Green Resources - KS2
Blue Resources - GCSE
Red Resources - A Level Maths
Yellow - A level Further Maths
Maths Resources going from KS2 to A-Level Further Maths
Green Resources - KS2
Blue Resources - GCSE
Red Resources - A Level Maths
Yellow - A level Further Maths
Maths Resources going from KS2 to A-Level Further Maths
This paper is for the 2nd Pure Paper in the A-Level Maths Exams. It’s designed off of the advance information that was released by Edexcel to help students prepare for their exams.
This paper is designed on the Edexcel advanced information that has been released to help students prepare for the upcoming summer exams. All questions featured in this paper are taken from old M1,M2 and S1 exams and from the topic tests released by Edexcel.
If you’ve found the paper helpful please do leave a review i’d massively appreciate that :)
Be sure to scan the QR code if you want to see a video solution to the predicted paper!
This is a Core Pure 1 predicted paper using old FP1-FP3 exam questions and using the topic tests released by Edexcel to help with your revision.
This paper is built on the advanced information released by Edexcel but is merely a prediction. You should ensure you are confident with all aspects of the course including topics not mentioned on the advanced information.
This paper is designed on the Edexcel advanced information that has been released to help students prepare for the upcoming summer exams. All questions featured in this paper are taken from old C1-C4 exams and from the topic tests released by Edexcel.
If you’ve found the paper helpful please do leave a review i’d massively appreciate that :)
Be sure to scan the QR code if you want to see a video solution to the predicted paper!
A short outline of the keywords and Exam tips and tricks for the GCSE Maths 9-1 Specimen applicable for all major examination boards (Edexcel/AQA/OCR)
The first page features keywords and terminology which is aimed more at Foundation level students but higher students may still find use from, the second page contains tips and tricks to be used in the exam and exam preparation.
It also features great youtube channels to maximise your revision time and where to find Edexcel and AQA gcse maths papers.
My Set 1 Paper2H can be found (For free) at:
This is a Core Pure 2 predicted paper using old FP1-FP3 exam questions and using the topic tests released by Edexcel to help with your revision.
This paper is built on the advanced information released by Edexcel but is merely a prediction. You should ensure you are confident with all aspects of the course including topics not mentioned on the advanced information.
This is a revision sheet/exam helpsheet aimed at students aiming for grade between 7 to 9 and to help push grade 6 students to a 7.
The sheet alone won’t magically push their grades up but features examples for certain topics and things to remember during the exam and other information regarding certain formulae that has to be remembered and the grade boundaries and what to aim for.
Certain topics covered:
Surds and Rationalising
Algebraic Fractions
Quadratic Sequences
Geometric Sequences
Algebraic Proofs
Completing the square and finding the turning point
I hope this revision sheet will be useful for you in your study or for any students doing their GCSE’s
PLEASE review and leave me feedback if you do download my sheet!
If you notice any mistakes please contact me and i’ll amend anything ASAP.
For the new A-Level Maths (2017) Spec
15 different questions on proving Trig identities
Including double angle formula proof questions
Good practise for anyone wanting more practise on Trig identities or using double angle formulas
Differentiation: Trig Functions Worksheet:
Differentiation: Logs & Exponentials Worksheet:
A GCSE Maths paper designed to help you practise like a full exam by following the typical exam style and design.
This paper features questions on topics such as:
Surds and rationalising
Simultaneous Equations
Inequalities (Linear and Quadratic)
Compound Interest
Perpendicular Lines and Gradients
Expanding Triple Brackets
Pythagoras Theorem
I hope this is helpful in your exam practise, Paper 1 and 3 will be available soon also!
Feel free to use in classrooms as extra practise if needed or as a private tutor, I would appreciate any feedback and rating my paper if you found it useful!
Other resources Available:
Equations of Straight lines:
GCSE maths 9-1 ‘Tricky’ exam paper:
This worksheet is perfect A Level Maths revision offering a full worksheet with solutions on Modelling with Straight Lines for Edexcel’s A Level Maths. This worksheet contains exam-style questions on Modelling with Straight Lines with the questions increasing in difficulty.
This worksheet makes for a great exercise in class as preparation for an exam /testing student understanding on Modelling with Straight Lines or as Homework. This worksheet is also brilliant for one-to-one tuition.
Full solutions are also included as well as a QR code within the worksheet giving video solutions to questions within the worksheet and other similar questions on Modelling with Straight Lines.
For even more A Level Maths resources such as worksheets, revision videos and mock exam papers be sure to check out our website at
This worksheet is perfect A Level Maths revision offering a full worksheet with solutions on an Introduction to Radians for Edexcel’s A Level Maths. This worksheet contains exam-style questions on Radians with the questions increasing in difficulty.
This worksheet makes for a great exercise in class as preparation for an exam /testing student understanding on Radians. This worksheet is also brilliant for one-to-one tuition.
Full solutions are also included as well as a QR code within the worksheet giving video solutions to questions within the worksheet and other similar questions on Radians.
This worksheet is perfect GCSE Maths revision offering a full worksheet with solutions on Exact Trig Values for Edexcel’s GCSE Maths. This worksheet contains exam-style questions on Exact Trig Values with the questions increasing in difficulty.
This worksheet makes for a great exercise in class as preparation for an exam /testing student understanding on Exact Trig Values or as Homework. This worksheet is also brilliant for one-to-one tuition.
Full solutions are also included as well as a QR code within the worksheet giving video solutions to questions within the worksheet and other similar questions on Exact Trig Values.
For even more GCSE Maths resources such as worksheets, revision videos and mock exam papers be sure to check out our website at
This worksheet is perfect GCSE Maths revision offering a full worksheet with solutions on Addition and Subtraction for Edexcel’s GCSE Maths. This worksheet contains exam-style questions on Addition and Subtraction with the questions increasing in difficulty.
This worksheet makes for a great exercise in class as preparation for an exam /testing student understanding on Addition and Subtraction or as Homework. This worksheet is also brilliant for one-to-one tuition.
Full solutions are also included as well as a QR code within the worksheet giving video solutions to questions within the worksheet and other similar questions on Addition and Subtraction.
For even more GCSE Maths resources such as worksheets, revision videos and mock exam papers be sure to check out our website at
This worksheet is perfect A Level Maths revision offering a full worksheet with solutions on Correlation for Edexcel’s A Level Maths. This worksheet contains exam-style questions on Correlation with the questions increasing in difficulty.
This worksheet makes for a great exercise in class as preparation for an exam /testing student understanding on Correlation or as Homework. This worksheet is also brilliant for one-to-one tuition.
Full solutions are also included as well as a QR code within the worksheet giving video solutions to questions within the worksheet and other similar questions on Correlation.
This worksheet is perfect A Level Maths revision offering a full worksheet with solutions on Differentiation from First Principles for Edexcel’s A Level Maths. This worksheet contains exam-style questions on Differentiation from First Principles with the questions increasing in difficulty.
This worksheet makes for a great exercise in class as preparation for an exam /testing student understanding on Differentiation from First Principles or as Homework. This worksheet is also brilliant for one-to-one tuition.
Full solutions are also included as well as a QR code within the worksheet giving video solutions to questions within the worksheet and other similar questions on Differentiation from First Principles.
This worksheet is perfect GCSE Maths revision offering a full worksheet with solutions on Time for Edexcel’s GCSE Maths. This worksheet contains exam-style questions on Time with the questions increasing in difficulty.
This worksheet makes for a great exercise in class as preparation for an exam /testing student understanding on Time or as Homework. This worksheet is also brilliant for one-to-one tuition.
Full solutions are also included as well as a QR code within the worksheet giving video solutions to questions within the worksheet and other similar questions on Time.
For even more GCSE Maths resources such as worksheets, revision videos and mock exam papers be sure to check out our website at
This worksheet is perfect GCSE Maths revision offering a full worksheet with solutions on Capture Recapture for Edexcel’s GCSE Maths. This worksheet contains exam-style questions on Capture Recapture with the questions increasing in difficulty.
This worksheet makes for a great exercise in class as preparation for an exam /testing student understanding on Capture Recapture or as Homework. This worksheet is also brilliant for one-to-one tuition.
Full solutions are also included as well as a QR code within the worksheet giving video solutions to questions within the worksheet and other similar questions on Quadratic Inequalities.
For even more GCSE Maths resources such as worksheets, revision videos and mock exam papers be sure to check out our website at
This worksheet is perfect A Level Maths revision offering a full worksheet with solutions on Differentiation from First Principles for Edexcel’s A Level Maths. This worksheet contains exam-style questions on Differentiation from First Principles with the questions increasing in difficulty.
This worksheet makes for a great exercise in class as preparation for an exam /testing student understanding on Differentiation from First Principles or as Homework. This worksheet is also brilliant for one-to-one tuition.
Full solutions are also included as well as a QR code within the worksheet giving video solutions to questions within the worksheet and other similar questions on Differentiation from First Principles.
This worksheet is perfect A Level Maths revision offering a full worksheet with solutions on Sampling for Edexcel’s A Level Maths. This worksheet contains exam-style questions on Sampling.
This worksheet makes for a great exercise in class as preparation for an exam /testing student understanding on Sampling or as Homework. This worksheet is also brilliant for one-to-one tuition.
Full solutions are also included as well as a QR code within the worksheet giving video solutions to questions within the worksheet and other similar questions on Sampling.
For even more A Level Maths resources such as worksheets, revision videos and mock exam papers be sure to check out our website at
This worksheet is perfect GCSE Maths revision offering a full worksheet with solutions on Multiplication and Division for Edexcel’s GCSE Maths. This worksheet contains exam-style questions on Multiplication and Division with the questions increasing in difficulty.
This worksheet makes for a great exercise in class as preparation for an exam /testing student understanding on Multiplication and Division or as Homework. This worksheet is also brilliant for one-to-one tuition.
Full solutions are also included as well as a QR code within the worksheet giving video solutions to questions within the worksheet and other similar questions on Multiplication and Division.
For even more GCSE Maths resources such as worksheets, revision videos and mock exam papers be sure to check out our website at