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Picture Prompts for Speaking

Picture Prompts for Speaking

I put together picture prompts on different topics which can be used when practising general speaking with your students or preparing them for various certificates and exams. I will later add more resources on different topics.
ESL/EFL  Role Plays: Travel

ESL/EFL Role Plays: Travel

The role play worksheet offers 5 role-playing dialogues dealing with various issues you may experience during your holidays. Just cut the cards and you are ready to go.
28 ESL/EFL Conversation Starters to Spark Conversation

28 ESL/EFL Conversation Starters to Spark Conversation

28 questions which can help the conversation to get going. Some of them are closed questions, they can be answered by yes or no, but it should be made clear before you start the activity that the students are not allowed to do that. I suggest that they talk about each question for about 2 minutes, and only after that time the teacher can ask follow-up questions. Some of the questions can be viewed as a bit controversial, so I recommend you use them with adults or older students.
Travel/Holidays Vocabulary Card Game PDF Worksheet

Travel/Holidays Vocabulary Card Game PDF Worksheet

Forbidden Words! Game A card game for learning and revising topic related vocabulary. For ESL and EFL students. Intermediate level. The topic of this particular worksheet is Travel/Holidays. The aim of the game is to explain given words, but without those words that you would most likely use because those are forbidden, students can't use them. Every word has 4 or 5 forbidden words and if it is too difficult to explain the word without using those, you can allow your students to use one or more of the forbidden words.
ESL/EFL Speaking Activity: Role Play Debate

ESL/EFL Speaking Activity: Role Play Debate

Each pair of students gets the same topic with either Agree or Disagree information. I usually assign the topics randomly. They’ll have a couple of minutes for preparation, I recommend that they write brief notes and if possible, to do some quick online research. Another modification can be that you give them the topics for homework so they can prepare more thoroughly. It depends on the level of the students and the difficulty of the topics. When they are ready, let them talk in pairs, circle and monitor. When they finish, have a short feedback discussion with them: Were they able to persuade their opponent? What arguments did they use?
Media/Entertainment Vocabulary Card Game PDF Worksheet

Media/Entertainment Vocabulary Card Game PDF Worksheet

I needed some media and movie vocabulary cards to use with my younger students as part of a pre-test revision. I created a downloadable, easy to use pdf worksheet. Just download, print, cut and you are ready to go! Every word has 3 forbidden words and if it is too difficult to explain the word without using those, you can allow your students to use one or more of the forbidden words.
ESL/EFL Speaking Activity Based On Iconic Photos

ESL/EFL Speaking Activity Based On Iconic Photos

I based this activity on 10 iconic photos, but you can add more that are more local or more significant for your country. This activity is a great starter for discussion about human rights, democracy, and equality, which are things that our modern society still struggles with. I recommend using this activity with students 16+ as the photos may be disturbing for younger students. I hope you find it useful.
Creative Storytelling Speaking/Writing

Creative Storytelling Speaking/Writing

Picture description can be rather boring after some time and it occurred to me that usually, the pictures are not very creative. I came up with an idea how to spice it up a bit. The pictures in this activity are unusual, imaginative and I hope they will spark some entertaining stories. I recommend to use it with students 16+, it best works with young adults. It could be used with stronger Intermediate students, Upper Intermediate and Advanced. As a variation, you can use it as writing prompts.
Pair Work&Role Play: Food/At The Restaurant. Student sheet&Teacher's sheet

Pair Work&Role Play: Food/At The Restaurant. Student sheet&Teacher's sheet

I used this activity many times with different age groups and levels. It works great with teenagers and adults, pre-intermediate, intermediate and upper intermediate levels. Just make sure to pre-teach the relevant vocabulary and some basic at the restaurant phrases. Your students will create their own restaurant menus and practice waiter/customer dialogues. Teacher's notes included.
Forbidden Words: Food

Forbidden Words: Food

Printer-friendly pdf activity based on the popular Taboo game. For vocabulary revision, games, fun.The topic: food, cooking instructions, kitchen utensils. 60 black and white vocabulary cards. More than 200 words. Every word has three or four “forbidden words” so you can adjust the difficulty of the game by allowing the students to use one or more of the “forbidden words”.
ESL Speaking Activity: 120 Conversation Starters

ESL Speaking Activity: 120 Conversation Starters

120 conversation starters. Hours of discussions. Level: pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate Age: 14+ Skills: speaking, listening Time: 5-60min. Engagement: :) :) :) :) :) Fun: :) :) :) :) These conversation starters can be played as a discussion game in groups of three or four students. Or in pairs. I also used it in my one to one classes with adult students.
One-Minute Talk: ESL Speaking Activity

One-Minute Talk: ESL Speaking Activity

This PDF includes 15 pages and contains more than 100 topics. It can be used to create 5 and more speaking activities. It is easy to use, requires no prep and the students love it! This resource can be used with various age groups and levels. Just print and cut the cards and enjoy a painless lesson.
Do You Get It? ESL Communication Boardgame

Do You Get It? ESL Communication Boardgame

I loved playing the Explain, Draw, Mime game with friends and wanted to use a similar activity in the classroom that promotes communication, so I created one. This activity can be printed as many times as needed, so you can use it even if you teach larger groups. It requires almost no prep(you just have to print the cards and the A4 game board). This printable game contains: 54 cards 162 words A4 game board You will need figures, dice, and a timer (set it to 1 minute for the best game experience). The game can be played in groups of four, where the two pairs compete with each other and explain, draw or mime words to their partners, or in larger groups where one person explains, draws, or mimes words to the rest of the team. The first player rolls a dice and moves along the game board. Every square has a picture that determines if they have to explain, draw or mime the word. If their team guesses the word within the time limit, they can stay on the square. If they don’t guess, the player has to return to their last position. The first team to reach the last square wins.