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A-Level Revision Made Easy

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The shop is full of high level resources targeting top grades in English Literature, History and French. Resources have been thoroughly researched and put together by a current undergraduate at the University of Oxford in order to contain optimum detail and apprehension. Revision can be challenging to say the least, but these resources have been designed to make it enjoyable and as 'easy' as possible.




The shop is full of high level resources targeting top grades in English Literature, History and French. Resources have been thoroughly researched and put together by a current undergraduate at the University of Oxford in order to contain optimum detail and apprehension. Revision can be challenging to say the least, but these resources have been designed to make it enjoyable and as 'easy' as possible.
La Haine French A-Level Extensive Revision Notes

La Haine French A-Level Extensive Revision Notes

La Haine French A-Level Extensive Revision Notes. Aiming for the highest grades? This resource is most definitely for you! Highly extensively researched and detailed notes to ensure optimum knowledge for essay writing (targeting the literature paper). Included in this huge La Haine study bundle: Q&A notes with Mathieu Kassovitz on his film (BBC interview). This is very useful as you will gain a better understanding of the context / motivation for producing regarding the film. The Youtube Interview link is also included as well as the video. La Haine highly detailed revision notes in both PDF and Word document format. 27 pages of highly detailed scene, character, theme and context analysis. This resource has been put together using multiple different sources to achieve optimum detail. Easy bullet point format. Key Quotation analysis. The best quotes of the film broken down and analysed for in-depth understanding. Key Vocabulary sheets to learn some of the challenging vocabulary of the film (notably ‘verlan’). La Haine Workbook Questions and Answers in both PDF and Word document format. 50 pages of detailed questions with the answers in red below. Please feel free to write your own answers to questions and just use my answers as a rough guide. Highly useful resource for getting to grisps with the film and the different scenes. La Haine Lecture Notes. Taken from two lectures carried out in 2021 by professors from the University of Cambridge and the University of Bristol. Highly detailed, interesting and unique notes. Specific focus on the context of the film. La Haine scene-by-scene analysis. A detailed analysis of every single scene in the film. This is a highly extensive and easy to digest resource. I hope that you find this La Haine Revision Pack very helpful. Should you have any questions regarding this resource, or the film in general, please do not hesitate to email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com.
No et Moi French A-Level Extensive Revision Notes

No et Moi French A-Level Extensive Revision Notes

No et Moi by Delphine De Vigan French A-Level Extensive Revision Notes Aiming High? These are the notes for you! 47 pages of total detailed analysis of every single aspect of the novel. These notes have been formulated using a variety of sources, textbooks and independent study/analysis. Included (editable word version and a sharable PDF version): ‘Personnages’ Study (Lou, Nolwenn, Lucas, Anouk, Bernard, Monsieur Marin, Axelle Vernoux and Lea Germain, Madame Cortanze, Tante Yvonne and Tante Sylvie, La femme du kiosque à journaux, Les sans-abris, Suzanne Pivet, Madame Ribéry, Thaïs, Loïc et Geneviève). The range is between four to one pages of analysis per character; analysis being broken up into sub-topics for ease and includes all page numbers. ‘Techniques’ Study (La structure et intrigue, La narration à la première personne, Le style and Poétique). Thèmes (La famille, L’amitié, L’amour, L’éducation, Les sans-abris, L’adolescence, L’apprentissage, La solitude et La tristesse) Quotation Analysis with Page Numbers! Also included in this bundle is a long list of important vocabulary for this novel, detailed context analysis as well as a revision summary mat, which has been made from the notes. Book used to make these notes: No et Moi Le Livre de poche. I hope that you find these notes useful. Should you have any questions regarding this resource, or the novel in general, please do not hesitate to email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com. Merci mille fois pour votre intérêt et bonne chance à l’examen!
French A-Level Full Independent Research Project : May 1968 riots in France

French A-Level Full Independent Research Project : May 1968 riots in France

This resource is perfect for those who want to save time on researching for their IRP for French A-Level or, alternatively, to serve as an example of a high-level research project. Title (taken from the French A-Level Specification) : May 1968 the causes and the consequences. Included in the document: Powerpoint Presentation full of top quality research, sources and ideas (included answers to possible follow up questions - over 70 slides!) A written 2-minute presentation on May 1968. Extra answers for the wider discussion on the following themes (over 40 pages): Context : Les Trentes Glorieuses et le repise économique, Une société en pleine mutation et Les oubliés de la croissance économique. Acteurs Principaux: Charles de Gaulle, homme d’état français, Georges Pompidou, homme d’état français et Daniel Cohn-Bendit, homme politique allemand. Le Catalyseur: L’université de Nanterre et ‘Dany le rouge’ (Daniel Cohn-Bendit). Les Causes: L’usure du pouvoir, L’insatisfaction estudiantine, La politique à l’université, Le défi à la hiérarchie et Les ouvriers. Le Mouvement de Mai 1968 (for background knowledge) : Le mouvement de 22 mars, La première nuit des barricades, Les ouvriers entrent en grève, Une France paralysée, Les accords de Grenelle. La Crise: La Crise Étudiante, La Crise Sociale et La Crise Politique. Les Conséquences: Un président de plus en plus décrié, Une société bouleversée, Les accords de Grenelle et une victoire pour les ouvriers, Les étudiants et la loi Edgard Faure et La place de l’homme dans la société de consommation (une contradiction problématique). Les Revendications ailleurs dans le monde francophone: Belgique, Sénégal et Tunisie. L’héritage de Mai 1968. Les Sources : Le journal de Mavis Gallant, Milou en Mai par Louis Malle, Jean-Paul Sartre sur la violence et Emmanuel Macron (Un mai 1968 en 2018?) Pourquoi Mai 1968? Ce qui me frappe le plus… Thank you very much for your interest in this resource. It took me the course of two years to produce and collate the information, so I hope that it will be greatly helpful to you.
High Quality Phrases for A Level French

High Quality Phrases for A Level French

Do you want to achieve an A or A* Grade in A-Level French? Look no further than these A* level phrases that will make your oral exam go ‘WOW’! A handle of phrases that have been collated over a long series of time from various different resources (including French native speakers themselves). Example: Introduction Il y en a qui pensent que - Some people think that On entend souvent dire que - It is often said that Tout le monde s’accorde à penser que – Everyone agrees that Il est généralement admis que - It is generally agreed that Il est bien connu que - It is well known that Il convient donc d’examiner - We should therefore examine La question est donc de savoir - The question therefore is On ne peut pas renier le fait que - One can’t deny the fact that Il est évident que - It is obvious that All related to arguments and expressing opinions (whether positive or negative). Great resource for Paper 1, 2 or 3 for AQA A Level French. Please do not hesitate to email me at alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com should you require any further details.
Voltaire's Candide Extensive Revision Guide French A-Level

Voltaire's Candide Extensive Revision Guide French A-Level

Voltaire’s Candide Extensive Revision Guide French A-Level Aiming for the Highest Grade for A-Level French? This is the detailed guide for you! This revision guide includes the following detailed analysis: Biographie de Voltaire (Impertinences et ambitions littéraires; L’exil en Angleterre…) Résumé de Candide (Chapitre 1 à Chapitre 30) Grands thèmes dans Candide (L’argent dans Candide / L’argent est présent dans le tout le conte; L’argent, source de souffrances; L’argent « positif… La Parodie dans Candide / Quels sont les principaux procédés de la parodie…). Same principle for multiple themes - theme followed by sub-theme analysis. Candide, une œuvre représentative de l’esprit des Lumières ? Carte du trajet de Candide Personnages (Candide, Cunégonde, Pangloss, Martin and Cacambo) Commentaire littéraire (Satire) Thank you very much for your interest in this resource. Any questions are welcomed at alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com.
French Podcast Series (A-Level French)

French Podcast Series (A-Level French)

Weekly Podcasts that include the transcript in order to help students with the listening section of A-Level French. Podcast on the French Elections (who can vote?) Links very nicely with the topic of the young and the right to vote. Podcast by Easy French Podcasts on ‘Voyage!’ Included: MP3 Audio Podcast Download Vocabulary Lists Transcripts Thank you very much for your interest in this resource. Please see week 1 Podcast learning for transcripts and vocabulary lists on two more very interesting podcasts.
Un Sac de Billes French A-Level Extensive Revision Notes

Un Sac de Billes French A-Level Extensive Revision Notes

Extensive Revision Notes for Joseph Joffo’s ‘Un Sac de Billes’ for French A Level. Aiming high? This is the bundle for you! Included is revision notes (included analysed quotes) from each scene; revision already planned and written essays on a number of characters and themes; high quality quote analysis; essay plan revision powerpoint and an overview of the language used throughout the book. Example of a chapter analysis: Chapitre Dix: Chez Rosette De retour au camp Moisson Nouvelle, ils apprennent que leur père a été pris dans une rafle. Leur identité juive étant révélée, ils doivent donc s’enfuir de nouveau. Joseph et Maurice partent d’abord en direction de Montluçon pour rejoindre leur sœur aînée, Rosette, qui habite non loin de là, à Ainay-le-Vieil. Mais du fait qu’il y ait un collaborateur dans le village susceptible de les dénoncer, elle leur explique qu’ils ne peuvent pas rester plus longtemps. Ils partent alors pour Aix-les-Bains en Savoie pour rejoindre leurs frères et leur mère, qui avait réussi à échapper à la rafle. N’arrivant pas à surmonter l’arrestation de son mari, elle ne tardera pas à remonter à Paris. Encore forcés de fuir, les deux frères tentent finalement de retrouver une vie normale dans le village de Rumilly. ENGLISH TRANSLATION Back at the Moisson Nouvelle camp, they learn that their father has been caught in a roundup. Their Jewish identity being revealed, they must therefore flee again. Joseph and Maurice first set off in the direction of Montluçon to join their older sister, Rosette, who lives not far from there, in Ainay-le-Vieil. But the fact that there is a collaborator in the village likely to denounce them, she explains to them that they cannot stay longer. They then left for Aix-les-Bains in Savoy to join their brothers and their mother, who had managed to escape the roundup. Unable to overcome the arrest of her husband, she will not be long in returning to Paris. Still forced to flee, the two brothers finally try to find a normal life in the village of Rumilly. “Tu as eu peur?” “Non… enfin pas beaucoup, j’ai été malade, à un moment mais je suis guéri” (Highlights how Joseph felt about his time in the Gestapo headquarters) “Cela m’ennuie de quitter la Méditerranée, j’y reviendrai quand je serai plus grand et que ce sera la paix” (Higlights how Jo believes that he will survive to return to the Mediterranean) “Même en payant des millions, je ne pourrais rien vous vendre, il y a bien longtemps qu’il n’y a plus d’arrivage, les maisons de gros ne livrent plus” (Highlights how many items in France were scarce due to rations) “Vous ne trouverez pad d’hôtel à Montluçon, il y en a deux qui ont été requisitionés par les Allemands et un autre pour la Milice” (Highlights how the Gestapo had requisitioned all the hotels in France) Hopefully you will find this resource useful, but please do not hesitate to message me via email at alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com
French A-Level Speaking Preparation AS Topics (All you need to achieve top grades!)

French A-Level Speaking Preparation AS Topics (All you need to achieve top grades!)

French A-Level Speaking Preparation - all you need to achieve the best grades possible! Included in the document: ’Stock phrases’ for each of the question types that you will receive. e.g. Question 1: ‘Après avoir lu la carte et jeté un œil sur les informations données, il a été démontré que…’. Question 2: Honnêtement, il est dommage que le passage n’ait pas donné plus d’informations et des chiffres sur (le thème) afin de supporter son argument. ’Stock Questions’ to ask the examiner (high level). e.g. Pour autant que vous puissiez en juger, quel est votre opinion sur… (as far as you can judge, what is your opinion on…) Extra impressive phrases and idioms targeting grammatical structures** (with English translations) e.g. De sorte que + but + subjonctive (J’avais pensé aux deux faces de la médaille, de sorte que je ne sois pas influencé par ma propre opinion). Il est illusoire d’imaginer que (it is ridiculous to imagine that). Stock Questions for each of the topics that could come up. e.g. Pouvez-vous me dire ce à quoi vous pensez, ce que vous imaginez par rapport à l’évolution de la vie de couple dans les autres pays francophones ? Each of the themes for AS Level have a grid with the key ideas and the specific information (stock answers). e.g. La technologie en Côte d’Ivoire - La cyber-technologie est en constante croissance en Côte d’Ivoire surtout d’après les fournisseurs mobiles et Internet. On remarque ainsi plus de personnes avec un téléphone portable et une exploitation internet dans le pays, la plus développée d’Afrique. Toutefois, cette progression digitale a un impact néfaste sur les journaux et magazines. Each Theme mentions the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic (interesting discussion point for each of the themes for AS). After reading the examiner’s report, it is evident that examiners like the students to mention the title of the card, so I have added a section on how to analyse the title. Thank you very much for your interest in this resource. A2 Revision Sheets coming soon.
Learn French through Podcasts (Targeting A-Level Students)

Learn French through Podcasts (Targeting A-Level Students)

French A-Level : Podcast Series 1 and 2 Learn French through fantastic podcasts - perfect for the listening section of A-Level French Paper 1. Included: Vocabulary Lists Audio for French Podcast Transcript for Podcast Every week two new podcasts will be uploaded, along with vocabulary sheets and transcripts (from different sources).
French Advanced Phrases to achieve top grades at A-Level

French Advanced Phrases to achieve top grades at A-Level

Advanced French Phrases to achieve top grades at A-Level and beyond. Super advanced and detailed grammatical phrases to set your answers apart from the rest. Want to speak like a native? This is most certainly the 11-page resource for you! Examples are included for every grammatical point! *Example: Did you know about my upstairs neighbour? His wife dumped him and she took off with her lover. Tu étais au courant pour mon voisin du dessus ? Sa femme l’a plaqué et elle s’est tirée avec son amant. Être au courant quelque chose – to be aware of something Plaquer quelqu’un (laisser tomber quelqu’un) – to dump someone Se barrer / Se casser / Se tirer – to leave with someone * Thank you for your interest in this resource. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to email alevelrevisionmadeeasy@gmail.com