All resources

What's Your Story? An Intro to the Novel.
A little intro lesson where students imagine their lives are being turned into a novel and they design a clever title, cover and blurb. Nice intro lesson to a novel or to the beginning of the academic year. They can then be used for display!

Island Man - Lesson
A lesson analysing Island Man by Nicols. Creative tasks, analysis tasks. Suitable for KS3 and KS4.

Hamlet Context - Changing Times Lesson
A lesson exploring the changes in Jacobean Science and Society to support AO3 knowledge (context) when studying the play.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Ralston Lesson IGCSE Anthology
A lesson analysing Ralston’s Between A Rock and a Hard Place for the IGCSE Edexcel Anthology.

Negative by Kevin Young Poetry Lesson
A poem that explores the world of racism, discrimination and prejudice. Great as an unseen poetry opportunity.

Chinese Cinderella Analysis IGCSE Anthology
A great resource for teaching Chinese Cinderella for the IGCSE Anthology.

A Christmas Carol Stave 1 - Scrooge and the Weather Analysis
A lesson analysing Scrooge’s characterisation in Stave 1 and also analysing pathetic fallacy.

Malala Speech Lesson and Persuasive Writing
A lesson analysing Malala’s speech and practising transactional writing skills.

Great Expectatations Character Descriptions KS3/4
Analysis of the key characters and settings in Great Expectations. One off lesson to use with Key Stage 3 or 4.

Explorers or Boys Messing About Anthology Analysis
A worksheet for students to fill in analysing key quotes and techniques from the extract.

The Twits Inspired Creative Writing Carousel Lesson
A creative writing lesson inspired by The Twits - carousel tasks for Key Stage 2 and 3

Remember by Rossetti Lesson KS4/5
A lesson exploring the poem Remember by Christina Rossetti. Could be used for IGCSE Literature lesson or A Level.

Great Expectations Extract Analysis - 1 off lesson
A great way to introduce Key Stage 3 students to Great Expectations. Includes analytical tasks, creative tasks, and analytical writing. Fun, interactive and differentiated.

Animal Farm Worksheet - analysing propaganda in Squealer's Speech Ch.3
A worksheet that guides students through analysing the use of rhetoric in Squealer’s speech.

Persuasive Writing Revision and Tasks
A perfect resource for revision and practising persuasive writing skills with Year 9,10 or 11.

Macbeth Ambition Theme Lesson
A lesson that guides students through analysis of how Macbeth’s ambition has developed over the course of the play from Act 1 to Act 3.

Animal Farm Blackout Poetry
A creative lesson that compliments a study of Animal Farm. A fun way to engage with the text that also develops creative writing skills.

Animal Farm Essay Plan Lesson on the theme of Inequality
A lesson that guides students through an extract based question on the theme of inequality. Includes a basic guide for how to plan.