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AQA Five Pillars and Obligatory Acts
Islamic Practices lesson on the Five Pillars and Ten Obligatory Acts for the AQA GCSE

Eduqas Issues of Human Rights
Complete set of lessons on Human Rights for the new Eduqas RE GCSE. Requires the Eduqas textbook.

Eduqas GCSE Relationships Topic
The whole of the new Eduqas Relationships topic complete with revision lesson, resources and an assessment.

Anti-Racist RE
8x50 minute lessons focussing on Anti-Racist RE
This is aimed at our Compulsory 6th Form Provision but is easily adapted
Uses resources from RE Today

AQA- Islam, Crime and Punishment
Whole scheme of work for Islam, crime and punishment for the new 9-1 AQA GCSE.
Requires the AQA textbook.

The Bielski Brothers
Was what the Bielski Brother's did the right thing to do?
A research lesson that will probably take 2- includes an assessment question and time for feedback.

AQA Islam, War and Peace
A whole scheme of work on Islamic views on war and peace
Requires the AQA textbook.

AQA Islam: Relationships and Families
Whole scheme of work on relationship and families for AQA Religious Studies A Islam, including a revision lesson and revision resources.
Relies on having the AQA approved textbook.

Kosher food
Lesson on Jewish food laws
Main task is to create a Kosher menu, explaining why each part of the menu is Kosher.

AQA Religious Studies A: Islamic Practices
8 Lesson scheme of work on Islamic Practices covering the 5 pillars, Id, Ashura and Jihad. There is also a revision lesson, a knowledge test and a revision mindmap.

Buddhist Meditation
Lesson on Meditation in Buddhism
A couple of pictures are hyperlinks on the ppt so have a click around to make sure you are getting all the resources available!

Islam and Human Relationships AQA GCSE
Theme A from AQA Ethics Paper.
We study our two religions completely separately so this topic only focusing on Islamic teachings on Human Relationships and Sexuality.
This topic includes an assessment as well as opportunites for peer and self-assessment.
Lessons also include text appropriate for those with lower reading ages, and will require the AQA Islam textbook for those with higher reading ages.
We also use PIXL LORIC skills, with the addition of Kindness. The badges for these are on the slides.

Veganism as a worldview
5x50 minute lessons centered on Veganism as a worldview
This is aimed at our Compulsory 6th Form Provision but could easily be adapted for other age groups

Islam and Feminism
Aimed at our Compulsory 6th Form provision using REToday resources
6 50 minute lessons that could be extended into 8 if more research time is needed

AQA RE GCSE Revision resources
Christianity and Islam
Themes A, B, E, F
One of the resources on the Christianity ppt I cannot take credit for…it was uploaded here with a vast array of other resources by DesignRE in 2022- check it out, it super helpful.
4x100 minute revision lessons

The Birth of Jesus
A series of 8 lessons focused on the birth of Jesus. This forms part of our much bigger ‘Incarnation’ topic in Y7.
Please leave a review if you find it useful!

Paper 1 AQA- Christianity and Islam REVISION
A revision lesson covering-
Salvation, Eucharist, Incarnation, Resurrection, Crucifixion, Ascension, Atonement
Sawm, Risalah and Jihad
There is also a homework on Food Banks and Street Pastors
The book referenced is the Pearson revision guide, but could be easily adapted to suit any resource
It’s weird cluster of topics, but it’s what my kids are weaker on!
It is a 100 minute lesson.