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AQA A-level Sociology: Crime and Deviance - Quizzes Bundle!
Complete quizzes covering Topics 1-9 of the Crime and Deviance course - adorned with colours and pictures for faster memorisation! £2 individually, but £10 per pack (£8 saved!).

AQA A-level Sociology: Crime and Deviance - Marxism, Class and Crime
A PowerPoint providing a colourful overview of the Marxism sub-topic for Crime and Deviance.

AQA A-level Sociology: Crime and Deviance - Topic 4 (Left Realism Notes)
A student’s summary on left realism for Topic 4 of the Crime and Deviance course.

AQA A-level Sociology: Crime and Deviance - Topic 3 Task
A handout on the Dewsbury Bombers case to exemplify Taylor et al’s full social theory of deviance.

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - Topic 7 (Ideology)
A student’s poster on the Ideology half of Topic 7 for Beliefs in Society - clear-cut and colourful!

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - Key Terminology
A two-page chart for memorising the basics concerning Beliefs in Society key terminology!

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - ALL Secularisation Evaluation Chart
A student’s colour-coded 7-page table on evaluating the extent of secularisation in the UK, America and globally, past and present. All topics have been considered and some extra facts are contained!

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - Cultural Defence WR
A student’s poster which, assisted by some quantitative wider reading, recaps Steve Bruce’s insight into Poland and Iran, particularly magnifying cultural defence in the former.

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - Topic 6 (Sects)
A student’s striking ;) poster distinguishing between the origins and cessation of the Branch Davidians and the People’s Temple, with a final link to Wallis’ NRM typology.

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - Topic 1 (Definitions of Religion)
A student’s one-page chart outlining the three different sociological definitions of religion, with theorists highlighted for memorisation.

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - Wider Reading Facts
A student’s picks from 7 articles, encompassing Topics 1-5 of the Beliefs in Society course - ideal for knowledge consolidation and sourcing additional evaluation.

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - A3 Age and Religious Participation Poster!
A student’s multihued, wider reading-packed poster for Topic 6 of the Beliefs in Society course, specifically focusing on age disparities in religiosity.

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - 10 Marker Kit!
A student’s 23 top-band 10 markers following the PEEL (Point, Evidence, Explanation, Evaluation, Link to Q) structure and spanning Topics 1-6 (due to lockdown changes to learning). Doable in timed conditions and a mixture of item/itemless questions!

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - Religion and Development
A student’s two posters for Topic 5 of the Beliefs in Society course that, alongside sprinkles of wider reading, cover:
God and Globalisation in India.
Capitalism in East Asia.
Pentecostalism in Latin America/globally.

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - Social Change
Brief topic 2 notes for Beliefs in Society - evaluation and images included!

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - Science as a Belief System
Three fun visual displays conveying the various theories for science as a closed belief system.

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - New Christian Right Facts!
A student’s succinct poster and short (10-slide) PowerPoint on the New Christian Right, useful for Topics 2 and 5 of the Beliefs in Society course (videos, statistics and evaluation included!).

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - Confucianism
A student’s wider reading on Confucianism for Topic 5 - Religion in a Global Context - of the Beliefs in Society course.

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - Topic 1 Quiz
Colourful and engaging Theories of Religion quiz, comprising of:
98 quick-fire questions.
Separate evaluation sections for clarity.
Cornered photographs to improve memory (ideal for visual learners).
Belongs to £10 bundle containing every topic quiz (saves you £4!).

AQA A-level Sociology: Beliefs in Society - Quizzes Bundle (All Topics!)
Engaging, bright and broad quizzes for all Beliefs in Society topics, averaging at 15-25 slides, with a maximum of 141 questions. Theorist images included and colour-coded thematically/for evaluative point for memorising these important differences.
Note: A separate quiz is attached for Secularisation statistics to prevent students from being overwhelmed by quantitative information, with extra figures incorporated.
Quizzes sold individually for £2.