Practical guidance written by an enlightened and dedicated GP who goes into schools and who works for a CCG as a Safeguarding Lead GP. It will help you think about what to do about the stressed teachers and pupils in your school. Dr Venetia Young describes and recommends solutions-focused therapy, better working together and family tree (Genograms) work. This is positive, solutions orientated guidance for primary and secondary schools.
This is an inspirational and practical Power Point which can be tailored to your school. Ideal for use on UN Peace Day which is on 21 September every year. You can use it on any other day of course, or just in the days before the 21 September. It is aimed mainly at Primary schools, but could be adapted to any other kind of school.
This is Part One of the unique ‘Teen’ Spirit book by Lindsay Ullmann who was bullied at her secondary school but managed in her life to succeed despite this. Teenagers find this material helpful, and motivational. It is an invaluable resource for PSHE in secondary schools. The chapters are excellent material for lessons. In this part: ‘Lindsay’s wisdom’;, ‘Who am I?’ ‘;Finding yourself’, ‘Bullying’; and ‘Relax!’.
A full colour A3 poster illustrating the four levels of peace: Inner peace, peaceful relationships, peaceful community and peace in the world. Inspiring and informative. It will brighten up any staff room or classroom. Contemporary design. Powerful messages for students and adults alike.
A very practical guide to boosting children's involvement/participation in primary schools written by David Holmes, an ex Head and County Advisor. Includes children&'s rights and &';active and democratic' classrooms.
Concise guidance packed with ideas and information about helpful resources to enable you to make your school more peaceful - at the individual inner peace level, through developing good working relationships between everyone, at a whole school ethos level and in undertaking peace-promoting activities reaching out from the school.
Taylor Swift, Marcus Rashford, Malala Yousafzai, Steve Backshall and Greta Thunberg are part of our Peace Heroes resource. 6 worksheets cover key facts about 6 Peace Heroes with a quiz for each one too. Great for discussion about peace, society and activism.
A succinct published article which explains what a peaceful school is. The Peaceful Schools Movement encourages schools to become more peaceful. For example, by engaging creatively with their pupils to design quiet rooms and gardens, alongside undertaking activities such as the practice of mindfulness and training in conflict resolution, all within the context of a whole-school ethos of dynamic peacefulness.
Useful and readable guidance from an experienced teacher of meditation and mindfulness which will help to enable you to teach children with Autism or ADHD meditation and mindfulness.
Christine Easom was Head of R.E. at a Specialist Humanities College. She used P4C (Philosophy for Children) as a tool to research PEACEFUL SCHOOLS in three schools and aims to encourage teachers to use the P4C approach as a way to achieve challenging, meaningful and purposeful dialogue that can lead to real and lasting change within a school.
Guidance written by Felicity Robinson to help schools get maximum value from their school grounds/outdoor environments for their pupils’ peaceful learning and play.
This is Part Three of the unique ‘Teen’ Spirit book by Lindsay Ullmann who was bullied at school but went on to become successful as a creative person. Teenagers have found this material to be very inspirational and motivational - it is about life and how you can cope with it successfully! . An invaluable resource for PSHE in secondary schools. The chapters are excellent material for lessons. They are: 'Different types of people&', &';Don't be fooled by the media&', &';Being spiritual', &'Releasing your creativity&';, 'Finding your passion&'.
A gorgeous, full colour, A3 poster for Primary schools and similar. It shows the four levels of peace: inner peace, peaceful relationships, peaceful community and peaceful connections. Professionally designed. It will inform, inspire and brighten up any classroom and staff room.
This is Part Two of the unique ‘Teen’ Spirit book by Lindsay Ullmann who was bullied at her secondary school but managed to overcome this and be a successful creative person. Teenagers have found this material very helpful. An invaluable resource for PSHE in secondary schools. The chapters are excellent material for lessons. They are: 'What do people think of me?&', &';Gaining confidence', &'Feelings&';, 'Heartbreak&' and&';Tuning in to nature'.
Ex Primary Head Teacher, David Holme’s ‘Pathways for Peaceful Primary Schools’ guidance booklet (25 pages A4) is a road atlas for schools on the journey of peace. For that is what Peaceful Schools are very much about – being on a journey. To be a Peaceful School is not about achieving an end product, or reaching a set of targets or criteria, it is about being on a wonderful voyage of exploration and discovery. The exploration and discovery of peace in all its glorious forms! More on peaceful schools:
An essential guide for SMSC and PSHE. In this complete guide, David Holmes a Primary HeadTeacher, covers all aspects of this topic including the ‘why?’ and the ‘what?’ of spirituality. This publication is bursting with practical ideas for all primary schools in the UK.
This is a three page document with ideas for peaceful words and activities for use with a whole class or small groups - older primary and younger secondary. With words of encouragement for all teaching staff!
A Peace-linked Framework for Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education in Primary Schools created by David Holmes a Primary Head Teacher. 77 pages. Includes UK Government Guidance for PSHE, 2020, BLM, British Values, UNCRC,