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Year 3 Dictionary and Thesaurus Planning (5 Days)
5 days worth of whole class reading planning, covering the Year 3 dictionary and thesaurus objectives.

Balanced Argument UKS2 WAGOLL - Petrol Cars?
Upper KS2 balanced argument WAGOLL - ‘Should we ban petrol cars?’. There are also 4 supplementary reading activities to help engage with the text: **text comprehension, vocabulary match and skimming and scanning. **
The WAGOLL is organised to suit key grammatical foci for this genre of text. There is a clear introduction, arguments both for and against and then also a concise conclusion. A range of subordinating conjunctions have been used to further develop children’s skills and topical vocabulary has been embedded - these can then be ‘magpied’ and used within independent pieces.

Boudicca Character Description - Y3/4
Boudicca character description aimed at Y3/4. Grammar focus was on prepositional phrases.

UKS2 Adventure Narrative WAGOLL
An UKS2 adventure narrative WAGOLL. There are range of sentence starters and powerful vocabulary choices within the narrative. The narrative follows the typical structure - setting/character introduction and description, a build up, the problem and then the resolution and ending.
There are also supplementary comprehension questions included to further develop an understanding of the vocabulary and narrative as a whole.

LKS2 Charlotte's Web Whole Class Reading
A series of five sessions of Whole Class Reading, all focusing on the first chapter of Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White.
Day 1 - Focus on new vocabulary
Day 2 - Focus on forming connections and predictions
Day 3 - Focus on teacher modeled reading and paired learning
Day 4 - Focus on answering comprehension questions - VIPERS
Day 5 - Focus on understanding impressions of characters
PowerPoint and associated questions are provided.

Writing Process Flowchart
This flowchart provides an outline for a suggested writing process within primary schools. The process follows 5 key areas and provides descriptors/suggested activities for each section.