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One Stop English and Humanities Shop

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Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.




Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Homework booklet for students reading Once by Morris Gleitzman

Homework booklet for students reading Once by Morris Gleitzman

Includes 6 weeks worth of homework activities including chapter questions, a vocabulary list (and activities) and tips for creative writing. It steps students through an assessment task which requires students to write a short story (a transformation of a section of the novel and a preface justifying their creative decisions). Specific task details are below. Mode/Medium: Imaginative Written short story (fiction). Subject Matter: Throughout time short stories have captured the imaginations of both readers and listeners. A good short story will capture the interest of its audience and hold it to the end. Purpose: To entertain and demonstrate your knowledge of the short story genre. Task: For this task you have a choice: 1. Write an imaginative short story that creates a character or “gives voice” to a silenced or marginalised character in the novel that you have studied in class. 2. Place the character into the novel which you have studied in class. This can be at the beginning, the middle or end of a scene. For example, you might write from the perspective of someone who observed an event, assisted the protagonist or befriended them. Or you may create a new character. E.g. A new best friend for the protagonist. Your teacher will explain what it means to “give voice” to a character in a novel. Your character must interact with the novel’s protagonist. You may change the storyline and plot to accommodate your character if you desire, however, your story must remain true to the themes and setting of the novel. (E.g. you can’t turn it into a comedy or change the country where the novel is set). Requirements: Length is to be 400-500 words plus a 100 word preface explaining how the story is both original and imaginative. You must demonstrate that you have a sound knowledge of short story conventions and adhere to the short story structure. You can make your story both original and imaginative in the following ways: • Creative use of the conventions of a short story, for example a twist at the end. • Create non-stereotyped characters that make unpredictable choices. • Juxtapose related texts. • Promote alternative beliefs and values through your writing.
World War Two - government restrictions on the homefront

World War Two - government restrictions on the homefront

The home front: Australian commitment to war This powerpoint is designed to teach students about The Australian Government’s reasons for joining the war. Changes to the running of the nation during the war including the use of WARTIME GOVERNMENT CONTROLS such as internment, censorship, conscription, rationing and propaganda. These terms are defined, the PowerPoints also include images of propaganda posters used to explain these to civilians and persuade them to do their part for the war. The PPT also includes sources scanned from various textbooks and comprehension questions. It also includes information about the bombing of Darwin during the war & the Japanese submarine attacks on Sydney. Interspersed throughout the lesson are 'checking for understanding' questions to help students to revise the key lesson concepts.
War Poems

War Poems

Perfect resources for a protest poetry unit. These poems show wars from a range of viewpoints. There are poems about World War 1 and 2, poems for use in ANZAC day ceremonies, one Vietnam war poem. The World War 1 poems include a link to an ABC national radio programme where celebrities have been recorded reading these poems.
The changing roles of women during World War Two

The changing roles of women during World War Two

Women’s work: the changing roles of women in Australia during world war two Key topics: Women’s auxiliaries, Female rates of pay, Pressures on women, the Australian women’s land army and the effects of allowing women to work during the war. There are scanned sources from various textbooks about the land army with questions for students to respond to. One of these sources shows the types of employment available to men and women during the war. Another shows the average wages for an Australian male and female during the war. This campaign was instituted across the allied countries including the USA. The latter sections of the PowerPoint look at one of the most iconic women’s work propaganda campaigns which was launched in America after Pearl Harbor (Rosie the riveter). It explains what a riveter was and looks at two famous propaganda posters which represent 'Rosie.' This PowerPoint also includes a link to a homework document which includes source analysis questions to prepare students for a short response exam. It is also a great way of revising concepts taught in the lesson.
TADPOLE acronym for analysing sources + Pearl Harbor

TADPOLE acronym for analysing sources + Pearl Harbor

A PowerPoint that goes through an acronym which can be used to analyse sources (with specific examples from WW2). This is followed by content knowledge: Japanese Imperialism and the lead-up to Pearl Harbor, The source of US conflict with Japan & Japan's strategy.
How to structure a persuasive speech (about political issues)

How to structure a persuasive speech (about political issues)

This lesson was designed for a year 11 class who are required to present an election speech to be on a youth advisory committee for the federal government. This lesson goes through the main aspects required for the introduction, body, and conclusion. It defines thesis statement and gives an example. It includes examples of each part of the speech (given about legalising marijuana for medicinal purposes). It reviews the PEEEL paragraphing acronym and the importance of paraphrasing, summarising and quoting. It ends with some tips for political speeches and some suggested vocabulary.
Protest poetry - An introduction to the Stolen Generations

Protest poetry - An introduction to the Stolen Generations

This is a history style lesson designed to help children understand the Stolen Generations before the next lesson where they will view poems about this issue and have to analyse them. It introduces students to the assimilation policy, includes images of newspaper advertisements at the time (selling half-caste children) and looks at the beliefs held at the time about this issue. It includes clips from the film Rabbit Proof Fence along with questions to help check for understanding and to develop empathy. Following this, information is provided about what the institutions were like as well as historical sources (testimonies of stolen children remembering the day they were taken). Finally, it looks at the effects and consequences of the stolen generation with information taken from the Creative Spirits website. Additional resources: A handout with the questions for the Rabbit Proof Fence viewing activity. A homework handout (mind mapping the effects of the stolen generation.)
Protest poetry - how to analyse war poems

Protest poetry - how to analyse war poems

A PowerPoint which includes a list of questions for students to ask themselves every time they analyse a poem. The poems to be explored show people’s feelings and emotions about war and the toll it takes on human lives. While some poems talk about bravery, patriotism and pride, this collection challenges this perspective. Both poems contest the notion of war showing it as a senseless waste of young lives. Students read one poem and there are set of writing activities and questions for them to respond to. They then listen to the song 'And the band played Waltzing Matilda' as they read along on their sheet (also provided). Afterwards, there are 11 activities for the children to complete.
Protest Poetry - analysing poems about The Stolen Generations

Protest Poetry - analysing poems about The Stolen Generations

A PowerPoint presentation which teaches students how to structure a paragraph using the PEEL acronym. This will be used by students when they write their reviews of the poems they will later read. The PPT includes the words to Kidnappers by Iris Clayton which explores some of the consequences of the stolen generation. Children are asked to write a PEEL paragraph in response to a set question. Depending on the ability level of the class this can be done independently or as a group with the teacher writing their suggestions on the board. This process is repeated for another two poems. I have also provided a handout with the words for each poem and the questions (for students who need hard copies). Additional resource: homework handout - a three level guide (designed to prompt higher order thinking about the topic).
War Poetry - Wilfred Owen's poem Dulce et Decorum Est

War Poetry - Wilfred Owen's poem Dulce et Decorum Est

1) A PPT: to facilitate learning about the use of poison gas in WW1 and the gas masks which were provided to soldiers. Some context about the poet (Wilfred Owen). Students read and annotate Dulce et Decorum Est. This is followed by questions about the tone of the poem and its intended reading. Following this, students will identify the poetic devices within the poem and evaluate their effectiveness. This is followed by a series of questions for students to answer in their books (to help them expand their analysis). This is followed by a discussion to compare this text with other WW1 poems we have already explored and a reflection activity (KWL). 2) A handout for students to complete their analysis in (which also includes the details for their homework -- to write a mini essay about Owen’s representation of war in comparison to Seeger’s)
Reading comprehension booklet - Parvana aka The Breadwinner

Reading comprehension booklet - Parvana aka The Breadwinner

This booklet has been designed as part of a year 8 English unit of work on Parvana (a novel set in Afghanistan during the reign of the Taliban). It includes activities about characters, the setting and language features which students are to complete as they read the novel. There are also questions about the events/themes/character's perspectives et cetera for each chapter. This is all in preparation for a creative writing assessment where students take what they have learned to create a written literary transformation (a short story from a marginalised character's perspective). Their short story has to focus on a moral issue within the novel. I have referenced the other study guides I drew on when creating this resource.
Autobiography 'Slave' - Context. The customs of the Nuba people.

Autobiography 'Slave' - Context. The customs of the Nuba people.

Anyone who thinks that slavery went the way of the nineteenth century will be disabused of that belief when reading “Slave: My True Story”  written by Mende Nazer, a Sudanese Nuba, along with Damien Lewis, a British journalist. This book gives a chilling overview of the modern slave trade from the perspective of one who was victimized by it. Human trafficking, unfortunately, is alive and well as a weapon of war in the late twentieth and twenty-first century. This resource is a PowerPoint presentation designed for use in a 12 English Authority class in Queensland Australia. It introduces students to the concepts of cultural context and social situations and how both can influence the author. This lesson prepares students to answer the following question: What is the social impact of the text? i.e. is it recycling or reinforcing cultural assumptions? Within this lesson students will learn about the Nuba people – cultural practices e.g. scarification, beads, wrestling, religious beliefs, dwellings, diet, languages & female genital mutilation. In addition to information, images and videos of some of these are provided. It also includes some information about save trading in Sudan. At the end of the PowerPoint are some sample answers to the chapter questions for chapters 1-8.
Religion: Introduction to Inquiry Based Learning Social Justice Unit

Religion: Introduction to Inquiry Based Learning Social Justice Unit

Three resources used in a 9 Theology unit on social justice and the work of laypeople. 1) a PowerPoint introducing students to Inquiry Based Learning. It includes the two big questions of the unit (aka fertile questions). Students to complete a KWL chart before learning to develop sub questions to answer the two big questions. It then talks students through a process that they can use to begin finding answers to these questions. It includes an explanation of BOOLEAN search practices which can be used when researching online to produce more relevant results. 2) A list of prayers required to be taught throughout the year (grade 9) 3) A table which explains the various steps of TELSTAR (the structure used for this Inquiry unit)
Autobiography 'Slave' - History of Sudan

Autobiography 'Slave' - History of Sudan

6 resources utilised in a 12 English Authority unit in Queensland Australia. 1) A PowerPoint taking students through the history of Sudan. It begins by introducing students to key terms including: coup, constitution, fundamentalist, Islam, junta and secession. These terms are integral to understanding the events in Slave as the author's life was influenced by the political events occurring in society at the time. After a brief overview of the early history, it delves into the civil war (1980s-1990s). Lastly it looks at contemporary politics (since 2002). 2) A handout of the notes about the history of Sudan (which were taken from the Oxford dictionary of contemporary world history). This can be given to students who struggle to summarise or used for purposes of revision. 3) Further research about Slave and the Nuba culture. 4) A handout to be given to students at the beginning of the term explaining the purpose of the unit and outlining what the two items of assessment are. 5) A diagram which shows the various influences on the author as she wrote her autobiography.
World War Two - The War in Europe

World War Two - The War in Europe

A PowerPoint which I think History teachers will find helpful. If you use it, and like it, please give me a positive star rating / review. Constructive criticism is also appreciated. PowerPoint: World War Two in Europe • homework (mini research task) • Nazification of Germany • What role did President Hindenburg play in Hitler’s rise to power? • A few videos (viewing activities) • View a timeline of the road to WW2 (1933-1939) • Learn how to analyse a political cartoon (by the British cartoonist David Low appeared in the Evening Standard newspaper in July 1936.) • Kristallnacht – ‘night of the broken glass’ o Source analysis: A Letter by a Firefighter – Kristallnacht Germany 1938 • World War II in Europe o Holocaust begins o Ghettos including viewing primary footage in A Film Unfinished (2010) o Concentration & Extermination Camps o Change of Tactics: Einsatzgruppen o The ‘Final Solution’ + Wannsee Conference o SS Tactics: Dehumanisation o Dr. Josef Mengele + Medical Experiments o The Gas Chambers + images o Processing the bodies o Was the Final Solution successful? Holocaust Statistics By Country
Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake - Unit Introduction

Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake - Unit Introduction

Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). A PowerPoint designed to engage students / excite them as they ‘tune in’ to the new unit. It includes: a review of my classroom expectations (as well as the positive and negative consequences). Some interesting facts about Ned Kelly. Some questions about the front and back cover of the novel Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson. After getting the students to make predictions about the novel, they complete a K-W-L chart about what they already know about Ned Kelly and what they would like to know. Subsequently we go through what the two assessments for the term will be. We then review some important parts of the novel and how they work (contents, a map of Kelly Country and the Introduction). Some info about the language features in the novel is provided as well as a spelling list of 24 words taken from the novel and ACARA’s English glossary. Students will define these for homework throughout the week. Some extra information is included at the end of the PowerPoint if you happen to finish early. 2)** A handout containing the map, contents, intro and spelling words.**
Viewing First Australians Episode 1 - They have come to stay - 11 Modern History

Viewing First Australians Episode 1 - They have come to stay - 11 Modern History

This is a worksheet to the SBS series First Australians Episode 1: They have come to stay. This resource was made for use in an 11 Modern History classroom in Queensland, Australia. I have also included a scanned copy of my teacher answer sheet. According to SBS, “First Australians chronicles the birth of contemporary Australia as never told before, from the perspective of its first people. First Australians explores what unfolds when the oldest living culture in the world is overrun by the world’s greatest empire.” Episode 1 focuses on Sydney and New South Wales (1788–1824). It includes the first contact, friendships formed between powerful men such as Governor Arthur Phillip and the Aboriginal Bennelong. The smallpox epidemic. The bloodshed and conflicts which arose as settlers spread out across the land.
Frontier Wars - Modern History - Ideologies and 'Scientific' theories used to justify colonalism

Frontier Wars - Modern History - Ideologies and 'Scientific' theories used to justify colonalism

Resources designed for the new senior Modern History syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in colonialism and Australia’s Frontier Wars (1788-1930s). This resource is a PowerPoint used to teach students about imperialist ideologies which existed during the Australian frontier wars. It includes definitions of race and racism, an explanation of individual vs institutional racism and five levels of racism. It includes a recap of Captain Cook and the fallacy of Terra Nullius. Subsequently it explores the following theories: survival of the fittest / social darwinism, The Great Chain of Being and Phrenology. There is a video clip explaining why phrenology has since been debunked. At the end of the lesson there are a series of comprehension questions which students can answer in verbal / written form. A homework sheet explaining a research task + paragraph writing activity (about Hornet Bank Massacre) used to diagnose student ability levels. I pride myself on the quality of the materials I produce, I don’t charge high prices because I don’t agree with paying £10 for a wordsearch. If you need to check before you buy, have a look at some of the free resources in my shop for a sample of the quality and depth.