
Holocaust Memorial Day - Roma Family Memories
Meet Pete: He is from the Roma community and loves sport. In the first video he tells us about his life (today 2021) - growing up in Poland and doing what he loves: a professional boxer and sporting coach.
In the next video he shares what he knows about his great-grandmother (Majorka) There is an Auschwitz connection and we hear that her first husband was killed. Pete wants to find out more. Can we help him?
The document ‘Wartime Poland and the Roma Community’ includes researched facts from reputable sources (which are referenced). The green boxes are the memories of Pete’s Dad. Majorka was his grandmother and the two were close. She would often talk about the War, Holocaust and her experiences.
Majorka’s husband was sent to Auschwitz, where he was killed.
Facts are shared in an accurate and honest way with no graphic descriptions or imagery.
‘Pete’s Factfile’ can be used by teachers or students. It lists the main points made in the videos and includes questions to consider.
There are two suggested activities. One uses the ‘Wartime Poland and the Roma Community’ document and asks children to draw out the most important information to share with Pete. This can be just an exercise or scanned and sent to hello.bblearns@gmail.com
The other suggested activity is straight from:
A great website with amazing ideas and resources. In this pack we recommend a large artwork with the candle symbol that can be created by the whole class adding their hand prints.

Lesson After Lockdown March 2021
First day back? Use this lesson to help children process what has happened and start to look forward to the future.
The lesson starts with THE LOCKDOWN QUIZ. This checks in on their emotional wellbeing and acknowledges what has happened.
Next the class is asked to think of three questions and then INTERVIEW each other. Rebuilding friendships, engaging social skills and listening skills. This is a chance for children to share experiences and their worries. The classroom becomes a safe space where they can talk.
Finally, children will be engaged in their OWN LEARNING. Suggesting and voting for a class activity on the theme of ‘Finding something fun’. Children are challenged to analyse the benefits, solve potential problems and complete the planning themselves. Includes a TEMPLATE for ‘Making a plan that works’.

Drugs and Gangs - Alex's Experience
Alex speaks openly and honestly about her experience with drugs and gangs. Her father’s involvement led directly to his death. After running away from home as a teenager Alex seemed to be following the same path, until she found another way. She threw herself into community work and now helps young people avoid joining gangs.
In this resource Alex tells her story. There are three videos:
Alex’s child hood and early life
Her father’s death and her involvement with drug dealing and gangs
Alex’s community work
There is also a factfile that answers some of the questions that students might ask. It also includes a suggested drama activity and discussion questions that could be explored.