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Revise Science

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Ey up! I'm a Biology teacher from West Yorkshire. I teach all three sciences at KS3 and teach Biology to KS4 & KS5. I enjoy making revision resources that are concise and detailed to allow for effective knowledge recall of key facts.




Ey up! I'm a Biology teacher from West Yorkshire. I teach all three sciences at KS3 and teach Biology to KS4 & KS5. I enjoy making revision resources that are concise and detailed to allow for effective knowledge recall of key facts.
Nervous system revision mat - AQA GCSE Biology Paper 2

Nervous system revision mat - AQA GCSE Biology Paper 2

Comes as a powerpoint file as well as PDF copies. This makes a concise revision sheet for the nervous system including questions on reflexes, synapses, the eye, the brain, thermoregulation and the required practical. The first page is Combined Science content only. The revision mat is three pages of A4 that can be printed back to back and has an additional revision mat with the answers completed.
8.2.2 Regulation of transcription and translation A level

8.2.2 Regulation of transcription and translation A level

A powerpoint for AQA A level unit 8.2 “Regulation of transcription and translation” Includes three worksheets; two 10 minutes of exam questions, and one worksheet that has been made from the AQA CGP revision guide. The answers for all worksheets are on the worksheets. Powerpoint goes through the descriptions of transcription factors, promoter regions, oestrogen as a transcription factor and how siRNA inhibits gene expression.
GCSE Biology 9-1 (1.3) Cell transport revision mat

GCSE Biology 9-1 (1.3) Cell transport revision mat

A revision mat for AQA Biology 2018 SOW Comes as a powerpoint file as well as PDF copies. This makes a concise revision sheet for cell transport including questions on diffusion, osmosis, active transport and the required practical. The revision mat is two pages of A4 that can be printed back to back and has an additional revision mat with the answers completed. Also comes with a PDF copy.
GCSE Biology 9-1 (1.1) Cell structure revision mat

GCSE Biology 9-1 (1.1) Cell structure revision mat

A revision mat for AQA Biology 2018 SOW Comes as a powerpoint file as well as PDF copies. This makes a concise revision sheet for unit 1.1 cell structure including questions cell structure, specialised cells and microscopy. There is an additional worksheet containing the Biology only required practical of culturing microorganisms. The revision mat is three/four pages of A4 that can be printed back to back and has an additional revision mat with the answers completed. Also comes with a PDF copy. 3 worksheets are for combined science and the additional worksheet is a Biology only topic.
GCSE Biology 9-1 Photosynthesis revision mat

GCSE Biology 9-1 Photosynthesis revision mat

A revision mat for AQA Biology 2018 SOW Comes as a powerpoint file as well as PDF copies. This makes a concise revision sheet for photosynthesis including questions on the required practical, limiting factors, inverse square law, etc. The revision mat is three pages of A4 that can be printed back to back and has an additional revision mat with the answers completed. Also comes with a PDF copy.
AQA Unit 6 Biology only topics  (separates)

AQA Unit 6 Biology only topics (separates)

A two page revision mat with answers for AQA Biology separate science. Contains the unit 6 topics that appear on the Biology ONLY paper. **Does not include everything from unit 6 and this material will not appear on the trilogy or synergy papers. ** Topics include DNA structure, theories of evolution, speciation, advantages/disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction, cloning and Mendelian genetics.
8.2.1 Stem cells A Level

8.2.1 Stem cells A Level

A powerpoint for AQA A level unit 8.2 “Most of a cell’s DNA is not translated” Includes two worksheets; one for 10 minutes of exam questions and one worksheet that has been made from the AQA textbook summary questions. The answers for all worksheets are on the worksheets. Powerpoint goes through the descriptions of all four types of stem cells, where they are found and iPS cells.
Infection and response revision mat

Infection and response revision mat

For unit 3 of AQA’s Triology scheme of work (2018 exam). This makes a concise revision sheet for the important aspects of body defense, diseases and their pathogens, drug development and vaccination. The revision mat is two pages of A4 that can be printed back to pack and has an additional revision mat with the answers completed. It also includes a third page with answers that is Biology only content (monoclonal antibodies and plant disease).
2.3.1 Cell-surface membrane AS level

2.3.1 Cell-surface membrane AS level

A powerpoint for the first lesson of the AQA A level unit 2.3 Transport across cell membranes. Includes three worksheets; one worksheet to label and sumarise the functions of the cell-surface membrane, exam questions, and a worksheet that has been made from the AQA textbook summary questions. The answers for all worksheets are on the worksheets. Powerpoint goes through the structure of the cell-surface membrane, the roles of the constituent parts of the cell-surface membrane and why it is referred to as “fluid mosaic”.
8.1.1 Mutations A level

8.1.1 Mutations A level

A powerpoint for the first lesson of the AQA A level unit 8.1 Alteration of the sequence of bases in DNA can alter the structure of proteins. Includes five worksheets; one starter based on AS level knowledge, codons and mutations questions, exam questions, and two worksheets that have been made from the AQA textbook summary questions. The answers for all worksheets are on the worksheets. Powerpoint goes through the definitions for all types of mutations, explanations of how the mutations effect proteins and mutagenic agents.
Hormones consolidation match up

Hormones consolidation match up

I made this as a revision sheet for my year 10s. They preferred using colours to colour coordinate the glands and hormones as all the lines can get pretty messy. The more able students were capable of doing the majority whereas the lesser able used their books and a textbook to complete it.
Osmosis and water potential AS level

Osmosis and water potential AS level

A powerpoint for the second lesson (not including required practicals) of the AQA AS level unit 2.3 Transport across cell membranes. Includes three worksheets; one starter, one for lighter practice questions and one with exam questions. Answers for the exam questions are on the sheet as well as on the powerpoint. The answers for the starter are on the powerpoint and the answers for the lighter questions are on the worksheet… Powerpoint goes through the definition for osmosis, water potential, explains the movement of water due to osmosis and how osmosis affects plant and animal cells.
Monomers and polymers AS level

Monomers and polymers AS level

A powerpoint for the first lesson of the AQA AS level unit 1 Biological molecules. Includes one worksheet with exam questions. Answers for the exam questions are on the sheet as well as on the powerpoint. Also includes a sheet needed for a questioning task on the powerpoint. Powerpoint goes through the definitions for monomers and polymers, examples of polymers and their monomers, and condensation and hydrolysis reactions.
GCSE Biology revision mat - Hormones

GCSE Biology revision mat - Hormones

A revision mat for AQA Biology 2018 SOW. This revision mat DOES NOT contain any questions on higher or Biology only material. This makes a concise revision sheet for hormones including questions on the endocrine system, locations and functions of different hormones, menstrual cycle hormones, puberty, diabetes and contraception. The revision mat is two pages of A4 that can be printed back to back and has an additional revision mat with the answers completed. Also comes with a PDF copy.
The eye taboo cards

The eye taboo cards

Can be put onto a powerpoint or printed for a game of taboo, great for revision! The idea being the student needs to describe the word at the top of the card without using the words on the bullet points.
Nervous system taboo cards

Nervous system taboo cards

Can be put onto a powerpoint or printed for a game of taboo, great for revision! The idea being the student needs to describe the word at the top of the card without using the words on the bullet points.
Cells and organelles taboo cards

Cells and organelles taboo cards

Can be put onto a powerpoint or printed for a game of taboo, great for revision! The idea being the student needs to describe the word at the top of the card without using the words on the bullet points.
Cell division taboo cards

Cell division taboo cards

Can be put onto a powerpoint or printed for a game of taboo, great for revision! The idea being the student needs to describe the word at the top of the card without using the words on the bullet points.
A level revision mat - Cell recognition and the immune system

A level revision mat - Cell recognition and the immune system

Revision mat for unit 2.3 AS level biology “Cell recognition and the immune system". Includes questions HIV, T and B lmyphocytes, phagocytosis, antigens, antibodies, ELISA and vaccination. This is a single side A3 page revision mat that includes answers to all questions in the same document.
GCSE Biology revision mat - The digestive system

GCSE Biology revision mat - The digestive system

A revision mat for AQA Biology 2018 SOW. This makes a concise revision sheet for the digestive system and the enzymes in the digestive system. It includes questions on digestive system anatomy, the functions of organs, food tests, bile and enzymes of the digestive system. The revision mat is two pages of A4 that can be printed back to back and has an additional revision mat with the answers completed. Also comes with a PDF copy.