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Revise Science

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Ey up! I'm a Biology teacher from West Yorkshire. I teach all three sciences at KS3 and teach Biology to KS4 & KS5. I enjoy making revision resources that are concise and detailed to allow for effective knowledge recall of key facts.




Ey up! I'm a Biology teacher from West Yorkshire. I teach all three sciences at KS3 and teach Biology to KS4 & KS5. I enjoy making revision resources that are concise and detailed to allow for effective knowledge recall of key facts.
KS3 States of matter revision mat

KS3 States of matter revision mat

Revision mat for KS3 science topics "states of matter". Includes revision the properties of the states of matter, heating curves, states of matter and particle theory. Includes completed revision mat.
KS3 Acids and alkalis revision mat

KS3 Acids and alkalis revision mat

Revision mat for KS3 science topics "acids and alkalis". Includes revision the pH scale, neutralisation experiments, neutralisation salt equations and indicators. Includes completed revision mat.
A level revision mat - Cell structure

A level revision mat - Cell structure

Revision mat for unit 2 AS level biology "Cell Structure". Includes questions on centrifugation, cell organelles, eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, adaptations to functions, microscopes and viruses. This is a two page revision mat that can be printed double sided. Includes answers to all questions in the same document.
KS3 Rock cycle revision mat

KS3 Rock cycle revision mat

Revision mat for KS3 science topics "rock cycle". Includes revision the rock cycle, different forms of weathering, acid rain and the structure of the Earth. Includes completed revision mat.
Adaptations to functions AS level

Adaptations to functions AS level

A powerpoint for the second lesson of the AQA AS level unit 2 Cells. Starter is identifying electron micrograph images.Includes three slides recapping GCSE level specialised cells (red blood cell, root hair cell and palisade cell). Main task is a research task for the students on their phones/laptops but students have to use their knowledge to link functions to adaptations. There are questions for the groups after they have presented with the answers in the notes of the slide. There are slides to guide students through an exam question for adaptations. Theres a worksheet for an exam question. Answers for the worksheet are on the powerpoint.
Eukaryotic cells AS level

Eukaryotic cells AS level

A powerpoint for the first lesson of the AQA AS level unit 2 Cells. Includes slides for an information hunt for the functions of the GCSE level organelles and the AS level organelles. All treasure hunt slides have a microscopic image of the organelle and a diagram. There is a worksheet for the treasure hunt with different microscopic images so the students can try to figure out the images themselves. Theres a worksheet for labelling a eukaryotic cell and a worksheet for an exam question. Answers for both worksheets are on the powerpoint.
KS3 Biology revision mats

KS3 Biology revision mats

11 Resources
Includes all KS3 Biology revision mats listed individually in my shop. All revision mats include a completed version. Revision mats included are: Unit 1 ( Cells and respiration) - Cells and respiration Unit 2 (Humans as organisms) - Nutrition and digestion - Skeletal and muscle system - Gas exchange - Reproduction system and menstrual cycle - Embryo development, health and drugs Unit 3 (Plants and ecosystems) - Photosynthesis and plant reproduction -Plant fertilisation, seed formation and seed dispersal - Food chains, food webs and dependence on other organisms Unit 4 (Inheritance, variation and survival) - DNA, continuous and discontinuous variation - Natural selection, extinction and preserving species
KS3 DNA, continuous and discontinuous variation revision mat

KS3 DNA, continuous and discontinuous variation revision mat

Revision mat for KS3 science topics "DNA" and "Continuous and discontinuous variation". Includes revision on DNA, continuous variation, discontinuous variation, environmental and genetic characteristics, and number of chromosomes. Includes completed revision mat.
KS3 Gas exchange revision mat

KS3 Gas exchange revision mat

Revision mat for KS3 science topic "gas exchange". Includes revision on the structure of the breathing system, asthma, smoking and inhalation . Contains a completed mat.
Homeostasis and response revision mat

Homeostasis and response revision mat

For unit 5 of AQA’s Triology scheme of work (2018 exam). This makes a concise revision sheet for the important aspects of the menstrual cycle, the nervous system, the endocrine system and control of blood glucose. The revision mat is two pages of A4 that can be printed back to pack and has an additional revision mat with the answers completed.
Inheritance, variation and evolution revision mat

Inheritance, variation and evolution revision mat

For unit 6 of AQA's Triology scheme of work (2018 exam). This makes a concise revision sheet for the important aspects of reproduction, meiosis, DNA, genetic inheritance, genetic engineering, selective breeding, evolution and extinction. The revision mat is three pages of A4 that can be printed back to pack and comes with an additional revision mat with the answers completed.
KS3 Skeletal and muscle system revision mat

KS3 Skeletal and muscle system revision mat

Revision mat for KS3 science topic "skeletal and muscle systems". Includes revision on the structure and function of the skeletal system, how antagonistic muscles work in pairs and calculating force applied by muscles. Contains a completed mat.