
Compare Number Sentences - Year 2
A powerpoint activity and 2 differentiated activities for comparing number sentences using less than, greater than and =. This resource is aimed at year 2.

Comparing Money Amounts Year 2
Three differentiated sheets with activities for comparing different money amounts.

Compare and Sequence Intervals of Time Year 2
Three differentiated sheets about comparing and ordering intervals of time. The lower and middle activity focus mainly on hours and minutes. The higher activity includes seconds as an additional challenge.

Bonds to 100 (multiples of 10).
A powerpoint and two activity sheets for a lesson on bonds to 100 (multiples of 10). Targeted for use with Year 2. All files are editable.

Year 6 SATs Mental Arithmetic Paper Autumn 1
A Year 6 mental arithmetic paper (40 marks) with answers. It follows the 2016 SATs format and is based on the Autumn Term curriculum.

Year 6 SATs Mental Arithmetic Papers
There are 5 mental arithmetic papers which get progressively harder (in line with the curriculum) to match the Year 6 SATs expectations. They are in the same format as the Year 6 SATs with mark schemes and answers.

Year 6 SATs Mental Arithmetic Paper Summer
A Year 6 mental arithmetic paper (40 marks) with answers. It follows the 2016 SATs format and is based on the Year 6 curriculum. It is progressively harder to the previous Autumn and Spring tests I created.

Year 6 SATs Mental Arithmetic Test Spring 1
A Year 6 mental arithmetic paper (40 marks) with answers. It follows the 2016 SATs format and is based on the Spring Term curriculum. It is progressively harder to the previous Autumn Term ones I created.

Year 6 SATs Mental Arithmetic Paper Spring 2
A Year 6 mental arithmetic paper (40 marks) with answers. It follows the 2016 SATs format and is based on the Spring Term curriculum. It is progressively harder to the previous Autumn and Spring tests I created.

Year 6 SATs Mental Arithmetic Paper Autumn 2
A Year 6 mental arithmetic paper (40 marks) with answers. It follows the 2016 SATs format and is based on the Autumn Term curriculum. It is progressively harder to the previous Autumn Term one I created.

Adding a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number Year 2
A lesson plan with a detailed PPT to teach how to add 2-digit numbers and 1-digit numbers. Fluency and reasoning worksheets to practise the skill. Aimed at Year 2 curriculum and linked to White Rose.

Subtracting a 1-digit from a 2-digit number Year 2
A lesson plan with a detailed PPT to teach how to subtract a 1-digit numbers from a 2-digit number. Fluency and reasoning worksheets to practise the skill. Aimed at Year 2 curriculum and linked to White Rose.

Long Multiplication Including Mastery Questions
A powerpoint which explicitly sets out each step taken for long multiplication.
Differentiated worksheets included which provide layout for less able children, a straightforward set of questions and mastery questions for more able.

Long Division Powerpoint and Activity
A powerpoint with step-by-step instructions for long division and a worksheet with questions to practise long division.

Area of triangles and parallelograms
A powerpoint explaining how to work out the area of triangles and parallelograms with examples for the children to try. Also included are worksheets for working out the area of triangles and area of parallelograms.

Angles around a point presentation and worksheet
A presentation which explains how to calculate angles around a point with a worksheet to use afterwards.

Time Facts Year 2
Two differentiated sheets asking questions about the number of hours in a day and number of minutes in an hour. There is also a question on each sheet about putting times in order.

Odd and Even Numbers with Greater Depth/Mastery Questions - Year 2
A powerpoint explaining the difference between odd and even numbers. Statements to investigate as a whole class in order to reason about odd and even numbers. An activity sheet with similar style questions for children to independently investigate and explain their reasoning.

Counting in fractions - Year 2
A Powerpoint presentation which revises fractions and then helps the children to count in fractions using halves, quarters and thirds. There is then an activity sheet to complete. This has been used with a Year 2 class.

Making Money Amounts Year 2
Three differentiated sheets with activities for making different money amounts.