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KS1 Meerkat Mail Comprehension
KS1 comprehension based on the book ‘Meerkat Mail’.
Recognising Patterns in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Recognising Patterns in the 2,5 and 10 times table on a number square.
Danger Rhythm Music Activity
Music game around a danger rhythm. Can be used in Primary and Secondary.
I can order 4 digits
Maths worksheet around ordering 4 digits numerically.
Environmental dangers and the survivability of animals
A worksheet looking at how humans have affected our environment and how that in turn affects the survivability of animals.
Year 6 Ratio and Proportion Unit worksheets
Differentiated worksheets for Year 6 unit on ratio and proportion.
7 lessons in the unit.
Worksheet 1 = Wt/Ex
Worksheet 2 = Gd
Year 6 Algebra Unit of work worksheets
Year 6 Algebra Unit of work worksheets. 6 lessons all differentiated.
Workseet 1 = WT/Ex
Worksheet 2 = GD