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Any problems please email me billiejo.perry@coundoncourt.org - I'm happy to help to ensure a 5 star rating!
Criminology Unit 1  Campaign Materials (examples for a health campaign) AC3.2

Criminology Unit 1 Campaign Materials (examples for a health campaign) AC3.2

Model Campaign Materials to show your class what you need/ expect. Designs are attractive but very easy to put together. Shows the importance of cohesive design. Students would the annoate and use the persuasive lang This is for a health campaign so can not be used/ copied by students at all! AC3.2 Design materials for use in campaigning for change AC3.2: When awarding marks in Band 3 and Band 4, consider the creative ability demonstrated, the use of persuasive language, the power of the imagery selected in order to stimulate interest and the alignment of the materials to the planned campaign.
AQA GCSE Sociology - Intro to Sociology - Assessment/Work booklet (I DO WE DO YOU DO)

AQA GCSE Sociology - Intro to Sociology - Assessment/Work booklet (I DO WE DO YOU DO)

Each booklet contains: Lesson by lesson (you may need to adjust for your scheme!): 5 retrival questions and space to answer Space for a short spelling test Exam question in I DO YOU DO WE DO format. I DO is provided and space for WE DO and YOU DO is there. All I DO answers are printed for students. There is also WWW and EBI comments that provide a success critera for students to work from. Highlight things achived in the WWW and things not done in the EBI. (not all lessons follow this exact format but most will!) These are 3 mark, and essay questions. Space at the front to record spelling scores and RAG ratings for exam questions. We use every lesson to ensure that students have modeled work and can easily show call work Please note as this is the first booklet, and an introduction - not all questions follow the exam style, some will encourage students to write or think about key ideas or concepts. Other Units can be brought on the page.
GCSE Sociology - Revision timetable

GCSE Sociology - Revision timetable

GCSE AQA Sociology Revsion timetable The timetable starts in January and goes up to the exam. Each week has: 2 key studies that need to revised 10 key words that need defined a research methods topic focus with questions to answer a guideline of what type of questions should be revised form past papers (students to find online or in revision guide This breaks revision down into bitsizes chunks and ensures all topics are accounted for. Can be changed to suit the needs of group and learners. The last colum suggests the type of question that can be revised, students could practice one or multiple in this area.
GCSE Sociology Christmas Challenge

GCSE Sociology Christmas Challenge

A Christmas holiday challenge for GCSE Sociology. 3 days of short mark questions and two days of essays for the following topics: Education Family Crime and Deviance Students could complete the questions in timed conditions, meaning than no day should take more than 15mins. It is demanding however you could get them to pair up, so they have a bank of answers and possibly mark each others work!
GCSE SOCIOLOGY AQA - Assessment Booklet - Education

GCSE SOCIOLOGY AQA - Assessment Booklet - Education

Assessment booklet for Education - Sociology - AQA. This booklet has questions set out for students, space for them to fill out answers, space for feedback/ marking/ re-drafting, and areas for students to RAG rate the questions. We use this as an official assessment booklet throughout teaching, so students are assessed on a short and long mark answer in timed conditions.
GCSE SOCIOLOGY AQA - Assessment Booklet - Family

GCSE SOCIOLOGY AQA - Assessment Booklet - Family

Assessment booklet for Family - Sociology - AQA. This booklet has questions set out for students, space for them to fill out answers, space for feedback/ marking/ re-drafting, and areas for students to RAG rate the questions. We use this as an official assessment booklet throughout teaching, so students are assessed on a short and long mark answer in timed conditions.
GCSE SOCIOLOGY AQA - Assessment Booklet - Research Methods

GCSE SOCIOLOGY AQA - Assessment Booklet - Research Methods

Assessment booklet for Reserach Methods - Sociology - AQA. This booklet has questions set out for students, space for them to fill out answers, space for feedback/ marking/ re-drafting, and areas for students to RAG rate the questions. We use this as an official assessment booklet throughout teaching, so students are assessed on a short and long mark answer in timed conditions
GCSE SOCIOLOGY AQA - Assessment Booklet - Crime and Deviance

GCSE SOCIOLOGY AQA - Assessment Booklet - Crime and Deviance

Assessment booklet for Crime and Deviance - Sociology - AQA. This booklet has questions set out for students, space for them to fill out answers, space for feedback/ marking/ re-drafting, and areas for students to RAG rate the questions. We use this as an official assessment booklet throughout teaching, so students are assessed on a short and long mark answer in timed conditions.
AQA GCSE Sociology - Forms Homework Quizzes - Intro to Sociology

AQA GCSE Sociology - Forms Homework Quizzes - Intro to Sociology

These are forms quizzes you can set via teams or with just the link to Y10 GCSE Sociology students as they progress through the Intro to Sociology Unit. Each quiz is only 5-10 marks. When setting on teams you add quiz in the assessments tab and can view all students scores under grade The questions are a mixture of self-marked questions and a few you will need to mark yourself. You can add and change questions as needed to suit the needs of your class and learners. We use these quizzes for homework. Use the links on attached sheet to access the quizzes. Then you just need to press duplicate.
GCSE Sociology Display - Elitism Britain

GCSE Sociology Display - Elitism Britain

Classroom Display for GCSE Sociology. We currently teach AQA but I’m sure this will fit with any exam board. The resource is 22 pages long and contains a titles, questions, information and pie charts. It focuses on the uk population and how: Britons who went to private school are more likely to work in top professions as opposed to the general population, new research has found. While just 7% of Britons are privately educated, they dominate the job market, and makeup 39% of those in leading professions. Good for class and achivment
GCSE SOCIOLOGY AQA - Assessment booklet - Intro to Sociology

GCSE SOCIOLOGY AQA - Assessment booklet - Intro to Sociology

Assessment booklet for Intro to Sociology - Sociology - AQA. This booklet has questions set out for students, space for them to fill out answers, space for feedback/ marking/ re-drafting, and areas for students to RAG rate the questions. We use this as an official assessment booklet throughout the course, so students are assessed on a short and long mark answer in timed conditions.
GCSE SOCIOLOGY AQA - Assessment Booklet - Social Stratification

GCSE SOCIOLOGY AQA - Assessment Booklet - Social Stratification

Assessment booklet for Social Stratification - Sociology - AQA. This booklet has questions set out for students, space for them to fill out answers, space for feedback/ marking/ re-drafting, and areas for students to RAG rate the questions. We use this as an official assessment booklet throughout teaching, so students are assessed on a short and long mark answer in timed conditions.
AQA GCSE Sociology - Forms Homework Quizzes - The Family

AQA GCSE Sociology - Forms Homework Quizzes - The Family

These are forms quizzes you can set via teams or with just the link to Y10 GCSE Sociology students as they progress through the The Family Unit. Each quiz is only 5-10 marks. When setting on teams you add quiz in the assessments tab and can view all students scores under grade The questions are a mixture of self-marked questions and a few you will need to mark yourself. You can add and change questions as needed to suit the needs of your class and learners. We use these quizzes for homework. Use the links on attached sheet to access the quizzes. Then you just need to press duplicate.