These two Power Points (a teacher’s version and a student’s version) prepares students to answer this essay question: “Analiza el tema de la guerra. ¿Cuáles son las técnicas que utiliza el director para evocar la época en la que transcurre la historia?”. Content:
-background reading (summarised)
a graph identifying 6 key techniques in response to the question
an exercise and the answers for students to find examples and analyze each of the 6 techniques identified, with images to inspire students.
a sample introduction, a sample paragraph and a sample conclusion for the essay
cues on what to include in the introduction, a paragraph and a conclusion
Feedback welcome. Kindly respect copyright. Private comments to
Following the success with the first instalment, this is the second instalment of a series of revision notes for the preparation of the new A Levels (AQA). The notes are a compilation of ideas from subtopics, with plenty of ideas sourced from the students themselves. They can be used for the preparation of the listening and reading, or for the stimulus cards. The idea is that students revise the vocabulary and key ideas grouped together by context. I hope it is useful for you and your students.
The third unit revision notes have also been published in TES. Kindly respect copyright and do not distribute freely. Your feedback is welcome. Happy teaching and learning!
This is a one page compendium of on line activities to keep Y13 working in preparation for a degree linked to Hispanic Studies. They can also be issued for Y12, summer work.
The activities are varied, including on line courses, articles, videos, radio programmes and podcasts. Some of topics are: working as a translator for a controversial political figure, philosophy, the arts, legalization of drugs, etc.
They are geared towards independent learning, no input from the teacher.
Students will be able to keep their skills alive whilst extending their learning following their completion of the AS/A Level course. For Y12, it would be a clever addition to their UCAS portfolio.
All for the price of a sandwich and saving you a lot of work!
A similar resource for Y11 is here:
This breakdown is to help your students and you calculate grades based on each skill.
It is based on the 2023 AQA grade boundaries for A Level Spanish.
Feel free to look at the many resources in my shop, some paying some free at:
Any comments welcome.
Please respect copyrights :)
Sample Calendar of topics and assessment schedule A Level Spanish.
Feel free to browse my shop for many resources, some free some payable here:
Kindly respect copyrights :)
This is an adaptation of the original work by Joan Tobin.
A Power point with notes to prepare students to answer the question of who holds the power in society, men or women.
A PP to guide students to plan and write their first Lorca essay (please bear in mind that I teach it in Y12).
For more resources for A Level Spanish, I invite you to browse my shop:).
Adapted newspaper article on this controversial recent piece of news.
If you want a unit of work, and the answers to the unit, for this article, please go here (paid resource):
The unit of work includes the following types of exercises: multiple choice, synonyms, summary writing, translation into Spanish.
It also has revision notes and two speaking cards related to the topic and revising other sub themes.
Happy reading.
I ask you kindly respect copyright and you do not share my work freely.
An auction game based on one revision exercise in the AQA booklet.
This worked well for me at the end of the topic, as a game.
For other high quality free and paid resources, please visit my shop.
Happy teaching!!
Reading activity, where students have to recreate a table consisting of symbols (animals, people or objects) identified in the painting, their description, and what they might represent / how they have been interpreted.
Table can be cut in pieces and students glue to piece of paper - makes it more fun, I think!
If you found this resource useful, pl consider adding one of your own to the Spanish post 16 cultural topics, as we have so few.
Comments welcome! Enjoy!
Cut the statements individually and place facing down. Students take it in turns to talk about each statement for a set time.
This is one of my revision carousel activities prior to speaking exam.
Any comments welcome! Enjoy!
This is a list of statements on the topic of Law and Order. Cut them individually and place in an envelope. Students take it in turns to argue for or against the statement.
It is one of my many carousel activities during revision time.
Please note these are the answers to a document not published by me originally. I have respected the headings as in the original (some in English and some in Spanish. The original document can be found doing a search for +16 Revision. Thanks to the original author.
I designed this to be used in pairs in front of the computer. Students take it in turns to answer the questions. They can have their notes too, for a quick browse.
Cut the statements individually and place facing down. Students take it in turns to talk about each statement for a set time.
This is one of my revision carousel activities prior to speaking exam.
Any comments welcome! Enjoy!