Boost Comprehension is a collective of passionate primary school teachers dedicated to enhancing the educational experience for both teachers and pupils. With a wealth of experience, our team has a proven track record of achieving exceptional results in the primary education sector.
Boost Comprehension is a collective of passionate primary school teachers dedicated to enhancing the educational experience for both teachers and pupils. With a wealth of experience, our team has a proven track record of achieving exceptional results in the primary education sector.
Download for FREE – Captain Cook is a carefully structured KS2 SATs-style reading comprehension, designed to help children practise SATs-style questions in manageable 20-minute chunks.
Perfect for SATs preparation, interventions, and whole-class reading
Mirrors sections two and three of the KS2 Reading SATs paper
Develops stamina and confidence with SATs-style questions
Includes a full mark scheme for quick and easy assessment
About Captain Cook
This engaging non-fiction text explores the remarkable voyage of Captain James Cook, one of history’s most famous explorers. It follows his 1768 expedition aboard the HMS Endeavour, revealing how a scientific mission to observe the Transit of Venus also served as a secret opportunity to map and claim new territories for Britain. Pupils will learn about the challenges of 18th-century exploration, including life aboard the ship, encounters with indigenous peoples, and the dangers of sailing into the unknown. The text is designed to build reading stamina and comprehension skills, with questions carefully aligned to SATs-style domains.
What’s Included?
A high-quality non-fiction text about a significant historical figure
Mixed-question activities covering retrieval, inference, vocabulary, and explanation
A full mark scheme to support quick and easy marking
Designed using insights from recent KS2 SATs papers (word count, text type, and question domain balance)
Why Use This Resource?
Builds reading stamina in short, focused sessions
Familiarises children with SATs-style questions in a stress-free way
Saves teachers time with ready-to-use resources and mark schemes
Boost Primary is committed
Boost Primary is committed to developing reading fluency and comprehension across Key Stage 2, not just helping to prepare for the test. Check out free samples of our reading lessons in our TES shop:
Teach discrete reading comprehension skills using Boost Comprehension’s ‘Stonehenge’ non-chronological report reading comprehension unit.
This pack includes:
the text
3 fully resourced lessons, including PowerPoint inputs and PDF task sheets:
lesson 1 - retrieving information
lesson 2 - summarising
lesson 3 - comparing
an answer booklet
Who is Boost Primary?
Boost Comprehension is a collective of passionate primary school teachers dedicated to enhancing the educational experience for both teachers and pupils. With a combined wealth of experience, our team has a proven track record of achieving exceptional results in the primary education sector.
Instagram: @boostprimary
X: @boostprimary
Teach discrete reading comprehension skills to your P5 pupils using Boost Comprehension’s ‘Bonnie Prince Charlie’ biography reading comprehension unit.
This pack includes:
the text
3 fully resourced lessons, including PowerPoint inputs and PDF task sheets:
lesson 1 - retrieving information
lesson 2 - understanding the meaning of words in context
lesson 3 - summarising
an answer booklet
Who is Boost Primary?
Boost Comprehension is a collective of passionate primary school teachers dedicated to enhancing the educational experience for both teachers and pupils. With a combined wealth of experience, our team has a proven track record of achieving exceptional results in the primary education sector.
Instagram: @boostprimary
X: @boostprimary
Tik Tok: @boostprimary
Teach discrete reading comprehension skills using Boost Comprehension’s ‘Harriet Tubman’ biography report reading comprehension unit.
This pack includes:
the text
3 fully resourced lessons, including PowerPoint inputs and PDF task sheets:
lesson 1 - retrieving information
lesson 2 - understanding the meaning of words in context
lesson 3 - making inferences
an answer booklet
Who is Boost Primary?
Boost Comprehension is a collective of passionate primary school teachers dedicated to enhancing the educational experience for both teachers and pupils. With a combined wealth of experience, our team has a proven track record of achieving exceptional results in the primary education sector.
Instagram: @boostprimary
X: @boostprimary
Teach discrete reading comprehension skills using Boost Comprehension’s ‘Changing Landscapes - An Evacuee’s Journey’ diary reading comprehension unit.
This pack includes:
the text
3 fully resourced lessons, including PowerPoint inputs and PDF task sheets:
lesson 1 - making inferences
lesson 2 - comparing
lesson 3 - predicting
an answer booklet
Who is Boost Primary?
Boost Comprehension is a collective of passionate primary school teachers dedicated to enhancing the educational experience for both teachers and pupils. With a combined wealth of experience, our team has a proven track record of achieving exceptional results in the primary education sector.
Instagram: @boostprimary
X: @boostprimary