Hi and thank you for looking at my resources. I have been a Primary school teacher for 22 years with a passion for English. I love reading and the teaching of reading. A lot of my resources work well with SEND/EAL children but what works well for SEN- works for all!
Hi and thank you for looking at my resources. I have been a Primary school teacher for 22 years with a passion for English. I love reading and the teaching of reading. A lot of my resources work well with SEND/EAL children but what works well for SEN- works for all!
SEND Standards fun track game- children need to be able to collect and group in 2’s
Great for 1:1 or small group work with SEND/EAL or EYFS
Roll the dice, land on a square and see if you can read and find the 2 objects from the square
The game has items that will be found in any classroom
Watch children’s confidence grow in subitising, turn-taking and reading. This will embed key vocabulary in and around the classroom.
To make it easier, have each of the resources already on the table for them to choose from.
To increase the challenge, have the children find them- do they know the layout of the classroom/intervention space?