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AQA 8145 Medicine - Introduction of the NHS

AQA 8145 Medicine - Introduction of the NHS

A GCSE lesson on the reasons for the introduction of the NHS in which students will practice skills required for essay-based questions. This lesson is part of the AQA Medicine Through Time specification.
AQA 8145 Medicine - Germ Theory and the development of Vaccines

AQA 8145 Medicine - Germ Theory and the development of Vaccines

A GCSE lesson in which students examine the subsequent development of vaccines after the development of germ theory. Students will explicitly consider the long term significance of the discovery of germ theory in preparation for an 8 mark exam style question. Includes differentiated resources for students to consider the role of key factors in the development of vaccines.
AQA 8145 - Conflict and Tension: Cold War - The Arms Race

AQA 8145 - Conflict and Tension: Cold War - The Arms Race

A GCSE lesson in which students will understand the importance of the arms race within the context of the Cold War. Includes a range of tasks in which students will gain the required understanding, and a number of tasks to develop specific source skills for their GCSE course.
Russia - Stolypin's policies

Russia - Stolypin's policies

An A-level lesson in which students will evaluate and analyse the the success of Stolypin’s policies, with a focus on his land reforms. Students will use the aims of Stolypin as a way in which to measure his success. Students will work in groups to assess the level of success in comparison to one key aim, before reporting back to other students. Studnets will finish with a judgement in respones to the essay style question.
Italy and Fascism - Threats to Mussolini's power

Italy and Fascism - Threats to Mussolini's power

An A-level lesson on the extent to which Mussolini faced threats subsequent to the Matteotti Crisis. The lesson is planned around an example essay question and will require students to evaluate the extent to which institutions could challenge Mussolini's power.
Italy and Fascism - Growth of Fascism

Italy and Fascism - Growth of Fascism

An A-level lesson in which students analyse the reasons for growing support for fascism in the post-war years. Students will analyse the reasons why different groups within Italy supported Mussolini and the fascists and examine how support grew over time.
Italy and Fascism - Impact of WWI

Italy and Fascism - Impact of WWI

An A-level lesson on the impact of WWI on the stability of Liberal Italy. Students will understand the role that the war played in the collapse of the Liberal state in Italy and gain an understanding of the key events for Italy.
AQA 8145 Germany - Nazi Art and Culture

AQA 8145 Germany - Nazi Art and Culture

A GCSE lesson on the use of art and culture as Nazi propaganda. This works best following on from a more general lesson on the use of propaganda and censorship in the Nazi regime. The lesson includes an exam style question tailored to the AQA GCSE specification on 'Democracy and Dictatorship'. Students are required to analyse the different uses of art and culture by the Nazis.
AQA 8145 Germany - Nazi Propaganda

AQA 8145 Germany - Nazi Propaganda

A GCSE lesson on the use of propaganda as a means of control. The lesson includes differentiated tasks and questioning and requires students to evaluate the effectiveness of different forms of Nazi propaganda.
AQA 8145 Germany - Terror and the Police State

AQA 8145 Germany - Terror and the Police State

A GCSE lesson for the AQA specification on the topic of 'Democracy and Dictatorship'. This lesson works best having already studied propaganda in the Nazi state. The lesson covers the 4 major aspects of the nazi police state, and requires students to evaluate their effectiveness in helping Hitler to keep control over Germany.
AQA 8145 - Conflict and Tension Cold War 1945-72: Vietnam War

AQA 8145 - Conflict and Tension Cold War 1945-72: Vietnam War

A GCSE lesson in which students will examine how and why the US became involved in conflict in Vietnam, based on the new AQA specification. Students will put together a detailed chronology of the events before planning and writing an 8 mark 'write an account' question in line with the new GCSE exam paper.
AQA 8145 Medicine - How successful were the Liberal reforms?

AQA 8145 Medicine - How successful were the Liberal reforms?

A GCSE lesson in which students use sources to evaluate the effectiveness of liberal reforms in the first part of the 20th century. Students will evaluate by looking at the successes and failures of the reforms. Also includes a practice GCSE 8 mark question asking 'how useful'? Should follow from a lesson introducing the Liberal Reforms.
AQA 8145 Medicine - Pare and Surgery

AQA 8145 Medicine - Pare and Surgery

A differentiated GCSE lesson in which students will understand the contributions of Paré to surgical developments before completing an 8 mark 'how useful' GCSE style question. This includes differentiated worksheets to help all students meet the exam requirements.
AQA 8145 Conflict and Tension: Cold War 1945-1972 - Impact of the Berlin Wall

AQA 8145 Conflict and Tension: Cold War 1945-1972 - Impact of the Berlin Wall

A GCSE lesson in which students explore the impact of the Berlin Wall. Includes structured work towards two exam style questions for the new AQA specification. Students will be required to consider the extent to which the wall increased or reduced tensions between the USA and the USSR, and consider which side the wall was a victory for.
Civil rights Movement - Emmett Till

Civil rights Movement - Emmett Till

A lesson in which students examine the significance of the murder of Emmett Till in the Civil Rights Movement. Students will analyse long and short term significance, linking to an AQA GCSE 8 mark style question on significance.
British Empire - Sepoy Rebellion

British Empire - Sepoy Rebellion

A KS3 lesson in which students will consider the causes, events and consequences of the Sepoy rebellion. Students will categorise the causes in to long and short term causes and the trigger.
Industrial Revolution: Victorian towns

Industrial Revolution: Victorian towns

A KS3 lesson in which students investigate why the death rate was so high in Victorian towns. Students will consider who is to blame by categorising factors which contributed to the death rate, and reaching a judgment about what could be done to solve the issue.