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AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Issue of Religion

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Issue of Religion

8 Resources
A series of lessons in which students consider Elizabeth's Religious settlement. Includes lessons looking at Catholic and Puritan threats, including a more detailed look at the threat posed by Mary, Queen of Scots and her subsequent execution. Includes several examples of exam questions and techniques to help students prepare for these.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Catholic Threats to Elizabeth

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Catholic Threats to Elizabeth

5 Resources
A series of lessons looking at the implementation of Elizabeth's religious settlement, and the threats posed by Catholics both at home and abroad. Students will also put Elizabeth's response to the Catholic threats in context and ultimately evaluate the successes and failures.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

A GCSE lesson in which students will examine the arguments for and against the execution of Mary, QofS. Students will ultimately decide if they agreed with Elizabeth's decision. Students will explicitly consider the consequences of Elizabeth's decision, therefore linking to the 'explain what was important' 8 mark question in which students need to explain the consequences.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - How successful was the Religious Settlement?

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - How successful was the Religious Settlement?

A GCSE lesson which works well as a summary to religious threats to Elizabeth's throne. Students will form an argument by evaluating the successes and failures of Elizabeth's Religious Settlement. Students will need to recap their previous learning on the topic. Includes preparation for an 8 mark 'write an account' question.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Puritan threats

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Puritan threats

A GCSE lesson in which students will gain an understanding of the threat posed by Puritans to Elizabeth's religious settlement. Students will evaluate the extent to which puritans posed a threat to Elizabeth's rule.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Response to Catholic threats

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Response to Catholic threats

A GCSE lesson in which students consider the response to Catholic threats from both abroad and at home. Students will put the threats to Elizabeth in chronological order and map where Elizabeth's treatment of Catholics changed. Ultimately students will decide how successful Elizabeth was in dealing with the Catholic threat.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Domestic Catholic Threats

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - Domestic Catholic Threats

A GCSE lesson in which students examine the threats to Elizabeth's rule from within England. Students will apply their understanding of the threats to decide if Elizabeth's religious settlement was successful or not. Students will also gather information about the positive impact of Elizabeth's settlement.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - The Norfolk Rebellions

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - The Norfolk Rebellions

A GCSE lesson in which students study the two Norfolk rebellions towards the beginning of Elizabeth's rule. Students will gather evidence about the threat posed by the rebellions, before preparing for 8 mark 'write an account' questions on the rebellions. Students will reach a judgement on which rebellion posed more of a threat to Elizabeth's rule.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - The issue of marriage

AQA 8145 Elizabeth I - The issue of marriage

A GCSE lesson examining the reasons why Elizabeth never got married. Students will evaluate the pros and cons of Elizabeth's suitors in order to prepare for an 8 mark 'write an account' question on the issue of marriage.
AQA 8145 Germany - Did Germans benefit or suffer

AQA 8145 Germany - Did Germans benefit or suffer

A summary GCSE 1-2 lesson series for the section of the specification for AQA on social policy. Students will analyse interpretations about whether people benefited or suffered under Nazi rule according to social policy. Students will prepare an answer to the 8 mark question asking 'Which interpretation do you find more convincing about...'. Includes differentiated resources for high, middle and low ability students.
AQA 8145 Germany - Weimar Culture

AQA 8145 Germany - Weimar Culture

A GCSE lesson looking at the changes in culture under the Weimar Republic between the years 1924 and 1929. Students will describe and explain the changes, and link these changes to their understanding of the recovery of the German economy under Stresemann.
AQA 8145 Elizabeth - 1558 Religious Settlement

AQA 8145 Elizabeth - 1558 Religious Settlement

A GCSE lesson introducing Elizabeth's religious settlement before studying religious threats to Elizabeth's throne. Students will understand the reasons for the religious settlement and the reasons why some people were still unhappy.
AQA 8145 Germany - The Depression

AQA 8145 Germany - The Depression

A GCSE lesson on the impact of the Depression. This lesson leads in to why the Nazis gained support, leading to Hitler becoming Chancellor. Students will understand the causes and consequences of the Depression and will analyse the economic and political effects.
Slavery - Slave resistance

Slavery - Slave resistance

A KS3 lesson in which students understand and evaluate the methods of resistance used by slaves on plantations. Students will have to prioritise the methods according to different criteria to gain an understanding.
AQA 8145 Germany - Pre-war Persecution

AQA 8145 Germany - Pre-war Persecution

A GCSE lesson looking at the persecution of various groups in Germany, including a more detailed analysis of how persecution of Jews changed over time up until 1939. Students will understand the reasons behind the persecution and categorise them, and create a timeline of Jewish persecution.
Slavery - Life on Plantations

Slavery - Life on Plantations

A KS3 lesson examining key areas of life on plantations. Students will gather information by becoming an expert in one area, and then use this to answer a 'how useful' question in the style of a GCSE question. Includes differentiated resources for lower ability students.