Miss Gadd's ResourcesAverage Rating4.38(based on 35 reviews)PE teacher that likes creating helpful resources especially for the OCR sport courses.Edit shopAdd a resource
CLG90OCR Sport Studies R184 (Exam) Knowledge Organisers(0)Knowledge organisers for all topic areas in a powerpoint so can be easily printed off or edited to suit your students.
CLG90OCR Sport Studies R184 Exam Learning Journey(0)Learning journey for exam can be printed for books.
BundleCLG90R184 OCR Sport Studies NEW SPEC 2022 Powerpoints for all topic areas5 ResourcesPowerpoints for all Topic areas 1-5 11 powerpoints in total
CLG90OCR Sport Studies R184 (EXAM) Topic Area 2 Powerpoints (NEW SPEC 2022)(0)Sporting values powerpoint Sporting Initiatives powerpoint Olympic and Paralympic movement powerpoint Etiquette and Sporting Behaviour Performance enhancing drugs powerpoint
CLG90OCR Sport Studies R184 (EXAM) Topic Area 4 Powerpoint (NEW SPEC 2022)(0)National Governing Bodies