
Exam Technique Poster Pack (PDL, BUG, TEA)
A colourful classroom poster pack highlighting the process of using:
PDL (Point, Develop, Link)
TEA (Trend, Evidence, Anomaly)
BUG (Box the Question, Underline the Key Words, Glance Back at the Question)
To answer exam questions. This comes as three PDF files suitable for printing on A4 or A3.
This is a combination pack of the three exam techniques posters I sell on my page, with a £3 discount for purchasing all three.

Video and Documentary Notes Sheets
These co-ordinated sheets are designed to allow for meaningful note-taking during videos and documentaries. Both sheets have spaces for recording prior knowledge, key words, notes during the video and space to record any further questions.
Both files come as printable PDFs.
The smaller of the two, for video notes, is perfect for videos of 15 minutes or less and I recommend printing these 2-per-page on A4 paper. The documentaries sheet creates more of a structure to the notes and also has space to record links to other topics. I recommend printing these as full size A4 pages.

PEE/TEA/BUG Poster Pack
This poster pack combines my PEE, TEA and BUG posters at a discounted price for purchasing all three. These are PDF files.
The posters are great visual aids to support student writing in the classroom.
No files will be watermarked when downloaded.

BUG (Box, Underline, Glance) Poster for Exam Technique
A colourful classroom poster highlighting the process of using BUG (Box the command word, Underline the Key Words, Glance Back at the Question) to answer exam questions. This comes as a PDF file suitable for printing on A4 or A3.
This poster co-ordinates well with the T.E.A and P.D.L exam technique posters I also have available on my page.

Glacial Processes Worksheet (KS4 Glaciers)
Worksheet focusing on different glacial processes for KS4 AQA Geography, although this would work for any spec. It provides a space for basic notes regarding different glacial processes.

PEE Paragraph Poster
This poster is designed to form part of a classroom display on writing. The colourful poster is eye-catching and breaks down the process off writing a PEE paragraph for students quickly and easily.
(Peach watermark will not be present in the file you download)

TEA (Trend, Evidence, Anomaly) Poster for Graph Analysis
A colourful classroom poster highlighting the process of using TEA (Trend, Evidence, Anomaly) to answer graph-based exam questions. This comes as a PDF file suitable for printing on A4 or A3.
This poster co-ordinates well with the P.D.L and B.U.G exam technique posters I also have available on my page.

PDL (Point, Develop, Link) Poster
A colourful classroom poster highlighting the process of using Point, Develop, Link (PDL) to answer exam questions. This comes as a PDF file suitable for printing on A4 or A3.
This poster co-ordinates well with the T.E.A and B.U.G exam technique posters I also have available on my page.

KS3 Weather and Climate Homework/Extension Task Booklet
A booklet of extension/homework tasks based around the theme of weather and climate.
Aimed at Key Stage 3 students but suitable for older Key Stage 2, this booklet contains a variety of reading and comprehension tasks, as well as some more creative activities. It could also function as a homework booklet (both versions of the title page are included in purchase but contain the same questions).
The complete list of pages is as follows:
Thunder and Lightning
Frost and Ice

KS3 Rainforests Recap Sheet
This recap sheet is aimed at those studying Rainforests at Key Stage 3 as a mid-topic revision activity. It covers the key topic content, including plant and animal adaptations, layers of the rainforest, climate and deforestation.
Perfect to be given as a homework, medium-length activity or to structure a revision lesson around.

Geography Christmas Lesson
A Geographer’s Christmas is aimed at KS2 and Year 7 students, identifying countries around the world and their Christmas traditions. Perfect for the end of the term!
Resource pack includes all worksheets and short slideshow with tasks.
Merry Christmas!