Here’s my Exploring Numbers Around Us worksheet.
This is a simple counting activity that encouraged children to think about numbers in real world context such as counting up children in the class of the numbers that are important to them.
There are two worksheets included:
Numbers in ME! which encourages children to think about the numbers that are special to them such as their age or their birthday
Numbers in my Classroom! which encourages children to think about the numbers in their classroom such as the number of children with brown hair.
This product was one of my first and I’m super happy with how it turned out. I hope to update it to include other representations of numbers as ten frames aren’t often used in the UK.
Here’s my Back to School Freebie ’ My Exciting Summer’.
This is a simple writing activity that can be used from EYFS up to Year Six for students to either write about their summer or engage in some creative writing and create their own exciting summer.
It’s been differentiated on 4 levels
Just a drawing space for EYFS or Y1 (LA)
A drawing and blank writing space for EYFS or Y1 (LA) - pictured
A drawing space and a small lined writing space for EYFS (MA) and Y1 (LA)
A drawing space and a larger lined writing space for EYFS (MA) and Y1
A half page drawing space and a half space writing space for EYFS (HA) and Years 1 (MA) - pictured
Of course, this is just a rough guideline and these templates can be used across the Primary Key Stages
Hello. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you like what you see!
These ‘meeting Numbers 1 to 10’ Display Sheets can be used to display on a maths working wall or even laminated to use as part of a Maths Rotation or even just to have for students to relate back to during lessons.
Each sheet has a ditty that can be used to teach EYFS to write the numbers as well as the numbers in a dotted font for tracing. There are also nine different ways to show each number that children can practice independently or under direction.
Write it
Trace it
Draw it
Ten Frame it
Roll it
Numicon it
Base Ten it
Stack it
Domino it