A knowledge organiser to support the teaching of the new RED Desert to Garden unit for the new Religious Education Directory ‘To know you more clearly’
A fully resourced Yr 8 Creation and Covenant Sceme of Work fully compliant with the new RED.
Links to Liturgial Year and Reflection Time to support CSI.
Lesson list
Genesis 3
Original SIn
The Decalogue
Greatest Commandment
Essential Knowledge Checker - Peer Marked with self reflection to meet Ofsted requirements
The Rite of Baptism
Baptism Role play lesson (in prayer room/Chapel - Chaplain led, supports CSI )
The importance of Baptism
Imago Dei
Love Thy Neighbour
Just War and Pacifism
Is it ever ok to break the law (Nelson Mandela) with an opportunity for an extended piece of writing
Year 8 Desert to Garden curriculum
Fully compliant with new RED ‘know you more clearly’
Lesson 1 - Lent
Lesson 2 - Cultural Practices of Lent
Lesson 3 - The Passion of Jesus, Mark
Lesson 4 - The Suffering Servant
Lesson 5 - The Easter Triduum
Lesson 6 - EKC
Lesson 7 - The Problem of Evil and Suffering
Lesson 8 - Old Testament Evil and Suffering
Lesson 9 - Can good come from suffering
Lesson 10 - evaluation Question
Lesson 11 - Reconcilation
Lesson 12 - The Mizen Family
Lesson 1 - Covenant of Sinai
Lesson 2 - Temple of Jerusalem
Lesson 3 - The New Covenant
Lesson 4 - The Covenant today
Lesson 5 - The Lamb of God
Lesson 6 - EKC
Lesson 7 - Sacrament of Reconciliation
Lesson 8 - The Challenge of forgiveness
Lesson 9 - Capital Punishment
Lesson 10 - Evaluation Question
Lesson 11 - Justice and Peace
Lesson 12 - Pax Christi