
Evaluate the microeconomic effects of an indirect tax on soft drinks - Economics A* 25-marker Essay
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
-Q) Evaluate the microeconomic effects of an indirect tax on soft drinks.

Evaluate why firms participate in collusive behaviour - Economics A* 25-marker Essay
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
-Q) Evaluate why some firms participate in collusive behaviour. Refer to an industry of your choice.

The use of indirect taxes - Economics A* Answer
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
Discuss the use of indirect taxes in reducing the use disposable coffee cups (8)

Discuss the benefit of aid to a country of your choice - Economics A* Answer
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
Discuss the benefit of aid to a country of your choice (12 marks)

Price and non-price strategies to increase profitability - Economics A* Answer
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
Discuss the price and non-price strategies that a firm of your choice could use to increase profitability (12 marks)

The role of the financial sector in developing countries - Economics A* Answer
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
Discuss the role of the financial sector in developing countries (15 marks)

Government policies to reduce the negative effects of globalisation - Economics A* Answer
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
Discuss policies that a government could use to reduce the negative externalities of globalisation (12 marks)

The effect of regulating profits on economics agents - Economics A* Answer
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
Assess how the regulation of profits will affect economics agents in a market of your choice (10 marks)

Policies to reduce labour immobility -Economics A* Answer
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
Discuss policies that firms and government could implement to reduce labour immobility and benefit a market of your choice (15 marks)

Increasing competition in an Oligopolistic market of your choice - Economics A* Answer
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
Discuss how competition could be increased in an Oligopolistic market of your choice. (12 marks)

Discuss the effects on the UK economy of reducing subsidies to farmers - Economics A* Answer (25)
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
Discuss the micro and macroeconomic effects on the UK economy of reducing subsidies to farmers. (25 marks)

The effects of tougher anti-competitive laws to prevent mega mergers - Economics A* Answer(25 marks)
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
Discuss the micro/macroeconomic effects of tougher anti-competitive laws, to prevent mega mergers. (25 marks)

Economics Conditions/Climate - Economics A* Answer - 25 marker - Paper 3
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
-Q) What impacts a firms’ decision to expand or not. Use an example of your choice.

Supply Side Policies - Economics A* Answer - 25 Marker - Paper 3
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
-Q) What are the impacts of supply side policies applied in a country of your choice?

Impacts of a depreciation - Economics A* Answer - 25 marker - Paper 2
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
-Q) What is the impact of a depreciation on the UK economy?

Impacts of High Market Shares on the Economy - A* Economics Answer - 25 Marker - Paper 3
A detailed essay answer for the question . It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
Q) Evaluate whether such a high market share for one company helps the economy or not. Use an example of your choice.

Effects of High Market share on the economy - Economics A* Answer - 25 marker - Paper 1
A detailed essay answer for the question below. It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
-Q) Evaluate whether such a high market share for one company helps the economy or not. Use an example of your choice.