
Responses to a tectonic hazard in 2 different countries - A*/Grade 9 Geography (9 marker)
A GCSE Geography question applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and thorough analysis in order to achieve full marks, for the question below.
Q) Using two named examples, evaluate the effectiveness of the immediate and long-term responses to a tectonic hazard in two countries of contrasting levels of wealth. (9 marks)

Rural - Urban Migration - A*/Grade 9 Geography (multiple 3 and 4 markers)
3 GCSE Geography question applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and thorough analysis in order to achieve full marks, for the questions below.
Q) Suggest reasons for rural-urban migration in NEEs and LICs (4 marks)
Q) Suggest how this migration causes social, economic and environmental problems for urban areas (3 marks)
Q) Suggest how this migration may effect the population left behind in rural areas (3 marks)

The impact of a reservoir on the environment and communities - A*/Grade 9 History (12 marker)
A detailed essay answer for the question . It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
Q) Using an argument, state whether you agree with the statement: ‘Building a reservoir should not go ahead as it will have a devastating impact on the environment and local communities’ (12 marks)

Grade 9/A* Geography Paper 1 - Detailed Notes
An excellent Grade9/A* revision document that explores all of the topics in Geography Paper 1 in detail. The document successfully follows every single point in the GCSE AQA specification for Geography, but has thorough information that is also applicable to any other exam board.

The impact of a reservoir on water insecurity - A*/Grade 9 Geography (9 marker)
A detailed essay answer for the question . It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
Q) Using an example, discuss the statement: ‘Building a reservoir is a suitable sustainable solution to water insecurity’ (9 marks)

Strategies to reduce the development gap - A*/Grade 9 Geography (12 marker)
A detailed essay answer for the question . It gains full marks by applying context, showing sophisticated knowledge and applying thorough analysis.
Q) Using examples, evaluate strategies to reduce the development gap (12 marker)