
AQA GCSE Geography - Paper 1 2019 Feedback lesson
Feedback PowerPoint lesson for the Summer 2019 Paper 1 examination.
Model answers included for some questions.

Park Model of response - A-Level hazards
Two activities included:
Evaluation of the Park model - Students sort the statements into the advantages and disadvantages and add evidence from case studies
Park Model - which stage worksheet
Students decide what stage of the model each statement fits and which case study it comes from - Haiti or 2011 Japanese earthquake

Living World - Revision quiz - Q and A - AQA GCSE Geography
A revision quiz for students to complete individually or in pairs.
Questions and answers included
30 marks available in total

Complete revision resources for the Hazards section of Paper 1 focusing on the Advance Information:
Student work booklet with ppt lessons
Student revision guide for students to use at home.
Case studies and exam questions with mark schemes included.

AQA Geography A-Level - Advance information 2022 Water and Carbon revision guide and workbook
Detailed revision guide and workbook containing notes on the advance information and practice exam questions.

AQA Geography A-Level 2022 Advance information revision - Coasts
Revision guide and student workbook with exam questions, case studies and various activities.

GCSE Geography - Coastal and river landforms sequencing revision cards
16 double-sided landform formation sequencing cards.
Landforms included:
V-shaped valleys and interlocking spurs
Ox-bow lakes
Wave cut platforms
Wave cut notches
Headlands and Bays
Sand dunes
Caves, arches, stacks and stumps.
Instructions for students:
Print out double sided/copy onto your own revision cards.
Practice sequencing the processes involved in the formation of coastal and river landforms – use look, cover, write and repeat until you know them off by heart.

AQA Geography 2022 Paper 1 - PLC
A PLC for students to complete after they have completed the paper 1 exam. Students RAG rate the sections based on their marks for each question.

AQA A-Level Geography - Water and Carbon Cycles revision guide
Detailed revision guide - explicitly linked to the specification.
26 pages in total.
Case studies included.

AQA A Level Geography Hazards Revision work booklet
Revision work booklet for students to use to prepare for the hazards topic in Paper 1 - Physical Geography.
Various activities, exam questions and case studies included.
All clearly linked to the specification.

Water and carbon cycles revision work book
Comprehensive student revision work book with activities, case studies and exam questions.All linked to the specification.

AQA A LEVEL Geography - Global systems and Governance revision guide
Comprehensive revision guide for the AQA A Level Human Geography Topic ‘Global Systems and Governance’.
Explicitly linked to the specification and complete with case studies.

AQA A Level Geography - Coasts - Student Revision Workbook
Revision work booklet for students to use to prepare for the coasts topic in Paper 1 - Physical Geography.
Various activities, exam questions and case studies included.
All clearly linked to the specification.

AQA A Level Geography - Changing Places Student Revision work booklet
Comprehensive revision work book for students to complete to prepare them for the changing places topic in Paper 2, Human Geography.
Various activities for students to complete, exam questions and case studies included.
All sections linked explicitly to the specification.

Changing places revision guide and student work booklet
Comprehensive revision guide and student work booklet.

OCB B Geography - Case study knowledge organiser - Paper 1
5 knowledge organisers covering all of the content for the nine required case studies in Paper 1, Our Natural World.
Case studies of two contrasting natural weather hazard events arising from extreme weather conditions.
A case study of a tectonic event that has been hazardous for people, including specific causes, consequences of and responses to the event.
Explore a range of social, economic and environmental impacts of climate change worldwide
Explore a range of social, economic and environmental impacts of climate change within the UK such as the impact on weather patterns, seasonal changes and changes in industry.
Case study of one coastal landscape to include the study of:
its landforms created by geomorphic processes
the geomorphic processes operating at different scales and how they are influenced by geology and climate
human activity, including management, works in combination with geomorphic processes to impact the landscape
Case study of one river basin to include the study of:
its landforms created by geomorphic processes
the geomorphic processes operating at different scales and how they are influenced by geology and climate
human activity, including management, works in combination with geomorphic processes to impact the landscape.
A case study to illustrate attempts to sustainably manage an area of tropical rainforest, such as ecotourism, at a local or regional scale.
A case study to examine one small-scale example of sustainable management in either the Antarctic or the Arctic.
A case study to examine one global example of sustainable management in either the Antarctic or the Arctic

Revision hexagons - AQA Geography - Climate change, tropical storms and extreme weather in the UK
Students use the key points from the specification in the hexagons to annotate and add revision notes to each area.

Indian Ocean Tsunami - case study lesson Geography
Fully resourced lesson covering:
The causes of the tsunami
The spatial and temporal setting
The impacts
The responses
Includes a double sided case study sheet for students to complete.