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AQA Geography GCSE - Paper 1 revision work booklets

AQA Geography GCSE - Paper 1 revision work booklets

Included in each booket: Knowledge tests after each section of specification content A wide range of different exam questions Structure strips for the 9 mark questions Detailed case study sheets Various activities all linked to the specification to aid students revision Space for DIRT/FIT work Can be set as homework or in class revision


Written using the AQA specification content wording for the 2022 advance information. 28 question and answer revision cards covering the following: Outline the concept of a place. Explain the difference between a sense of place and place perception. Outline how places are important in human life and experience Outline how topography influences the character of a place Outline how physical geography influences the character of a place Outline how land use influences the character of a place Outline how economic characteristics influence the character of a place Outline how endogenous factors shape the character of a place Outline how shifting flows of people can lead to demographic change. Outline how shifting flows of ideas and resources can lead to demographic change. Outline how flows of money and investment can lead to changes in the economic characteristics of a place. Outline how changes in flows of people can influence social inequality . Outline how the characteristics of place are shaped at a regional scale. Outline how the characteristics of place are shaped at a national scale. 15.Outline how the characteristics of place are shaped at an international scale. Outline how past and present connections influence the character of a place. Outline how place marketing is used to change people’s perceptions of a place. 18.Outline how rebranding is used to change people’s perceptions of a place. Outline how re-imaging is used to change people’s perceptions of a place. 20.Outline how corporate bodies influence our perceptions of place. 21.Outline how community or local groups influence our perceptions of place. Outline the difference between a media place and an experienced place. Outline the difference between location and locale. Evaluate the use of census or statistical data in representing a places. Evaluate the use of cartography/maps in representing places. Outline how geospatial data can be used to present place characteristics. Evaluate the use of diverse media in representing place. ‘The changing character of a place over time is more effectively represented by statistical and cartographical sources than artistic sources such as painting, poetry and photography.’ With reference to either your local or distant place, critically assess the extent to which you agree with this statement.
Geography - Weather and climate lessons

Geography - Weather and climate lessons

7 fully resourced lessons suitable for KS3 Geography. A wide range of activities included e.g. crosswords, odd one out tasks, exam questions, worksheets etc. Main activities are differentiated. Lessons include: What is weather and climate? How do we measure weather? How can weather data be presented? What are clouds and why does it rain? What are depressions and anticyclones? What is the climate of the UK? How does climate vary across the world?
Africa - Climate and Biomes lesson - Progress in Geography

Africa - Climate and Biomes lesson - Progress in Geography

Fully resourced lesson. Learning Objectives. To understand the pattern of climate zones and biomes across Africa. To understand some of the features of the savanna biome in Africa. Lots of activities to complete: Students add the biomes to their map of Africa and then answer questions about countries that have these biomes in Africa. Students then complete a climate chart and use the other two on the sheet to work out which biome it belongs to. Students then use the deskmat to complete a mini case study of the savanna biome.
KS3 Geography - Natural resources

KS3 Geography - Natural resources

Fully resourced lessons for introducing natural resources: Lesson 1 - Introduction to natural resources - Earth’s spheres Lesson 2 - What are rocks Lesson 3 - How is coal made? Lesson 4 - Why are soils the root of life? Lesson 5 - How does the biosphere provide natural resources? Lesson 6 - How does the hydrosphere provide natural resources? Lesson 7 - Oil formation Lesson 8 - What natural resources can be used to generate electricity?
AQA Geography GCSE 9-1 - The challenge of natural hazards revision booklet and powerpoints

AQA Geography GCSE 9-1 - The challenge of natural hazards revision booklet and powerpoints

A thorough 50 page revision booklet that I will be using with Year 11 to revise Section A of paper 1. Lessons attached as PowerPoints. Each section of the revision booklet links to each point on the specification. A huge variety of revision tasks included e.g. knowledge tests, exam questions, mark schemes, structure strips, homework and lesson plans. All case study sheets for section A included. Excel league table spreadsheet attached. This booklet could also be set as homework. 8 knowledge tests in total. The lessons should take approximately 15 hours. Please visit my shop for booklets for the other sections of Paper 1 and 2
AQA A Level  - Hazards - 20 lessons

AQA A Level - Hazards - 20 lessons

These fully resourced lessons cover the whole of the hazards topic - introduction to hazards, vulcanicity, seismicity, tropical storms and wildfires. Fully resourced lessons. Included with this bundle: Over 30 hours of lessons Various activities - card sorts, reading tasks, retrieval quizzes, exam questions and mark schemes, multiple choice questions, forms quizzes and lots more.
AQA Geography - The changing UK economy fully resourced lessons

AQA Geography - The changing UK economy fully resourced lessons

A collaboration of lessons created for the ‘Changing UK economy topic’ from the new AQA geography specification. I have included a large range of resources e.g. mysteries, market place tasks, desk mats, dilemmas, case study sheets, mind maps, research tasks, graphs, card sorts and lots more. I have also included practise exam questions to go with each lesson. The lessons are as follows: Lesson 1 - Changes in the UK economy Lesson 2 - A post industrial economy Lesson 3 - UK science and business parks Lesson 4 - Environmental impacts of industry - includes examples Lesson 5 - Changing rural landscapes Lesson 6 - Changing transport infrastructure - roads, ports, airports and railways Lesson 7 - The north south divide Lesson 8 - The UK in the wider world Lesson 9 - The UK in the wider world - EU and commonwealth
GCSE Geography - Coastal and River landforms sequencing revision cards

GCSE Geography - Coastal and River landforms sequencing revision cards

16 double-sided landform formation sequencing cards. Landforms included: V-shaped valleys and interlocking spurs Waterfalls Meanders Ox-bow lakes Floodplains Levees Wave cut platforms Wave cut notches Headlands and Bays Sand dunes Spits Bars Caves, arches, stacks and stumps. Instructions for students: Print out double sided/copy onto your own revision cards. Practice sequencing the processes involved in the formation of coastal and river landforms – use look, cover, write and repeat until you know them off by heart.