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WJEC/Eduqas GSCE Sociology- Families revision lesson  2.3  Social changes and family relationships s

WJEC/Eduqas GSCE Sociology- Families revision lesson 2.3 Social changes and family relationships s

A fully resourced revision lesson on the 2.3 Social changes and family relationships section of the families unit. Students have a mind map to complete using the powerpoint, Exam questions and mark schemes also included. The lesson covers the following from the specification: Changes in social norms, secularisation, values and laws, feminism economic factors, technology and their impact on: segregated and joint conjugal roles, symmetrical families, domestic division of labour New Man decision making / money management dual career families leisure activities theory of symmetrical family and principle of stratified diffusion, developed from the functionalist perspective of Willmott and Young child-rearing patterns and child-centred families ‘boomerang’ children ‘sandwich’ generation
Eduqas/WJEC Families revision ppt and worksheet - 2.2 Social changes and family structures

Eduqas/WJEC Families revision ppt and worksheet - 2.2 Social changes and family structures

A fully resources revision lesson on 2.2 Social changes and family structures of the Eduqas GCSE sociology specification. The resource includes revision sheets for students complete and an accompanying revision powerpoint with the answers. Exam question and markscheme is included. Content covered: Specification content covered today: Changes in social norms, secularisation, values and laws, feminism, economic factors, technology and immigration and their impact on: Family diversity, including the work of Rapoports divorce rates and serial monogamy cohabitation, single parent families, later age of marriage singlehood family size
WJEC/Eduqas GCSE Sociology Families - Family forms revision lesson

WJEC/Eduqas GCSE Sociology Families - Family forms revision lesson

Fully resourced revision lesson on 2.1 Family forms. Includes revision notes on the following: what is a family?  nuclear family, extended family, reconstituted family, lone parent family, single sex family, cohabiting family, beanpole family  ethnic minority family forms  global family forms including polygamy, arranged marriages  one-child family policy in China Students complete the revision sheets. The content is on each of the slides on the powerpoint. 4 exam questions with markschemes included.
WJEC/EDUQAS Sociology Families revision sheet - 2.2 Social changes and family structure

WJEC/EDUQAS Sociology Families revision sheet - 2.2 Social changes and family structure

Revision sheets covering area 2.2 of the Eduqas specification - social changes and family structure: changes in social norms, secularisation, values and laws, feminism, economic factors, technology and immigration and their impact on o family diversity, including the work of Rapoports o divorce rates and serial monogamy o cohabitation, single parent families, later age of marriage o singlehood o family size Exam questions included.
WJEC/EDUQAS Sociology Families revision sheet - 2.1 Family forms

WJEC/EDUQAS Sociology Families revision sheet - 2.1 Family forms

A two page revision sheet and exam questions for students to complete covering area 2.1 Family forms and the following areas of the specification: what is a family?  nuclear family, extended family, reconstituted family, lone parent family, single sex family, cohabiting family, beanpole family  ethnic minority family forms  global family forms including polygamy, arranged marriages  one-child family policy in China 4 exam questions included.
AQA Geography 2025 Final revision - Paper 1 areas not examined for some time

AQA Geography 2025 Final revision - Paper 1 areas not examined for some time

Revision work booklet and fully resourced powerpoints for the 2025 exams. The content is based on areas not examined in the last 3 years so assuming they are more likely to come up this year. There are seven powerpoints in total, a revision work book with tasks and exam questions linked to these areas. Also included are knowledge tests that will be set as homework on the case studies that haven’t been examined yet/haven’t come up for a while. The content should take approximately 8 hours to cover.
AQA Geography Lagos revision lesson and revision sheet

AQA Geography Lagos revision lesson and revision sheet

A fully resourced revision lesson covering Lagos as a NEE city. Starter - Identify the case studies linked with the specification and add them to a World map. Main - revision sheet to be completed using the information on the slides. I have tried to limit the amount of place specific detail for each area of the specification to 3 points so it is not too much to take in. Revision sheet should be printed on A3 paper.
AQA Geography Unfamiliar fieldwork quiz

AQA Geography Unfamiliar fieldwork quiz

33 multiple choice questions covering the unfamiliar fieldwork section of Paper 3. Answers can be found at the end. Includes; stages of the enquiry, types of data, graphs, maps, measures of central tendancy, past exam question examples etc.
AQA Geography Paper 3 Fieldwork 2024 - 23 Editable Questions and Answers for Familiar fieldwork

AQA Geography Paper 3 Fieldwork 2024 - 23 Editable Questions and Answers for Familiar fieldwork

23 questions and answers for questions that have been examined/never examined for Paper 3. This is based on our physical and human fieldwork completed in Hunstanton. You can edit them to suit your schools requirements. The questions with stars next to them are our preditions for 2024 (areas not examined for some time/ever) We get our students to learn the answers to the responses.
KS3 Geography - Progress in Geography - Rivers - Lesson 2 - The water cycle

KS3 Geography - Progress in Geography - Rivers - Lesson 2 - The water cycle

Fully resourced lessons covering the content from the Progress in Geography Rivers second lesson on how water flows to rivers. This resource includes a variety of different activities: Video - Focus on careers - students complete a careers case study sheet for a hydrologist. Water cycle - Activity sheet - 2 activities included. Links between the spheres task Water cycle poem task.


I have looked at past papers and focused this revision on areas of the specification not examined yet/recently. This is for the AQA Geography GCSE exam on 5th June 2024. I have also included a booklet for students to complete that goes alongside the powerpoint. Information from powerpoint has also been summarised for students using knowledge organisers so they can learn the content at home.