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Halloween Long Multiplication Worksheet

Halloween Long Multiplication Worksheet

15 Long Multiplications to find the answer to “How does Frankenstein Get Around?” These are all 3 digit by 3 digit Students calculate the answers to the multiplications and arrange the letters next to each, in ascending order of answers. This will spell out the puzzle answer. Answers are included LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they cannot be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Treasure Hunt - Adding and Subtracting Decimals

Treasure Hunt - Adding and Subtracting Decimals

Treasure hunt for adding and subtracting decimals (10 of each) Instructions Print off the twenty question pages and put them up around the room Each question is in the middle of the page and the solution is at the top of another page. A student begins on a given question, solves it and finds the answer on another sheet. The question on this sheet will be the next question they answer. Once they have answered all twenty, they will return to their starting question Depending on numbers, students can all start on different questions There is a student answer sheet included plus the correct sequence LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they cannot be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Product and Quotient Rules

Product and Quotient Rules

Differentiating using the product and quotient rules. Follows on from the chain rule and only looks at expressions involving powers of x. I always teach this before I move on to differentiating trigonometric functions, logs and exponentials so I can include more complex expressions. There are 20 questions which are quite meaty which could be split over two lessons, one for product and one for quotient. There are questions on finding equations of normals and tangents at the end. Worked solutions are included and also a black and white version
Christmas Algebra Puzzles

Christmas Algebra Puzzles

12 grid puzzles with a Christmas Theme. In each one, the pictures represent different numbers and the totals of each row and column are given. Later ones require more problem solving and totals are needed to be found.
Implicit Differentiation

Implicit Differentiation

Worksheet on implicit differentiation Include questions on finding gradients, the equations of tangents and normals and finding stationary points. Worked solutions included for ease with marking and/or sharing with students.
Differentiation from First Principles

Differentiation from First Principles

Calculus - Differentiation from first principles Questions on differentiating powers of x from first principles. Increase in difficulty with a juicy proof at the end. Answers are included in the form of my worked solutions
Simplifying Algebraic Fractions Treasure Hunt

Simplifying Algebraic Fractions Treasure Hunt

Place the 20 questions around the room. Students can start on different ones. They will find the answer on top of another question sheet. They move around the room finally returning to the question they started with. An answer key is included for easy assessment
Trigonometry - finding missing sides Treasure Hunt

Trigonometry - finding missing sides Treasure Hunt

Use this Treasure / Scavenger Hunt after teaching finding missing side lengths using trigonometry. I have included all three trigonometric ratios (sine, cosine and tangent). There are a mixture of difficulty. The are questions on finding opposite, adjacent and hypotenuse so in some cases students will need to divide by the trigonometric ratio. Instructions Print off the twenty question pages and put them up around the room Each question is in the middle of the page and the solution is at the top of another page. Answers are correct to two decimal places where appropriate A student begins on a given question, solves it and finds the answer on another sheet. The question on this sheet will be the next question they answer. Once they have answered all twenty, they will return to their starting question Depending on numbers, students can all start on different questions There is a student answer sheet included plus the correct sequence
Differentiating logarithms and exponentials - Treasure Hunt

Differentiating logarithms and exponentials - Treasure Hunt

Use this Treasure / Scavenger Hunt to practice differentiating logarithms and exponentials. Also practices the product rule, quotient rule, chain rule and rules of logarithms Instructions Print off the twenty question pages and put them up around the room Each question is in the middle of the page and the solution is at the top of another page. Answers are correct to two decimal places where appropriate A student begins on a given question, solves it and finds the answer on another sheet. The question on this sheet will be the next question they answer. Once they have answered all twenty, they will return to their starting question Depending on numbers, students can all start on different questions There is a student answer sheet included plus the correct sequence
Differentiation - Optimisation

Differentiation - Optimisation

Calculus worksheet and worked solutions are included. This uses finding derivatives of functions to find maximum and minimum points in the context of practical problems. For example, a manufacturer wants a cardboard box to have volume of 500 cm^3 but wants to minimise the amount of cardboard used.